Surah Al-Imran Ayat 168 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 168
Those who said about their brothers while sitting [at home], “If they had obeyed us, they would not have been killed.” Say, “Then prevent death from yourselves, if you should be truthful.”
(They are) the ones that say, (of their brethren slain), while they themselves sit (at ease): “If only they had listened to us they would not have been slain.” Say: “Avert death from your own selves, if ye speak the truth.”
These are the ones who stayed away, saying about their brothers: ‘Had they followed us, they would not have been slain.’ Say: ‘If you speak the truth then avert death when it comes to you.’
(They are) the ones who said about their killed brethren while they themselves sat (at home): “If only they had listened to us, they would not have been killed.” Say: “Avert death from your ownselves, if you speak the truth.”
Those who, while they sat at home, said of their brethren (who were fighting for the cause of Allah): If they had been guided by us they would not have been slain. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Then avert death from yourselves if ye are truthful.
Who said to their brethren, (i.e. after they returned from fighting) and they (i.e. the hypocrites) (themselves) sat back, “If they had obeyed us, they would not have been killed.” Say, “Then parry yourselves away from death in case you are (truly) sincere.”
As for those who stayed behind, and said of their brothers, ‘If only they had listened to us, they would not have been killed,’ tell them [Prophet], ‘Ward off death from yourselves, if what you say is true.’
یہ وه لوگ ہیں جو خود بھی بیٹھے رہے اور اپنے بھائیوں کی بابت کہا کہ اگر وه بھی ہماری بات مان لیتے تو قتل نہ کئے جاتے۔ کہہ دیجئے! کہ اگر تم سچے ہو تو اپنی جانوں سے موت کو ہٹا دو
Quran 3 Verse 168 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Imran ayat 168, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(3:168) These are the ones who stayed away, saying about their brothers: Had they followed us, they would not have been slain.’ Say: ‘If you speak the truth then avert death when it comes to you.’
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
The tafsir of Surah Imran verse 168 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Imran ayat 165 which provides the complete commentary from verse 165 through 168.
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