Surah Jinn Ayat 10 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 10
And we do not know [therefore] whether evil is intended for those on earth or whether their Lord intends for them a right course.
‘And we understand not whether ill is intended to those on earth, or whether their Lord (really) intends to guide them to right conduct.
and that “we do not know whether evil is intended for those on the earth, or whether their Lord intends to direct them to the Right Way”;
‘And we know not whether evil is intended for those on earth, or whether their Lord intends for them a Right Path.
And we know not whether harm is boded unto all who are in the earth, or whether their Lord intendeth guidance for them.
And that we do not realize whether evil is willed for whoever are in the earth, or whether their Lord wills for them rectitude.
[so now] we do not know whether those who live on earth are due for misfortune, or whether their Lord intends to guide them.
ہم نہیں جانتے کہ زمین والوں کے ساتھ کسی برائی کا اراده کیا گیا ہے یا ان کے رب کا اراده ان کے ساتھ بھلائی کا ہے
Quran 72 Verse 10 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Jinn ayat 10, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(72:10) and that “we do not know whether evil is intended for those on the earth, or whether their Lord intends to direct them to the Right Way”;[10]
10. This shows that such extraordinary measures were adopted in the heavens only on two kinds of occasions. First, when Allah might decide to inflict the dwellers of the earth with a torment, and the divine will might be that before it was actually inflicted the jinn might not know and convey its news to warn their friendly human beings of the impending disaster. Second, that Allah might appoint a Messenger on the earth, and strict security measures might be adopted so that neither the messages being conveyed to him be interfered with by the satans nor should they be able to know beforehand what instructions were being given to the Messenger. Thus, the saying of the jinn means: When we noticed that strict security measures had been adopted in the heavens for the safeguard of the news, and the meteorites were being showered profusely, we wanted to know which of the two things had happened: Whether Allah had caused a torment to descend suddenly on some people of the earth, or a Messenger had been raised somewhere on the earth. We were on the lookout for the same when we heard the wonderful revelation, which guides to the right path, and we came to know that Allah had not sent down a torment but had raised a Messenger to show the right way to the people. For further explanation, see (Surah Al-Hijr, ayat 16) note 8-12; (Surah As-Saaffat, ayat 10) note 7; and (Surah Al-Mulk, ayat 5) note 11.
The tafsir of Surah Jinn verse 10 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Jinn ayat 8 which provides the complete commentary from verse 8 through 10.
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