Surah Zukhruf Ayat 53 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 53
Then why have there not been placed upon him bracelets of gold or come with him the angels in conjunction?”
“Then why are not gold bracelets bestowed on him, or (why) come (not) with him angels accompanying him in procession?”
Why were bracelets of gold not bestowed upon him? Why did a retinue of angels not accompany him as attendants?”
“Why then are not golden bracelets bestowed on him, or angels sent along with him?”
Why, then, have armlets of gold not been set upon him, or angels sent along with him?
So, had armlets of gold been cast (i.e., bestoned on him) on him, or Angels had come with him in comradeship!”
Why has he not been given any gold bracelets? Why have no angels come to accompany him?’
اچھا اس پر سونے کے کنگن کیوں نہیں آپڑے یا اس کے ساتھ پر باندھ کر فرشتے ہی آجاتے
Quran 43 Verse 53 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Zukhruf ayat 53, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(43:53) Why were bracelets of gold not bestowed upon him? Why did a retinue of angels not accompany him as attendants?”[49]
49. In the ancient times when a person was appointed to be governor of a land or sent as an ambassador to a foreign country, a robe of honor was conferred on him by the king, which also included bracelets of gold, and he was also accompanied by a contingent of soldiers and servants for over-awing the people and for showing the glory and grandeur of the king who had appointed him. What Pharaoh meant to say was: If the King of the heavens had really sent Moses (peace be upon him) as His ambassador to His counterpart on the earth, he should have been dressed in a robe of honor and come with several contingents of angels in attendance. How strange that a poor man should appear with a staff in his hand and say that he was the messenger of the Lord of the worlds!
The tafsir of Surah Zukhruf verse 53 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Zukhruf ayat 51 which provides the complete commentary from verse 51 through 56.
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