Surah Qalam Ayat 43 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 43
Their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them. And they used to be invited to prostration while they were sound.
Their eyes will be cast down,- ignominy will cover them; seeing that they had been summoned aforetime to bow in adoration, while they were whole, (and had refused).
Their eyes shall be downcast and ignominy shall overwhelm them. For when they were safe and sound, they were summoned to prostrate themselves, (and they refused).
Their eyes will be cast down, ignominy will cover them; they used to be called to prostrate (offer prayers), while they were healthy and good (in the life of the world, but they did not).
With eyes downcast, abasement stupefying them. And they had been summoned to prostrate themselves while they were yet unhurt.
Submissive will be their be holdings, (i.e., gazes) humbleness oppressing them. And they had been already called to prostrate themselves while (Literally: and) they were safe.
and their eyes will be downcast and they will be overwhelmed with shame: they were invited to prostrate themselves when they were safe [but refused].
نگاہیں نیچی ہوں گی اور ان پر ذلت و خواری چھارہی ہوگی، حاﻻنکہ یہ سجدے کے لیے (اس وقت بھی) بلائے جاتے تھے جب کہ صحیح سالم تھے
Quran 68 Verse 43 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Qalam ayat 43, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(68:43) Their eyes shall be downcast and ignominy shall overwhelm them. For when they were safe and sound, they were summoned to prostrate themselves, (and they refused).[25]
25. It means: On the Resurrection Day it will be openly and publicly demonstrated as to who in the world had actually worshiped Allah and who was disinclined to do so. For this purpose the people will be called upon to prostrate themselves before Allah. Then, those who had been sincerely worshiping Allah in the world would prostrate themselves, and those who had declined to bow before Him in the world would be unable to do so. It will become impossible for them to put up a false show of being worshipers. Therefore, they will remain standing, degraded and downcast with shame.
The tafsir of Surah Qalam verse 43 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Qalam ayat 42 which provides the complete commentary from verse 42 through 47.
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