Surah Ta-Ha Ayat 57 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 57
He said, “Have you come to us to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Moses?
He said: “Hast thou come to drive us out of our land with thy magic, O Moses?
He said: “Have you come to us to drive us out of our land by your sorcery?
He [Fir’aun (Pharaoh)] said: “Have you come to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Musa (Moses)?
He said: Hast come to drive us out from our land by thy magic, O Moses?
He said, “Have you come to us to drive us out of our land by your sorcery, O Mûsa?
He said, ‘Have you come to drive us from our land with your sorcery, Moses?
کہنے لگا اے موسیٰ! کیا تو اسی لئے آیا ہے کہ ہمیں اپنے جادو کے زور سے ہمارے ملک سے باہر نکال دے
Quran 20 Verse 57 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Ta-Ha ayat 57, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(20:57) He said: “Have you come to us to drive us out of our land by your sorcery?[30]
30. Here by sorcery are meant the miracles of the staff and the shining hand, which according to the details given in Surahs Al-Aaraf and Ash-Shuara, were shown to Pharaoh by Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) in his first visit to his court. On seeing these miracles Pharaoh was so upset that he cried out: Have you come to drive us out of our country by the power of your sorcery? Although he knew that it had never happened in history that a magician had conquered a country by the power of sorcery. Moreover, there were hundreds of magicians in his own country, who used to show their feats to earn rewards and prizes. Accordingly, Pharaoh’s statement that “you are a sorcerer” on the one hand, and his apprehension that “you want to snatch my kingdom” on the other, were a clear indication of his perturbed mind. In fact, Pharaoh had come to understand that the well reasoned speech of Moses and his miracles were bound to influence not only his courtiers, but also the common people and accordingly he tried to play upon their prejudices through falsehood and treachery. He did not admit that it was a miracle, but called it sorcery. He wanted to create an impression that any sorcerer of his empire could turn a staff into a serpent. He also incited the people, saying: Look, he says that your forefathers were on the wrong way and deserved perdition. So beware of him, he is not a Prophet. He simply aspires for power. He wants that the Israelites should again capture power here like the times of Joseph and wrest the reigns of government from the Copts. Pharaoh, in fact, wanted to suppress the invitation to the truth through such devices. For details please see (Surah Al-Aaraf, ayat 108-112) note 87-89; (Surah Younus, ayat 77) note 75.
57. He (Fir`awn) said: “Have you come to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Musa” 58. “Then verily, we can produce magic the like thereof; so appoint a meeting between us and you, which neither we nor you shall fail to keep, in an open place where both shall have a just and equal chance.” 59. (Musa) said: “Your appointed meeting is the day of the festival, and let the people assemble when the sun has risen (forenoon).”
Allah, the Exalted, informs of what Fir`awn said to Musa when he showed him the great proof. This great sign to Fir`awn was Musa casting down his stick which became a huge snake, and his pulling his hand out from under his arm while it was glowing white without any illness. At this, Fir`awn said, “This is magic that you have brought to us to bewitch us and conquer the people, so that they will follow you. Then you will outnumber us.” Fir`awn then said, “Your plan will not work. We have magic just like yours, so do not let yourself be deceived by that what you are doing.”
(so appoint a meeting between us and you,) Meaning, `a day that we can come together to present some of our magic to confront yours. It will be at a specified place and time.’ With this, Musa said to them,
(Your appointed meeting is the day of festival,) That was the day of their celebration and their New Year’s festivity. It was a holiday for them when they took vacation from their work and came together for a large gathering. This day was selected so that all of the people could witness the power of Allah to do whatever He wills. They would see the miracles of the prophets and the futility of magic to contest the supernatural prophetic powers. This is why Musa said,
(and let the people assemble) meaning all of them.
(when the sun has risen (forenoon).) meaning in the morning, just before noon. In this way the contest will be most visible, well lit, apparent and obvious in plain view. This is the way of the Prophets. Their work is always clear and apparent. It is never something hidden, or something for sale. This is why he did not say that the meeting should be at night, but rather, it was to be held during the bright part of the day. Ibn `Abbas said, “The day of their festivity was the day of `Ashura’.” As-Suddi, Qatadah and Ibn Zayd said, “It was the day of their great celebration.” Sa`id bin Jubayr said, “It was the day of their great bazzar.” These statements are not contradictory. I say that Allah destroyed Fir`awn and his armies on a day similar to this, just as is confirmed in the Sahih. `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said, “It was a flat place where all of the people were on the same level, having an equal view of the event. There was nothing there that would obstruct the view so that some people could see what others did not.”
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