Surah Fatir Ayat 40 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 40
Say, “Have you considered your ‘partners’ whom you invoke besides Allah? Show me what they have created from the earth, or have they partnership [with Him] in the heavens? Or have We given them a book so they are [standing] on evidence therefrom? [No], rather, the wrongdoers do not promise each other except delusion.”
Say: “Have ye seen (these) ‘Partners’ of yours whom ye call upon besides Allah? Show Me what it is they have created in the (wide) earth. Or have they a share in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book from which they (can derive) clear (evidence)?- Nay, the wrong-doers promise each other nothing but delusions.
Say to them (O Prophet): “Have you ever seen those of your associates upon whom you call apart from Allah? Show me what have they created in the earth? Or do they have any partnership (with Allah) in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book so that they have a clear proof (for associating others with Allah in His Divinity)?” Nay, what these wrong-doers promise each other is nothing but delusion.
Say (O Muhammad SAW): “Tell me or inform me (what) do you think about your (socalled) partnergods to whom you call upon besides Allah, show me, what they have created of the earth? Or have they any share in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book, so that they act on clear proof therefrom? Nay, the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.) promise one another nothing but delusions.”
Say: Have ye seen your partner-gods to whom ye pray beside Allah? Show me what they created of the earth! Or have they any portion in the heavens? Or have We given them a scripture so they act on clear proof therefrom? Nay, the evil-doers promise one another only to deceive.
Say, “Have you seen your associates whom you invoke apart from Allah? Show me what they created of the earth. Or even have they an associating in the heavens? Or even have We brought them a Book so that they are upon supreme evidence from it?” No indeed, (but) decidedly the unjust promise one another (Literally: some of them promise some (others) nothing except delusion.
Say, ‘Consider those “partners” of yours that you call upon beside God. Show me! What part of the earth did they create? What share of the heavens do they possess?’ Have We given them a book that contains clear evidence? No indeed! The idolaters promise each other only delusion.
آپ کہیئے! کہ تم اپنے قرارداد شریکوں کا حال تو بتلاؤ جن کو تم اللہ کے سوا پوجا کرتے ہو۔ یعنی مجھ کو یہ بتلاؤ کہ انہوں نے زمین میں سے کون سا (جزو) بنایا ہے یا ان کا آسمانوں میں کچھ ساجھا ہے یا ہم نے ان کو کوئی کتاب دی ہے کہ یہ اس کی دلیل پر قائم ہوں، بلکہ یہ ﻇالم ایک دوسرے سے نرے دھوکے کی باتوں کا وعده کرتے آتے ہیں
Quran 35 Verse 40 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Fatir ayat 40, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(35:40) Say to them (O Prophet): “Have you ever seen those of your associates [66] upon whom you call apart from Allah? Show me what have they created in the earth? Or do they have any partnership (with Allah) in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book so that they have a clear proof (for associating others with Allah in His Divinity)?”[67] Nay, what these wrong-doers promise each other is nothing but delusion.[68]
66. “Associates of yours”, because they are not in fact the associates of Allah, but the ones whom the polytheists themselves have made associates of Allah.
67. That is, do they possess a written sanction from Us in which We might have indicated that We have given such and such persons the powers to heal the sick, or to get jobs for the jobless, or to fulfill needs of the needy, or that We have made such and such beings Our representatives in such and such parts of the earth and now it is in their hands to make or mar the destinies of the people of those parts; therefore, Our servants now should pray to them and present gifts and offerings before them, and for whatever blessings they receive they should thank those demigods only? If you possess any such sanction, produce it. And if you have no such sanction, you should consider on what grounds you have invented these polytheistic creeds and practices. When you are asked as to what sign is there in the heavens and the earth that may point to your self invented gods as being God’s associates, you cannot point out any. When you are asked to produce any divine sanction from any Book of Allah, or from your own possession, or from the possession of your self-invented gods, which may testify to God s having Himself delegated to them those powers which you assign to them, you do not produce any. What then is the basis of your these creeds and concepts? Are you the owners of the divine rights and powers that you may assign and distribute them to whomsoever you please?
68. That is, these religious guides, saints, priests, sorcerers, preachers and attendants of shrines and their agents are fooling the people for selfish motives, and are concocting stories to give them false hopes that if they became the followers of such and such personalities, apart from God, they would have all their wishes and needs fulfilled in the world, and all their sins, no matter-how grave and numerous, forgiven by Allah in the Hereafter.
40. Say: “Have you considered your partners whom you call upon besides Allah Show Me, what they have created of the earth. Or have they any share in the heavens Or have We given them a Book, so that they act on clear proof therefrom Nay, the wrongdoers promise one another nothing but delusions.” 41. Verily, Allah grasps the heavens and the earth lest they should move away from their places, and if they were to move away from their places, there is not one that could grasp them after Him. Truly, He is Ever Most Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.
Allah tells His Messenger to say to the idolators:
(Have you considered your partners whom you call upon besides Allah) the idols and rivals.
(Show Me what they have created of the earth. Or have they any share in the heavens) meaning, they have nothing at all of that, they do not possess even the membrane covering the stone of a date.
(Or have We given them a Book, so that they act on clear proof therefrom) meaning, `have We revealed to them a Book on which they base their Shirk and disbelief’ This is not the case at all.
(Nay, the wrongdoers promise one another nothing but delusions.) means, they are merely following their own whims, opinions and wishes which are their personal desires, and they are no more than misguidance and falsehood. Then Allah tells us of His mighty power, by which the heavens and the earth stand by His command, and the forces that He has placed between them to hold them. He says:
(Verily, Allah grasps the heavens and the earth lest they should move away from their places,) means, lest they should shift from where they are. This is like the Ayat:
(He withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except by His leave) (22:65), and
(And among His signs is that the heaven and the earth stand by His command) (30:25).
(and if they were to move away from their places, there is not one that could grasp them after Him.) means, no one can make them stay and preserve them except Him. He is Ever Most Forbearing and Oft-Forgiving because He sees His servants disbelieving in Him and disobeying Him, yet He is patient and gives them time, He waits and does not hasten the punishment, and He conceals the faults of others and forgives them. He says:
(Truly, He is Ever Most Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.)
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