Surah Ar-Rum Ayat 59 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 59
Thus does Allah seal the hearts of those who do not know.
Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who understand not.
Thus does Allah seal the hearts of those who have no knowledge.
Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who know not [the proofs and evidence of the Oneness of Allah i.e. those who try not to understand true facts that which you (Muhammad SAW) have brought to them].
Thus doth Allah seal the hearts of those who know not.
Thus Allah stamps (i.e., impresses or sets a seal) upon the hearts of those who do not know.
In this way God seals the hearts of those who do not know,
اللہ تعالیٰ ان لوگوں کے دلوں پر جو سمجھ نہیں رکھتے یوں ہی مہر کر دیتا ہے
Quran 30 Verse 59 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Ar-Rum ayat 59, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(30:59) Thus does Allah seal the hearts of those who have no knowledge.
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
The tafsir of Surah Ar-Rum verse 59 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Rum ayat 58 which provides the complete commentary from verse 58 through 60.
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