Surah Al-Isra Ayat 107 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 107
Say, “Believe in it or do not believe. Indeed, those who were given knowledge before it – when it is recited to them, they fall upon their faces in prostration,
Say: “Whether ye believe in it or not, it is true that those who were given knowledge beforehand, when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration,
Tell them, (O Prophet): “Whether you believe in it, or do not believe,” but when it is recited to those who were given the knowledge before its revelation, they fall down upon their faces in prostration
Say (O Muhammad SAW to them): “Believe in it (the Quran) or do not believe (in it). Verily! Those who were given knowledge before it (the Jews and the Christians like ‘Abdullah bin Salam and Salman Al-Farisi), when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration.”
Say: Believe therein or believe not, lo! those who were given knowledge before it, when it is read unto them, fall down prostrate on their faces, adoring,
Say, “Believe in it or do not believe. Surely the ones who were brought the knowledge even before it, when it is recited to them, collapse upon their faces (Literally: up to the chins) constantly prostrating,
Say, ‘Whether you believe it or not, those who were given knowledge earlier fall down on their faces when it is recited to them,
کہہ دیجئیے! تم اس پر ایمان ﻻؤ یا نہ ﻻؤ جنہیں اس سے پہلے علم دیا گیا ہے ان کے پاس تو جب بھی اس کی تلاوت کی جاتی ہے تو وه ٹھوڑیوں کے بل سجده میں گر پڑتے ہیں
Quran 17 Verse 107 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-Isra ayat 107, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(17:107) Tell them, (O Prophet): “Whether you believe in it, or do not believe,” but when it is recited to those who were given the knowledge before its revelation,[120] they fall down upon their faces in prostration
120. This refers to those people of the Book who were well versed in the Scriptures and could judge them from their themes and wording.
107. Say: “Believe in it or do not believe (in it). Verily, those who were given knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, fall down on their chins (faces) in humble prostration.” 108. And they say: “Glory be to our Lord! Truly, the promise of our Lord must be fulfilled.” 109. And they fall down on their chins (faces) weeping and it increases their humility.
Allah says to His Prophet Muhammad :
(Say) O Muhammad to these disbelievers concerning what you have brought to them of this Glorious Qur’an:
(“Believe in it (the Qur’an) or do not believe (in it).) meaning, it is all the same whether you believe in it or not, for it is true in and of itself. It was revealed by Allah, Who mentioned it previously in the Books that He revealed to other Messengers. Hence He says:
(Verily, those who were given knowledge before it,) meaning righteous people among the People of the Book, who adhered to their Books and appreciated them without distorting them.
(when it is recited to them,) means, when this Qur’an is recited to them,
(fall down on their chins (faces) in humble prostration. ) means, to Allah, in gratitude for the blessing He has bestowed on them by considering them fit to live until they met this Messenger to whom this Book was revealed. Hence they say:
(Glory be to our Lord!), meaning, they extol and glorify their Lord for His perfect power and for not delaying the fulfillment of the promise which He made through His earlier Prophets, that He would send Muhammad . Hence they said:
(Glory be to our Lord! Truly, the promise of our Lord must be fulfilled.)
(And they fall down on their chins (faces) weeping) means, in submission to Allah, may He be glorified, and in expression of their belief and faith in His Book and His Messenger .
(and it increases their humility.) means, it increases them in faith and submission. As Allah says:
(While as for those who accept guidance, He increases their guidance and bestows on them their Taqwa. ) (47:17).
(And they fall down) is a description rather than an action (i.e., this is a further description of their humility as referred to in Ayah 107; it does not imply that they prostrate twice).
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