Rabbanaaa aatina fid dunyaa hasanatanw wa fil aakhirati hasanatanw wa qinaa azaaban Naar
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Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.
Rabbanaaa aatina fid dunyaa hasanatanw wa fil aakhirati hasanatanw wa qinaa azaaban Naar
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There is a story of a very rich man who died. At his funereal, a colleague asked, “I wonder how much he left?” to which someone replied, “I believe he left it all.” We need to be wiser in our pursuits, being money motivated is fine. Wanting financial security for you and your family’s well-being is an honorable mission. It’s when you’re only motivated by money that it becomes a problem. Seeking enjoyment is fine, Allah does not say we are forbidden from seeking halal pleasures. In Surah Rahman, Allah repeatedly says, fabia ala i rabbikuma tukadzibanmeaning, “So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?” (Surah Rahman Ayat 13) referring to the many gifts he left for us on earth. The problems arise when you only live for pleasure and forget your duty towards Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Remember we can have all the wealth, children, friends, and status but when we leave this earth all the things which we worked tirelessly for will cease to matter. All the power and influence we seek to hold and covet will be useless. Money and power is only an instrument to create change and it would be wise for us to acquire it to do good and leave a legacy that says we served humanity well just as we learned Prophet Sulaiman (as) did. In the end, the only account that matters will be the account of your deeds. When we make du’a let us not only be driven by short-sighted requests, it is better for us to ask for both good in this life but to also remember and ask to receive good in the afterlife. That’s the beauty contained within this du’a.
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