Surah Fatir Ayat 1 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 1
[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Creator of the heavens and the earth, [who] made the angels messengers having wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.
Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four (pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things.
All praise be to Allah, the Fashioner of the heavens and earth, Who appointed angels as His message bearers, having two, three, four wings. He adds to His creation whatever He pleases. Verily Allah has power over everything.
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the (only) Originator [or the (only) Creator] of the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels messengers with wings, – two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things.
Praise be to Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who appointeth the angels messengers having wings two, three and four. He multiplieth in creation what He will. Lo! Allah is Able to do all things.
Praise be to Allah, The Originator (Literally: The Renderer) of the heavens and the earth, The Maker of the Angels (as) Messengers endowed with wings, two, three and four. (Literally: in twos and in therrs, and in fours) He increases in creation as He decides; surely Allah is EverDeterminer over everything.
Praise be to God, Creator of the heavens and earth, who made angels messengers with two, three, four [pairs of] wings. He adds to creation as He will: God has power over everything.
اس اللہ کے لئے تمام تعریفیں سزاوار ہیں جو (ابتداءً) آسمانوں اور زمین کا پیدا کرنے واﻻ اور دو دو تین تین چار چار پروں والے فرشتوں کو اپنا پیغمبر (قاصد) بنانے واﻻ ہے، مخلوق میں جو چاہے زیادتی کرتا ہے اللہ تعالیٰ یقیناً ہر چیز پر قادر ہے
Quran 35 Verse 1 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Fatir ayat 1, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(35:1) All praise be to Allah, the Fashioner of the heavens and earth, Who appointed angels[1] as His message bearers, having two, three, four wings.[2] He adds to His creation whatever He pleases.[3] Verily Allah has power over everything.
.1 This can have two meanings:
(1) That these angels perform the service of communicating messages between Allah and His Prophets.
(2) That it is the duty of these angels to convey and enforce the commands of Allah Almighty throughout the universe.
The object is to impress this truth: The position of the angels whom the polytheists have made their gods and goddesses is no more than of obedient servants of Allah, the One. Just as the servants of a king run about for the implementation of his orders, so do these angels fly about in the service of the real Sovereign of the Universe. These servants have no authority of their own; All powers rest with Allah, Who is the real Sovereign.
2. We have no means of knowing what is the nature of the wings of these angels. But when Allah has used this word, which in human language is used for the wings of birds, instead of any other words, to express and depict the truth, one can certainly conclude that this very word of our language is nearest to the actual meaning. The mention of two and three and four pairs of the wings shows that different angels have been granted different degrees of powers by Allah. They have been equipped with different powers of speed and efficiency as demanded by the nature of service for which they arc employed.
3. These words show that the number of the wings of the angels is restricted to four, but Allah has provided some angels with more wings than four. According to a Hadith related by Abdullah bin Masud, the Prophet (peace be upon him) once saw the Angel Gabriel with six hundred wings. (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi). Aishah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had seen Gabriel twice in his real form: he had six hundred wings and had covered the entire horizon (Tirmidhi).
1. All praise is due to Allah, Fatir of the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels messengers with wings, two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things.
Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “I did not know what Fatir As-Samawati wal-Ard meant until two bedouins came to me disputing over a well. One of them said to his companion, `Ana Fatartuha,’ meaning, `I started it.”’ Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, also said,
(Fatir of the heavens and the earth,) means, “The Originator of the heavens and the earth.” Ad-Dahhak said, “Every time the phrase Fatir As-Samawati wal-Ard is used in the Qur’an, it means the Creator of the heavens and the earth.”
(Who made the angels messengers) means, between Him and His Prophets.
with wings means, with which they fly to convey quickly that which they have been commanded to convey.
two or three or four. means, among them are some who have two wings, some have three and some who have four. Some have more than that, as stated in the Hلad0th mentioning that the Messenger of Alla0h saw Jibr0l, peace be upon him, on the Night of the Isra0 with six hundred wings. Between each pair of wings was a distance like that between the east and the west. Alla0h says:
(He increases in creation what He wills. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things.) As-Suddi said, “He increases their wings and creates them as He wills.”
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