Surah Zukhruf Ayat 14 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 14
And indeed we, to our Lord, will [surely] return.”
“And to our Lord, surely, must we turn back!”
It is to our Lord that we shall eventually return.”
And verily, to Our Lord we indeed are to return!
And lo! unto our Lord we surely are returning.
And surely to our Lord We are indeed turning over.” (i.e., returning)
Truly it is to our Lord that we are returning.’
اور بالیقین ہم اپنے رب کی طرف لوٹ کر جانے والے ہیں
Quran 43 Verse 14 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Zukhruf ayat 14, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(43:14) It is to our Lord that we shall eventually return.”[14]
14. That is, while embarking on every journey one should remember that there is ahead a longer and final journey also. Besides there is the possibility in the use of every conveyance that an accident may turn that very journey into one’s last journey; therefore, every time one should remember his return to his Lord so that if something unexpected happens, he does not die unaware.
Let us pause here for a while and consider the moral results of this teaching. Can one imagine that a person who while sitting on a conveyance starts his journey consciously with full remembrance of Allah and his return and accountability before Him, would commit sins and injustices and tyrannies on the way? Can a person think or utter these words from his mouth when he intends to go to meet a prostitute, or to visit a club for the purpose of drinking and gambling? Can a ruler, or a government official, or a merchant who has stepped out of his house with such thoughts and such words at his lips, usurp the rights of others when he reaches his destination? Can a soldier utter these words while boarding his aircraft or tank when he goes out to shed blood of the innocent and deprive the weak of their freedom? If not, then this one thing alone is enough to bar every movement undertaken for the commission of a sin.
The tafsir of Surah Zukhruf verse 14 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Zukhruf ayat 9 which provides the complete commentary from verse 9 through 14.
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