Surah Al-Isra Ayat 21 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 21
Look how We have favored [in provision] some of them over others. But the Hereafter is greater in degrees [of difference] and greater in distinction.
See how We have bestowed more on some than on others; but verily the Hereafter is more in rank and gradation and more in excellence.
See, how We have exalted some above others in this world, and in the Life to Come they will have higher ranks and greater degrees of excellence over others.
See how We prefer one above another (in this world) and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preference.
See how We prefer one of them above another, and verily the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment.
Look how We have graced some of them over the others, (Literally: over some “others”) and indeed the Hereafter is greater in degrees and greater with marked graciousness.
see how We have given some more than others- but the Hereafter holds greater ranks and greater favours.
دیکھ لے کہ ان میں ایک کو ایک پر ہم نے کس طرح فضیلت دے رکھی ہے اور آخرت تو درجوں میں اور بھی بڑھ کر ہے اور فضیلت کے اعتبار سے بھی بہت بڑی ہے
Quran 17 Verse 21 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-Isra ayat 21, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(17:21) See, how We have exalted some above others in this world, and in the Life to Come they will have higher ranks and greater degrees of excellence over others.[23]
23. This is to show that the seekers of the Hereafter have been exalted over the worshipers of the world even in this worldly life. However, this exaltation is not in regards to the good things of this world, rich food and dresses, palatial dwellings, luxurious means of travelling and other grand things. They enjoy that true honor, love and goodwill which is denied to the tyrants and the rich people in spite of the fact that they may be indigent. This is because whatever the seekers of the Hereafter get in this world, it is earned in righteous and honest ways, while the worshipers of the world amass wealth by employing dishonest and cruel ways. Then the former spend what they get with prudence and righteousness. They fulfill the obligations they owe to others. They spend their money in the way of Allah and to please Allah on the needy and the indigent. In contrast to them, the worshipers of this world spend their money in the enjoyment of luxuries, wicked works, corruption and spreading other evil things. This makes the former models of God worship and purity in every respect and distinguishes them so clearly from the worshipers of the world that they shine in exaltation over the latter. These things clearly indicate that in the next world the rewards of the seekers of the Hereafter will be far greater and their superiority far higher than those of the worshipers of the world.
The tafsir of Surah Al-Isra verse 21 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Isra ayat 20 which provides the complete commentary from verse 20 through 21.
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