Surah Saba Ayat 48 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 48
Say, “Indeed, my Lord projects the truth. Knower of the unseen.”
Say: “Verily my Lord doth cast the (mantle of) Truth (over His servants),- He that has full knowledge of (all) that is hidden.”
Say to them: “My Lord hurls down the Truth (upon me). He knows fully all that lies beyond the range of perception.”
Say (O Muhammad SAW): “Verily! My Lord sends down Inspiration and makes apparent the truth (i.e. this Revelation that had come to me), the AllKnower of the Ghaib (unseen).
Say: Lo! my Lord hurleth the truth. (He is) the Knower of Things Hidden.
Say, “Surely my Lord hurls the Truth (against the untruth)-The Sublime Knower of the (things) Unseen.”
Say, ‘My Lord hurls the Truth down [before you]. He has full knowledge of all that is unseen.’
کہہ دیجیئے! کہ میرا رب حق (سچی وحی) نازل فرماتا ہے وه ہر غیب کا جاننے واﻻ ہے
Quran 34 Verse 48 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Saba ayat 48, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(34:48) Say to them: “My Lord hurls down the Truth (upon me).[70] He knows fully all that lies beyond the range of perception.”
70. The words yaqdhifu bil-haqq give two meanings:
(1) He inspires me with the knowledge of the truth by revelation. and,
(2) He is making the truth to prevail. He is crushing falsehood by means of the truth.
The tafsir of Surah Saba verse 48 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Saba ayat 47 which provides the complete commentary from verse 47 through 50.
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