Surah Al-Imran Ayat 95 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 95
Say, “Allah has told the truth. So follow the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth; and he was not of the polytheists.”
Say: “Allah speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the sane in faith; he was not of the Pagans.”
Say: ‘Whatever Allah has said is true. Follow, then, the way of Abraham in total devotion to Allah. He was not one of those who associate others with Allah in His divinity.
Say (O Muhammad SAW): “Allah has spoken the truth; follow the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham) Hanifa (Islamic Monotheism, i.e. he used to worship Allah Alone), and he was not of Al-Mushrikun.” (See V. 2:105)
Say: Allah speaketh truth. So follow the religion of Abraham, the upright. He was not of the idolaters.
Say, ” Allah has (spoken) sincerely, so closely follow the creed of Ibrahîm, (Abraham) the unswervingly (upright) (i.e., veering away from idolatry) and in no way was he one of the associators.” (i.e., those who associate others with Allah)
[Prophet], say, ‘God speaks the truth, so follow Abraham’s religion: he had true faith and he was never an idolater.’
کہہ دیجئے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ سچا ہے تم سب ابراہیم حنیف کے ملت کی پیروی کرو، جو مشرک نہ تھے
Quran 3 Verse 95 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Imran ayat 95, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(3:95) Say: ‘Whatever Allah has said is true. Follow, then, the way of Abraham in total devotion to Allah. He was not one of those who associate others with Allah in His divinity.[78]
78. The Jews had enmeshed themselves in legalistic minutiae and these had become their major concern. They had abandoned service to the One True God and had allowed their religious life to become corrupted by polytheism. Instead of attending to the fundamentals of religion they indulged in discussions about questions that had only arisen because of the hair-splitting legalism of their scholars during their centuries of decadence.
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 95 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 95 which provides the complete commentary from verse 93 through 95.
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