Surah Al-Imran Ayat 20 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 20
So if they argue with you, say, “I have submitted myself to Allah [in Islam], and [so have] those who follow me.” And say to those who were given the Scripture and [to] the unlearned, “Have you submitted yourselves?” And if they submit [in Islam], they are rightly guided; but if they turn away – then upon you is only the [duty of] notification. And Allah is Seeing of [His] servants.
So if they dispute with thee, say: “I have submitted My whole self to Allah and so have those who follow me.” And say to the People of the Book and to those who are unlearned: “Do ye (also) submit yourselves?” If they do, they are in right guidance, but if they turn back, Thy duty is to convey the Message; and in Allah’s sight are (all) His servants.
And if they remonstrate with you, tell them: ‘I have submitted my whole being to Allah, and so have those who follow me.’ And ask the People of the Book as well as those who follow no heavenly Scripture: ‘Have you also submitted (to Allah)?’ If they have submitted to Him, they are indeed on the right way but if they deviate from submitting to Allah, then your duty is merely to deliver the message. Allah observes the affairs of His servants.
So if they dispute with you (Muhammad SAW) say: “I have submitted myself to Allah (in Islam), and (so have) those who follow me.” And say to those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and to those who are illiterates (Arab pagans): “Do you (also) submit yourselves (to Allah in Islam)?” If they do, they are rightly guided; but if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message; and Allah is All-Seer of (His) slaves.
And if they argue with thee, (O Muhammad), say: I have surrendered my purpose to Allah and (so have) those who follow me. And say unto those who have received the Scripture and those who read not: Have ye (too) surrendered? If they surrender, then truly they are rightly guided, and if they turn away, then it is thy duty only to convey the message (unto them). Allah is Seer of (His) bondmen.
So, in case they argue with you, then say, “I have surrendered my face to Allah and whoever closely follows me (has surrendered his face to Allah).” And say to the ones to whom the Book was brought and to the common folk, (The pagans) “Have you surrendered (too)?” So, in case they have surrendered, then they are (rightly) guided; and in case they turn away, then surely you have only the proclamation (of the Message). And Allah is Ever-Beholding of (His) bondmen.
if they argue with you [Prophet], say, ‘I have devoted myself to God alone and so have my followers.’ Ask those who were given the Scripture, as well as those without one, ‘Do you too devote yourselves to Him alone?’ If they do, they will be guided, but if they turn away, your only duty is to convey the message. God is aware of His servants.
پھر بھی اگر یہ آپ سے جھگڑیں توآپ کہہ دیں کہ میں اور میرے تابعداروں نے اللہ تعالیٰ کے سامنے اپنا سر تسلیم خم کر دیا ہے اور اہل کتاب سے اور انپڑھ لوگوں سے کہہ دیجیئے! کہ کیا تم بھی اطاعت کرتے ہو؟ پس اگر یہ بھی تابعدار بن جائیں تو یقیناً ہداہت والے ہیں اور اگر یہ روگردانی کریں، تو آپ پر صرف پہنچا دینا ہے اور اللہ بندوں کو خوب دیکھ بھال رہا ہے
Quran 3 Verse 20 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Imran ayat 20, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(3:20) And if they remonstrate with you, tell them: ‘I have submitted my whole being to Allah, and so have those who follow me.’ And ask the People of the Book as well as those who follow no heavenly Scripture: ‘Have you also submitted (to Allah)?’[18] If they have submitted to Him, they are indeed on the right way but if they deviate from submitting to Allah, then your duty is merely to deliver the message. Allah observes the affairs of His servants.
18. The Prophet (peace be on him) is asked to tell them in effect: I and my followers have embraced the original, unadulterated Islam which is the true religion enjoined by God. Tell us, now, if you are prepared to give up the accretions introduced by your forefathers, and embrace this original, true religion?’
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 20 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 18 which provides the complete commentary from verse 18 through 20.
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