Surah Nuh Ayat 28 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 28
My Lord, forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house a believer and the believing men and believing women. And do not increase the wrongdoers except in destruction.”
“O my Lord! Forgive me, my parents, all who enter my house in Faith, and (all) believing men and believing women: and to the wrong-doers grant Thou no increase but in perdition!”
My Lord, forgive me and my parents, and whoever enters my house as a believer, and forgive all believers, both men and women, and do not increase the wrong-doers in anything except perdition.”
“My Lord! Forgive me, and my parents, and him who enters my home as a believer, and all the believing men and women. And to the Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers, and disbelievers, etc.) grant You no increase but destruction!”
My Lord! Forgive me and my parents and him who entereth my house believing, and believing men and believing women, and increase not the wrong-doers in aught save ruin.
Lord, Forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my home as believer, and male believers and female believers; and do not increase the unjust ones except in annihilation!”
Lord, forgive me, my parents, and whoever enters my house as a believer. Forgive believing men and women but bring nothing but ruin down on the evildoers!’
اے میرے پروردگار! تو مجھے اور میرے ماں باپ اور جو بھی ایمان کی حالت میں میرے گھر میں آئے اور تمام مومن مردوں اور عورتوں کو بخش دے اور کافروں کو سوائے بربادی کے اور کسی بات میں نہ بڑھا
Quran 71 Verse 28 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Nuh ayat 28, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(71:28) My Lord, forgive me and my parents, and whoever enters my house as a believer, and forgive all believers, both men and women, and do not increase the wrong-doers in anything except perdition.”
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
The tafsir of Surah Nuh verse 28 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Nuh ayat 25 which provides the complete commentary from verse 25 through 28.
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