Surah Yusuf Ayat 66 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 66
[Jacob] said, “Never will I send him with you until you give me a promise by Allah that you will bring him [back] to me, unless you should be surrounded by enemies.” And when they had given their promise, he said, “Allah, over what we say, is Witness.”
(Jacob) said: “Never will I send him with you until ye swear a solemn oath to me, in Allah’s name, that ye will be sure to bring him back to me unless ye are yourselves hemmed in (and made powerless). And when they had sworn their solemn oath, he said: “Over all that we say, be Allah the witness and guardian!”
Their father said: “I shall never send him with you until you give me a solemn promise in the name of Allah that you will bring him back to me, unless you yourselves are surrounded.” Then after they had given him their solemn promise, he said. “Allah watches over what we have said.”
He [Ya’qub (Jacob)] said: “I will not send him with you until you swear a solemn oath to me in Allah’s Name, that you will bring him back to me unless you are yourselves surrounded (by enemies, etc.),” And when they had sworn their solemn oath, he said: “Allah is the Witness over what we have said.”
He said: I will not send him with you till ye give me an undertaking in the name of Allah that ye will bring him back to me, unless ye are surrounded. And when they gave him their undertaking he said: Allah is the Warden over what we say.
He said, “I will never send him with you until you bring me a binding compact by Allah that indeed you will definitely bring him (back) to me, excepting (if) you are encompassed.” So, as soon as they had brought him their binding compact, he said, ” Allah is The Ever-Trusted Trustee over what we say.”
He said, ‘I will never send him with you, not unless you swear by God that you will bring him back to me if that is humanly possible.’ Then, when they had given him their pledge, he said, ‘Our words are entrusted to God.’
یعقوب (علیہ السلام) نے کہا! میں تو اسے ہرگز ہرگز تمہارے ساتھ نہ بھیجوں گا جب تک کہ تم اللہ کو بیچ میں رکھ کر مجھے قول وقرار نہ دو کہ تم اسے میرے پاس پہنچا دو گے، سوائے اس ایک صورت کے کہ تم سب گرفتار کر لئے جاؤ۔ جب انہوں نے پکا قول قرار دے دیا تو انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم جو کچھ کہتے ہیں اللہ اس پر نگہبان ہے
Quran 12 Verse 66 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Yusuf ayat 66, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(12:66) Their father said: “I shall never send him with you until you give me a solemn promise in the name of Allah that you will bring him back to me, unless you yourselves are surrounded.” Then after they had given him their solemn promise, he said. “Allah watches over what we have said.”
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
The tafsir of Surah Yusuf verse 66 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Yusuf ayat 65 which provides the complete commentary from verse 65 through 66.
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