Surah Taubah Ayat 54 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 54
And what prevents their expenditures from being accepted from them but that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His Messenger and that they come not to prayer except while they are lazy and that they do not spend except while they are unwilling.
The only reasons why their contributions are not accepted are: that they reject Allah and His Messenger; that they come to prayer without earnestness; and that they offer contributions unwillingly.
Nothing prevents that their expendings be accepted except that they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, and whenever they come to the Prayer they do so lazily, and whenever they spend they do so grudgingly.
And nothing prevents their contributions from being accepted from them except that they disbelieved in Allah and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW); and that they came not to As-Salat (the prayer) except in a lazy state; and that they offer not contributions but unwillingly.
And naught preventeth that their contributions should be accepted from them save that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His messenger, and they come not to worship save as idlers, and pay not (their contribution) save reluctantly.
And nothing has prevented that their expendings should be accepted from them except that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His Messenger, and they do not come up to prayer except lazily, and they do not expend except while they are hating (that). (Literally: and they are of that)
The only thing that prevents what they give from being accepted is the fact that they defy God and His Messenger, perform the prayer only lazily, and give only grudgingly.
کوئی سبب ان کے خرچ کی قبولیت کے نہ ہونے کا اس کے سوا نہیں کہ یہ اللہ اور اس کے رسول کے منکر ہیں اور بڑی کاہلی سے ہی نماز کو آتے ہیں اور برے دل سے ہی خرچ کرتے ہیں
Quran 9 Verse 54 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Taubah ayat 54, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(9:54) Nothing prevents that their expendings be accepted except that they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, and whenever they come to the Prayer they do so lazily, and whenever they spend they do so grudgingly.
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
The tafsir of Surah Taubah verse 54 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Taubah ayat 52 which provides the complete commentary from verse 52 through 54.
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