Ahmed Abdulla


A reader, writer and researcher of Islamic content.


Tl;dr: A space where people can come to learn and grow.

Spreading the message of Islam and it’s teaching.

Islam offers many philosophical and spiritual lessons that can help people across the globe, regardless of their race, creed, or ethnic background. This site hopes to help people work towards that goal. For example, see the post – inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.

Every article has a purpose and that purpose is to share educational content that empowers the reader. This is the intent behind every piece of content we put out and insha-allah after reading some of our posts you can get a sense or a feeling of that.

How To Pray Witr Salah

How To Pray Witr Salah

Easy to follow step by step guide for a Muslim looking to learn how to properly perform Witr salah according to Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet...