Surah Maryam Ayat 51 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 51
And mention in the Book, Moses. Indeed, he was chosen, and he was a messenger and a prophet.
Also mention in the Book (the story of) Moses: for he was specially chosen, and he was a messenger (and) a prophet.
And recite in the Book the account of Moses. He was a chosen one, a Messenger, a Prophet.
And mention in the Book (this Quran) Musa (Moses). Verily! He was chosen and he was a Messenger (and) a Prophet.
And make mention in the Scripture of Moses. Lo! he was chosen, and he was a messenger (of Allah), a prophet.
And mention in the Book Mûsa; (Moses) surely he was most faithful and he was a Messenger, a Prophet.
Mention too, in the Quran, the story of Moses. He was specially chosen, a messenger and a prophet:
اس قرآن میں موسیٰ (علیہ السلام) کا ذکر بھی کر، جو چنا ہوا اور رسول اور نبی تھا
Quran 19 Verse 51 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Maryam ayat 51, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(19:51) And recite in the Book the account of Moses.[29] He was a chosen one, a Messenger, a Prophet.[30]
29. The word used is mukhlasan, which means purified. In other words, Allah had specially chosen Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) for the mission of Prophethood.
30. Rasul literally means the one who is sent; therefore it is used for an ambassador, envoy, messenger and representative. The Quran has used this title for angels, who are sent by Allah on a special mission, or for the human beings who brought His Message to mankind.
As regards the word Nabi, it literally means the one who brings news, or the one who is high in rank, or the one who shows the way. This title is used for the Prophets in all the three senses. Thus Moses was a Messenger Prophet because he was a Messenger of high rank who gave news from Allah and showed the right way to the people.
The Quran does not necessarily differentiate between the use of the two titles, for sometimes it uses the title Rasul for one person at one place and the title Nabi for the same person at another place, and sometimes uses both the titles together for one and the same person. However, at some places each title has been used in a way as to show that there is some technical distinction between the two, though that has not been precisely marked out, except that every Rasul (Messenger) is a Nabi (Prophet) as well, but every Nabi may not be a Rasul, and that a Rasul has a special and more important mission to perform. This is supported by a tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him), which has been reported by Imam Ahmad from Abu Umamah and by Hakim from Abu Zarr. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked how many Messengers and Prophets had been sent to the world, he said that the number of the Messengers was 313 or 315 and of the Prophets 124,000
51. And mention in the Book, Musa. Verily, he was Mukhlasan and he was a Messenger, (and) a Prophet. 52. And We called him from the right side of the Mount (Tur), and made him draw near to Us for a talk with him. 53. And We granted him his brother Harun, (also) a Prophet, out of Our mercy.
After Allah had mentioned Ibrahim, the Friend of Allah, and commended him, he next mentioned Al-Kalim (the one spoken to by Allah directly). Allah said,
(And mention in the Book, Musa. Verily, he was Mukhlasan) Ath-Thawri reported from `Abdul-Aziz bin Rafi`, from Abu Lubabah that he said, “The Disciples (of `Isa) said, `O Spirit of Allah, inform us about the one who is Mukhlis (purely devoted) to Allah.’ He said, `That is one who does a deed solely for Allah and he does not like for the people to praise him.”’ Others recited the word as Mukhlas, which means that he was chosen. This is as Allah says,
(Verily, I have chosen you above men.) ﴿7:144﴾ Concerning Allah’s statement,
(and he was a Messenger, (and) a Prophet.) Allah combined these two descriptions for him. For verily, he was one of the greatest Messengers and one of the five Messengers of Strong Will. They are Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, `Isa and Muhammad. May the blessings of Allah be upon them and all of the Prophets. Allah said,
(And We called him from the side of the Tur.) means Mount
(right) It was on the right side of Musa when he went seeking a burning wood from that fire. He saw its glow in the distance, so he set out towards it and found it on the right side of the mountain from his direction, at the edge of the valley that he was in. This is when Allah, the Exalted, spoke to him and called out to him. Allah summoned him to come near and He conversed Ayah with him. Concerning His statement,
(And We granted him his brother Harun, (also) a Prophet, out of Our mercy.) This means, “We responded to his request and his plea on behalf of his brother and We made him a Prophet as well.” This is as Allah says in another Ayah,
(And my brother Harun he is more eloquent in speech than me: so send him with me as a helper to confirm me.Verily, I fear that they will belie me.) ﴿28:34﴾ Also, Allah said,
((Allah said: ) “You are granted your request, O Musa.”) ﴿20:36﴾ He also said,
(So send for Harun. And they have a charge of crime against me, and I fear they will kill me.) ﴿26:13-14﴾ Because of this, some of the Salaf (predecessors) said, “No one in this life pleaded on behalf of someone else more than Musa pleaded for his brother to be a Prophet.” Allah, the Exalted said,
(And We granted him his brother Harun, (also) a Prophet, out of Our mercy.)
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