Surah Al-Isra Ayat 111 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 111
And say, “Praise to Allah, who has not taken a son and has had no partner in [His] dominion and has no [need of a] protector out of weakness; and glorify Him with [great] glorification.”
Say: “Praise be to Allah, who begets no son, and has no partner in (His) dominion: Nor (needs) He any to protect Him from humiliation: yea, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!”
And say: “All praise be to Allah Who has neither taken to Himself a son, nor has He any partner in His kingdom, nor does He need anyone, out of weakness, to protect Him.” So glorify Him in a manner worthy of His glory.
And say: “All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has not begotten a son (nor an offspring), and Who has no partner in (His) Dominion, nor He is low to have a Wali (helper, protector or supporter). And magnify Him with all the magnificence, [Allahu-Akbar (Allah is the Most Great)].”
And say: Praise be to Allah, Who hath not taken unto Himself a son, and Who hath no partner in the Sovereignty, nor hath He any protecting friend through dependence. And magnify Him with all magnificence.
And say, “Praise be to Allah, Who has not taken to Him a child, and Who has not any associate in the Kingdom, nor any patron out of humbleness.” And magnify Him with all magnificence (i.e., say: Allahu Akbaru Kabîra).
and say, ‘Praise belongs to God, who has no child nor partner in His rule. He is not so weak as to need a protector. Proclaim His limitless greatness!’
اور یہ کہہ دیجیئے کہ تمام تعریفیں اللہ ہی کے لئے ہیں جو نہ اوﻻد رکھتا ہے نہ اپنی بادشاہت میں کسی کو شریک وساجھی رکھتا ہے اور نہ وه کمزور ہے کہ اسے کسی حمایتی کی ضرورت ہو اور تو اس کی پوری پوری بڑائی بیان کرتا ره
Quran 17 Verse 111 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-Isra ayat 111, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(17:111) And say: “All praise be to Allah Who has neither taken to Himself a son, nor has He any partner in His kingdom, nor does He need anyone, out of weakness, to protect Him.”[125] So glorify Him in a manner worthy of His glory.
125. A subtle sarcasm is implied in the sentence. The mushriks believed that Allah had appointed assistants and deputies for the administration of His kingdom. Obviously this meant that Allah was helpless and powerless to carry out the administration of His kingdom. Therefore, He needed supporters to help Him in the work of His Godhead. This sentence negates their false creeds, saying: He does not stand in need of any gods and saints in order to delegate to them the different departments of His Godhead or make them governors in different parts of His kingdom.
The tafsir of Surah Al-Isra verse 111 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Isra ayat 110 which provides the complete commentary from verse 110 through 111.
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