Surah Al-Hijr Ayat 65 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 65
So set out with your family during a portion of the night and follow behind them and let not anyone among you look back and continue on to where you are commanded.”
“Then travel by night with thy household, when a portion of the night (yet remains), and do thou bring up the rear: let no one amongst you look back, but pass on whither ye are ordered.”
So set out with your family in a watch of the night, and keep yourself behind them, and no one of you may turn around, and keep going ahead as you have been commanded.”
“Then travel in a part of the night with your family, and you go behind them in the rear, and let no one amongst you look back, but go on to where you are ordered.”
So travel with thy household in a portion of the night, and follow thou their backs. Let none of you turn round, but go whither ye are commanded.
So set forth with your family in a watch of the night and closely follow after them in the rear, and let not any of you turn round; and pass away to (the place) where you are commanded.”
so leave in the dead of the night with your household, and walk behind them. Let none of you look back. Go where you are commanded.’
اب تو اپنے خاندان سمیت اس رات کے کسی حصہ میں چل دے اور آپ ان کے پیچھے رہنا، اور (خبردار) تم میں سے کوئی (پیچھے) مڑکر بھی نہ دیکھے اور جہاں کا تمہیں حکم کیا جارہا ہے وہاں چلے جانا
Quran 15 Verse 65 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-Hijr ayat 65, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(15:65) So set out with your family in a watch of the night, and keep yourself behind them,[37] and no one of you may turn around,[38] and keep going ahead as you have been commanded.”
37. That is, you should walk behind your people lest anyone of them should stay behind.
38. It did not mean: “look not behind thee, lest thou be consumed,” as stated in the Bible. But it merely meant to warn them: None of you should turn round to see what was happening behind them lest you should stop to see when you heard the cries of the smitten people. For it is neither the time nor the place viewing the destruction nor shedding tears of regret. If you stop even for a minute in the territory of the smitten people you also might get hurt from the rain of stones.
65. “Then travel for a portion of the night with your family, and you go behind them in the rear, and let no one amongst you look back, but go on to where you are ordered.” 66. And We made this decree known to him that those (sinners) would be rooted out in the early morning.
Allah tells us that His angels ordered Lut to set out after part of the night had passed. They told him to walk behind them, to protect them. Similarly, the Messenger of Allah would walk in the rear of the army on military campaigns, in order to help the weak and carry those who had no means of transport.
(and let no one amongst you look back,) meaning – when you hear the people screaming from their torment, do not turn around to look at them; leave them to face whatever punishment and vengeance is coming to them.
(but go on to where you are ordered.) – it is as if they had a guide with them to show them the way.
(And We made this decree known to him) meaning – We already told him about that.
(that those (sinners) would be rooted out in the early morning.) meaning in the morning, as in another Ayah:
(Indeed, morning is their appointed time. Is not the morning near) ﴿11:81﴾
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