Surah Al-Isra Ayat 34 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 34
And do not approach the property of an orphan, except in the way that is best, until he reaches maturity. And fulfill [every] commitment. Indeed, the commitment is ever [that about which one will be] questioned.
Come not nigh to the orphan’s property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength; and fulfil (every) engagement, for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).
(x) And do not even go near the property of the orphan – except that it be in the best manner – till he attains his maturity. (xi) And fulfil the covenant, for you will be called to account regarding the covenant.
And come not near to the orphan’s property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength. And fulfil (every) covenant. Verily! the covenant, will be questioned about.
Come not near the wealth of the orphan save with that which is better till he come to strength; and keep the covenant. Lo! of the covenant it will be asked.
And do not draw near the wealth of the orphan except in the fairest (manner) until he reaches full age; and fulfil the covenant. Surely the covenant will be questioned of.
Do not go near the orphan’s property, except with the best [intentions], until he reaches the age of maturity. Honour your pledges: you will be questioned about your pledges.
اور یتیم کے مال کے قریب بھی نہ جاؤ بجز اس طریقہ کے جو بہت ہی بہتر ہو، یہاں تک کہ وه اپنی بلوغت کو پہنچ جائے اور وعدے پورے کرو کیونکہ قول وقرار کی باز پرس ہونے والی ہے
Quran 17 Verse 34 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-Isra ayat 34, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(17:34) (x) And do not even go near the property of the orphan – except that it be in the best manner – till he attains his maturity.[38] (xi) And fulfil the covenant, for you will be called to account regarding the covenant.[39]
38. This too, was not merely a moral instruction. When the Islamic state was established, legal and administrative methods were adopted to safeguard the rights of orphans, the details of which are found in the literature of Hadith and Fiqh. Then this principle was extended to cover the cases of all those citizens who were unable to safeguard their own rights. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself declared: I am the guardian of the one who has no guardian. And this is the basis of many rules and regulations of the Islamic law.
39. Fulfillment of pledges was not meant to be merely a moral instruction for individuals but afterwards when the Islamic state was established, this became the guiding principle for the conduct of all internal; and external affairs by the Muslim community and the Islamic government.
34. And come not near to the orphan’s property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength. And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily, the covenant will be questioned about. 35. And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is good (advantageous) and better in the end.
(And come not near to the orphan’s property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength.) meaning, do not dispose of the orphan’s wealth except in a proper manner.
(but consume it ﴿the orphan’s property﴾ not wastefully and hastily fearing that they should grow up, and whoever (among guardians) is rich, he should take no wages, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable (according to his labor).) ﴿4:6﴾ In Sahih Muslim it is recorded that the Messenger of Allah said to Abu Dharr:
(O Abu Dharr, I see that you are weak (in adiministering), and I like for you that which I like for myself. Do not let yourself be appointed as Amir over two people, and do not let yourself be appointed as guardian of an orphan’s property.)
(And fulfill (every) covenant.) meaning, everything that you promise people, and the covenants that you agree to, because the person who makes a covenant or a promise will be asked about it:
(Verily, the covenant will be questioned about.)
(And give full measure when you measure.) meaning, do not try to make it weigh less nor wrong people with their belongings.
(and weigh with a balance) meaning scales,
(that is straight.) meaning that which is not distorted nor that which will cause confusion.
(that is good) for you, in your daily life and in your Hereafter. So Allah says:
(and better in the end.) meaning, with regard to your ultimate end in the Hereafter.
(That is good (advantageous) and better in the end.) Sa`id narrated that Qatadah said that this means “Better in reward and a better end. ” Ibn `Abbas used to say: “O people, you are entrusted with two things for which the people who came before you were destroyed – these weights and measures.”
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