Surah Qalam Ayat 34 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 34
Indeed, for the righteous with their Lord are the Gardens of Pleasure.
Verily, for the Righteous, are Gardens of Delight, in the Presence of their Lord.
Surely the God-fearing shall have Gardens of bliss with their Lord.
Verily, for the Muttaqun (pious and righteous persons – see V. 2:2) are Gardens of delight (Paradise) with their Lord.
Lo! for those who keep from evil are gardens of bliss with their Lord.
Surely for the pious will be the Gardens of Bliss in the Providence of their Lord.
There will be Gardens of bliss for those who are mindful of God.
پرہیزگاروں کے لیے ان کے رب کے پاس نعمتوں والی جنتیں ہیں
Quran 68 Verse 34 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Qalam ayat 34, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(68:34) Surely[19] the God-fearing shall have Gardens of bliss with their Lord.
19. This is, a rejoinder to the chiefs of Makkah, who argued with the Muslims, thus: The blessings that we are enjoying in the world are a sign that we are favorites of Allah, and the miserable lives that you are living are a proof that you are under the wrath of Allah. Therefore, even if there was any life after death, as you say, we shall have good time there too, and the torment would be imposed on you, not on us.
34. Verily, for those who have Taqwa are Gardens of Delight with their Lord. 35. Shall We then treat the Muslims like the criminals 36. What is the matter with you How judge you 37. Or have you a Book wherein you learn, 38. That you shall therein have all that you choose 39. Or have you oaths from Us, lasting until the Day of Judgement, that yours will be what you judge 40. Ask them, which of them will stand as surety for that! 41. Or have they “partners” Then let them bring their “partners” if they are truthful!
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