The most important thing we can do is to make dua for the deceased. It is our continual prayer, dua and remembrance for the dead that will benefit them.
In another hadith Narrated `Aisha: A man said to the Prophet, “My mother died suddenly, and I think that if she could speak, she would have given in charity. May I give in charity on her behalf?” He said, “Yes! Give in charity on her behalf.” 2
Upon Hearing the news of someone who just passed away:
In Arabic: إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيْهِ رَٰجِعُونَ
Transliteration “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.”
This is ayah 156 of Surah Baqarah and is recommended by Allah to be recited when disaster strikes them.
Second Dua for Deceased:
اللهُـمِّ اغْفِـرْ لِـ-فُلاَنٍ (باسـمه)وَارْفَعْ دَرَجَتََـهُ فِي المَهْـدِيّيـنَ ، وَاخْـلُفْـهُ في عَقِـبِهِ في الغَابِِـرِينَ، وَاغْفِـرْ لَنَا وَلَـهُ يا رَبَّ العـالَمـين، وَافْسَـحْ لَهُ في قَبْـرِهِ وَنَـوِّرْ لَهُ فِيهِ
Meaning: O Allah, forgive [name of the person] and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it.
Death can be difficult, each of us has our own way of coping. There is no right or wrong ways as we each have our own natural emotional response. However, there are healthy approaches one can take.
Being ‘strong’ is common advice given, but know that crying or feeling vulnerable is a completely normal response to the situation. You shouldn’t suppress this feeling or think of yourself as weak for doing so. The mature thing is to be aware and acknowledge your pain and to seek out support from those who care. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and remain physically active. Get some sun, some exercise and some sleep, it’s good for you.
Understand the feeling of pain comes from believing you have lost something. Instead, be grateful for the experiences you had the opportunity with the person. We are selfish beings, we want everything positive with no negative. But understand you can’t experience love without the chance of feeling the pain. It’s the ying and yang. Celebrate and cherish the memories instead of getting upset at what once was.
Remember one of the best ways to benefit the one who passed away is to remember him in your duas and prayers. You may even fast and give charity on their behalf.
Allah knows best, Inshallah we will all be reunited in Jannah where we will see each other again.
I encourage you to share your story in the comment section below.
1. Reference: Sahih Muslim 1631 In-book reference : Book 25, Hadith 20
2. Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 2760 In-book reference : Book 55, Hadith 23
3. Muslim 2:634
Today my loving, strong and kind Auntie passed away, she will be truly missed and remembered in my duas. This grief is not only on her passing but also I was too busy in my life and should have made the effort to meet her. I pray for Allah to make her journey easy and Inshallah grant her a place in Jannah. Ameen
Thank you so much. Reading this gave me kind of a feeling of refreshment. In Sha Allah we will all be reunited in Jannah where we will see each other again.
My grandma had a stroke and died in the hospital earlier today because of covid the first thing I said and thought was allah yerhamo. I wasn’t upset because I know that allah(swt) makes everything happen for a reason so you shouldn’t question allah’s decision get upset or ask why because of your own selfishness or pride or just because your upset and have regrets.Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.
It’s never easy losing a loved one. Yes we all will return to Allah no doubt! My husband passed away most recently and I ask who ever reads this post please make Dua me and him reunite in the next life he was Allhumdulilla the best anyone could have had I miss him dearly 2 months on Its so difficult please pray I have Sabr and please please make Dua Allah SWT opens his grave and elevates him in the highest of levels Ameen ya raab
Grieving is never easy but I know my Raab will make us meet Insha Allah the memories and the meeting in the next life are the most beautiful of all
I pray for you all who have lost a loved one it’s never easy but keep trusting in Allah SWT
And thank you Jane it’s brilliant to give others reminders what I’ve learnt grieving isn’t easy especially if its Avery close one in one’s life
May allah SWT give you all Sabr and please make Dua for us too
Asalamu alaikum
Fi aman’nillah
Today Sunday 9th May 2022 my beloved grandpa has passed away in the blessed month of Ramadan with his family members there. He was 96 years old and live a long life worshipping Allah. Mashallah he had more than 20 children and over 30 grandchildren who are all praying and making dua for him. I ask Allah to protect him from the punishment of the grave , ease the questioning in the grave , for his book to be given on his right hand , for him to be granted jannatul firdous and for us to be reunited with him in Jannah AMEEN ???????????????? I ask use all to remember Ahmed Abdirahman Noor in your duas.
On the day of 6th shwal, 18th may 2021 my father, my strength, has passed away. I’m being his only son feel terribly low and helpless, but after reading this post i have strengthened my belief that i will meet my Abba once again in Jannah, till then i will remember his teachings and inshallah will follow on his footsteps. May Allah grant him highest place in jannat ul Firdous,may Allah forgive his sins and grant him respite for any torments in grave. May his journey from this afterlife be a pleasant and rewarding. Ameen, sum ameen.
In January my uncle passed away. My family and I were and are very upset. But we only meant that my uncle goes to Jannah with Allah. MAY ALLAH GIVE US ALL AND THE DEAD PERSONS THE HIGHEST RANK OF JANNAH INSHALLAH. MAY ALLAH FORGIVE US ALL.
Today my cousin’s friends friend died in a accident i don’t know about him but it hurts losing someone i can’t imagine how his parents are taking it right now i wish Allah forgive him and his sins and send him to jannat.
Yesterday, July 12, 2021 my love (Hendri Asrin) just passed away, he’s still very young, 29. He died because he had Gerd anxiety. It’s been a really difficult day for me. I pray that Allah will reunited us again in Jannah, Amen. Please put his name (Hendri Asrin) in your prayer when you come across this page. Thank you
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
Assalam o Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah!
Dear Brothers and sisters in Imaan, I lost my father his name was Haji Muhammed Ahmed Qureshi. I request you all to make Dua for his maghfirah and ease at grave.
Jazak Allah Khair.
Assalamu Alaikum,
Muharram 1 I lost my beloved father, I couldn’t travel home to see him for the last time, it’s a really difficult part, everyone reading please pray for my father , his name is Moideen , May Allah forgive and grant him jannah….and all those lost their loved one also.
My friend just lost his mother yesterday, please I request everyone reading this to please make du’a for her in your prayer when you come across this page. Thank you and may Allah reward us all
Today my beloved aunt (khala) has passed away. The pain is there and the eyes are full. Our memories flash through my mind and i cant control my emotions but this post has comforted me that in sha Allah she is with her maker and away from the pain of this world. May Allah swt bless her and make the transition from this world to next a blessed and beautiful one and may we meet again in jannatul firdous.
Jazakmullahu khairan, this piece has really made me calm about the loss of my beloved brother IBRAHIM, surely we came from Allah and to Him we shall all return. May Allah give us the fortitude to bear our loss and grant us all jannatul firdaus… Ameeen Ya Hayyum Ya Qayyum
My nani died yesterday all of a sudden after going shopping . I live in Spain but my family in UK. My nani had a sudden stroke so my family took an immediate flight to PK during covid times as it was serious. My mum is a very humble pious religious lady and was praying all thriugh her journey. But half way into the flight it happened. She passed. However my mum was lucky enough mashAllah to see her face and attend funeral. For me the hardest was knowing my mums due to breakdown and i cant do anything. I prayed, we all did all 9 brothers and sisters of mine that my mum takes it well.. alhamdulillah she did. My nani was burried the same day my mum landed with my mum by her side. My nanis face looked relieved in comparison to the face i saw in hospital. May Allah grant my nani jannat and forgive all her sins and make it easy for her. Ameen .im doing better than i was yesterday reading duas and prayers her is whats giving me sabar and i recommend all to do this. Keep us in your prayers. HAMZA teacher in the Canary Islands.
Asalam o alaikum brothers and sisters!
My husband died on day of Arfa (21st of July 2021) from Cardiac arrest.He was quite young and it was so sudden still can’t believe he left us.His janaza was after Eid namaz.Kindly, remember him (Mian Fazal Haleem) in your prayers. Recite Surah Fateha and Surah Ikhlas for him. May Allah give him place in Jannat ul Firdous.Ameen
I lost my husband to Mina stampede2015…things has not been easy but I always remember him in my daily prayers…may Almighty Allah forgive him all his shortcomings.
Aslamualaikum i lost my grandpa today it really hurts me alot [Abdulrazak] please make dua for him my mum is really broke down and i have cried so much may ALLAH grant each and everyone of our family members AMEEN
My grandma passed away I were sad coz I had just known her one year back my dad was really broke down may Allah grant her Jannah. Amen.
In Loving Memory Of
Syed Imtiaz Ahmed Tabatabai
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
Sadly Missed and Never Forgotten
Words cannot express our grief when we heard that our dear Brother Imtiaz had passed away unexpectedly on 16th October 2021 in Al-Najaf Al-Sharif, Iraq.
Imtiaz Know That You Will Be Missed
In his life, Imtiaz touched many people’s hearts with his huge personality & magnetic smile. This is one of the reasons why he made an incredible impact on many people’s lives. His unexpected passing has sent a shock wave amongst all of those who knew him. He was a sensitive man and often went out of his way to help others. Over the last few days I have heard several accounts from friends of how he was there for them at a time of grief or when they needed assistance . He was a good friend and brother to many who knew him and I am certain they will agree that his passing is a tragic loss. I have known Imtiaz for around 30 Years as a friend and had the pleasure of working with him for some of those years. I like to think I knew him well and honestly I can say that he was clever, creative, caring and lastly that he was a man of substance. I firmly believe that it would be hard to find someone like him out there.
“Verily we belong to Allah and verily to Him do we return”
This website was made to remember Imtiaz’s life and you are welcome to contact me if you wish to add photographs or a written piece on Imtiaz.
SALAM ALAIKUM;ayimani gadafi its must to evere living thing to know that death is with you. moro ever. You went dippe into will go. so if someone dead. you say INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILLEIRAJI_UN may allah put them in JENNAT FRIDAUSHEE : ameene
O Allah, forgive [name of the person] and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it.
On 23rd June I lost my mom a very painful experience had happen to me I keep on crying it’s hard for me and my brother to bear may Allah grant her janna tul firdhaus may her sins be forgiven …Ameeen
O Allah, forgive My Father, and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it. I miss him so very much. I could not cry when he died. The feelings keep on coming as new as the day I heard the news. I kept on listening to Surah Rahman, I wabt to be at peace
My beloved father passed away a couple days ago. May Allah give my family sabr and ease the pain we feel. I ask you guys to remember him in your duas. May Allah forgive abdulkadir ismail for any sins and may Allah elevate his status in jannah as well as give his book in the right hand. My father was in a coma for 4 months after a tragic accident that he was a pedestrian in. May Allah make those months ones which will erase his sins Ameen. I also ask Allah to ease the pain of our ummah and those who are experiencing loss/pain/suffering, it is truly saddening. I also ask Allah to forgive our loved ones and elevate their status in jannah and reunite us all in jannatul firdous Ameen ya rab
I lost my Grandma earlier today,i it’s such a painful thing to endure but may Allah Elevate her status and Grant her jannah and all the Muslims, Please help me say A prayer for her and Surah Iklass.
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
Assalam o Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah!
Dear Brothers and sisters in Islam, I lost my brother his name was Idris Issa Ishola. I request you all to make Dua for his maghfirah and ease at grave and my father who has passed away some years back may Allah forgive them and put light in their grave.
Jazak Allah Khair.
My dear Aunt passed in the early hours of this morning. I remember her goodness, her kindness, her gentle corrections and loving guidance, her shy smiles. I remember her devotion and unifying grace amongst her siblings. I remember her contentment and loving submission to her husband of over 50 years.
I pray Allah SWT multiply her good deeds and forgive her shortcomings. I pray He grant her as guide Angels of mercy and protect her from all the evils and hardships of the grave. I beseech Allah SWT to pour His mercy upon her and lighten her grave. I beseech Allah SWT to grant all her spoken and unspoken Duas for me, and for the entire family. I beseech Allah to protect and bless my family and all Muslims in the world. I pray Allah SWT keep us on the straight path, and pour on our hearts constancy and grant us His grace and pardon Bi Rahmatika Ya Arham Rahimin.
My aunt passed peacefully away I found out yesterday after work and it happened a week And 4 days prior to her 2nd daughter’s Nikah
I’ll start off with Im Christian but am doubting my faith. My 16yr old was stabbed in the back and murdered. I have a Muslim friend and he sent me a link so a YouTube and I thought wow that’s really amazing and then I saw another one and then I said I have read the Quran. The first thing I looked up was a prayer in times of death and I fell upon the Second Dua and it felt so real to me. And I related to it 100%. I understand and relate to it more than my own religion. It just goes to show that in times of need we have to be open to everything out there. MashAllah.
Assalamu Alikum brothers and sisters,
Deceased El Mehdi Tekfaoui
Please make dua for my beloved father who just passed away ( may Allah(SWT) have mercy upon his soul) Also pray for all of the muslims that died and for Allah(SWT) to have mecy on our souls as well.????????????
Can we pray for deceased in congregations or call people to congregate at home to pray for your dead relative and offer sadaka at same time. Here sheiks discourage us to pray for dead saying its bidiah or innovation in religion and not teaching of prophet SAW.
Assalam Alaikum brothers and sisters today my beloved grandma passed away I am living far away from her so I can even see her body my whole body is shivering in fear I am scared I don’t know what to do she was the most prized and beautiful thing in my life please brothers and sisters pray for my grandma Naseem Monisa please pray for her. May Allah give her Jannah she was a very great grandma my mom is crying and can’t bear the news Oh brothers and sisters please pray for my beloved grandma who all wanted everyone’s good health. Please make dua Please I can’t bear the pain anymore.
I had to say good bye to my mother then father then my beloved cat and now my closest sister I know its a short time and we will be reunited in Jannah Tul Firdaus IN SHA ALLAH
I need prayers for my parents and for my sister and for me and my siblings
May ALLAH PAK forgive all their sins and grant them Jannah tul Firdaus Ameen please do remember us in your prayers
Innalillahi wa’inna ilaihir rajiun, I lost my beloved mom. She spend a long time on bed, which lead to her died. (CKD). We really loved her but Allah love her the most. We pray that Allah will forgive her and place her I jannatul firdaus. And any one that come across this should also put her in prayer. Jazakallah may Allah forgive our shortcomings. Ameen
I lost my dedy today I thank ALlah for all is are don may ALlah remaber in all way Ameen
I lost my brother last year, Adam. May Allah bless and expand his grave and forgive his shortcomings. I pray that all Muslims that have passed, may Allah grant them ease, light, and bless them and grant them Aljannatul Firdaws, May we reunite with them in Jannah. May Allah help us to remember to pray for them in our dua. Ameen.
May allah Forgive my grandfather and please allah give him highest place in jannah also bless and Forgive us ameen❤️ @Mh Hassan Mir
My baba died yesterday (Khalid Samna)and he is being baried tomorrow. Please pray for him and may god send him to Jena.
Assalamu alaikum everyone. My name is Umer Ahmed Mohammed and I lost my beloved father Ahmed Mohammed Seid a little less than a week ago and i came across this page while looking for duas for the deceased. It’s really difficult to lose someone you dearly love and the pain is unbearable but every soul shall test death and it’s his time now. Instead of regretting things and questioning Allah, one shoud accept what happened and move on since there’s nothing we can do about it. I pray for everyone to have strength and sabr and ask Allah to forgive us deceased or alive. Inshallah I will meet you in Jannah ya abi. Please make dua for him Ahmed Mohammed and everyone who passed away.
My 2 year old niece was murdered last July and I’m still very depressed and traumatized. I was wondering if anyone knows a good Dua or any surah verse that can help me out. I will also ask if anyone can say a special dua for my niece, brother who’s the father and the mother of my niece. Assalamu alaykum.