Surah Dukhan Ayat 31 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 31
From Pharaoh. Indeed, he was a haughty one among the transgressors.
Inflicted by Pharaoh, for he was arrogant (even) among inordinate transgressors.
from Pharaoh who was most prominent among the prodigals.
From Fir’aun (Pharaoh); Verily! He was arrogant and was of the Musrifun (those who transgress beyond bound in spending and other things and commit great sins).
(We delivered them) from Pharaoh. Lo! he was a tyrant of the wanton ones.
From Firaawn; (Pharaoh) surely he was exalted, of the extravagant.
at the hands of Pharaoh: he was a tyrant who exceeded all bounds.
(جو) فرعون کی طرف سے (ہو رہی) تھی۔ فیالواقع وه سرکش اور حد سے گزر جانے والوں میں سے تھا
Quran 44 Verse 31 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Dukhan ayat 31, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(44:31) from Pharaoh[26] who was most prominent among the prodigals.[27]
26. That is, Pharaoh by himself was an abasing torment for them and all other torments were indeed offshoots of the same great torment.
27. There is a subtle satire in it on the chiefs of the disbelieving Quraish. It means to say this: You do not enjoy any place of distinction among the transgressors against Allah. Pharaoh indeed was a rebel of the highest order who was ruling on the throne of the largest kingdom of the time as a god. When he was swept away like straw, how can you prevent the divine wrath?
The tafsir of Surah Ad-Dukhan verse 31 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Dukhan ayat 17 which provides the complete commentary from verse 17 through 33.
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