Surah Yunus Ayat 34 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 34
Say, “Are there of your ‘partners’ any who begins creation and then repeats it?” Say, “Allah begins creation and then repeats it, so how are you deluded?”
Say: “Of your ‘partners’, can any originate creation and repeat it?” Say: “It is Allah Who originates creation and repeats it: then how are ye deluded away (from the truth)?”
Ask them: ‘Is there any among those whom you associate with Allah in His divinity who brings about the creation of all beings in the first instance and will then repeat it?’ Tell them: ‘It is Allah Who brings about the creation of all beings and will then repeat it. How are you, then, being misled?
Say: “Is there of your (Allah’s so-called) partners one that originates the creation and then repeats it?” Say: “Allah originates the creation and then He repeats it. Then how are you deluded away (from the truth)?”
Say: Is there of your partners (whom ye ascribe unto Allah) one that produceth Creation and then reproduceth it? Say: Allah produceth Creation, then reproduceth it. How then, are ye misled!
Say, “Is there any of your associates who begins creation (and) thereafter brings it back?” Say Allah begins creation (and) thereafter brings it back. So wherever are you diverged (into falsehood)?”
Ask them, ‘Can any of your partner-gods originate creation, then bring it back to life again in the end?’ Say, ‘It is God that originates creation, and then brings it back to life, so how can you be misled?’
آپ یوں کہیے کہ کیا تمہارے شرکا میں کوئی ایسا ہے جو پہلی بار بھی پیدا کرے، پھر دوباره بھی پیدا کرے؟ آپ کہہ دیجئے کہ اللہ ہی پہلی بار پیدا کرتا ہے پھر وہی دوباره بھی پیدا کرے گا۔ پھر تم کہاں پھرے جاتے ہو؟
Quran 10 Verse 34 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Yunus ayat 34, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(10:34) Ask them: ‘Is there any among those whom you associate with Allah in His divinity who brings about the creation of all beings in the first instance and will then repeat it?’ Tell them: ‘It is Allah Who brings about the creation of all beings and will then repeat it.[41] How are you, then, being misled?[42]
41. It is to be noted that the answers to the questions posed in this and the following verse have been put in the mouth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in contrast to the answers posed in the preceding verses. This is because the mushriks themselves believed, and therefore could not deny, that Allah originated the creation and that their gods had no share in this. But they would not admit that He could or would bring it back, for they could not in that case reject the doctrine of the life-after-death, though it was obvious that the One Who originated the creation could also bring it back again, and not any one of those who had not originated it. That is why the answer has been put in the mouth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he should declare it openly and boldly that Allah originated the creation and could and would bring it back again.
42. This question has been posed to bring home to them the folly of the doctrine of shirk. The argument is this: When Allah originates the creation and has the power to bring it back again, where do the gods you have set up come in? If you think a little, you yourselves will realize that there is no room for anyone in the universe for any claim or title to your reverence or worship or servitude.
34. Say: “Is there of your partners one that originates the creation and then repeats it” Say: “Allah originates the creation and then He repeats it. Then how are you deluded away (from the truth)” 35. Say: “Is there of your partners one that guides to the truth” Say: “It is Allah Who guides to the truth. Is then He Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance (himself) unless he is guided Then, what is the matter with you How judge you” 36. And most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Certainly, conjecture can be of no avail against the truth. Surely, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.
(Say: “Is there of your partners one that originates the creation and then repeats it”) meaning, who is the one who started the creation of these heavens and earth and created all the creatures in them Who can place the planets and the stars in their positions Who can then repeat the process of the creation
(Say: “Allah”) It is He Who does this. He does it by Himself, alone without partners.
(“Then how are you deluded away (from the truth)”) How is it that you are so misled from the right path to falsehood
(Say: “Is there of your partners one that guides to the truth” Say: ” It is Allah who guides to the truth. .”.) You know that your deities are incapable of guiding those who are astray. It is Allah alone Who guides the misled and confused ones and turns the hearts from the wrong path to the right path. It is Allah, none has the right to be worshipped but He.
(Is then He Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance (himself) unless he is guided) Will the servant then follow the one who guides to the truth so that he may see after he was blind, or follow one who doesn’t guide to anything except towards blindness and muteness Allah said that Ibrahim said:
(O my father! Why do you worship that which hears not, sees not and cannot avail you in anything) ﴿19:42﴾ And said to his people
(Worship you that which you (yourselves) carve While Allah has created you and what you make!) ﴿37: 95-96﴾ Also, there are many Ayat in this regard. Allah then said:
(Then, what is the matter with you How judge you) What is the matter with you What has happened to your mind How did you make Allah’s creatures equal to Him What kind of judgement did you make to turn away from Allah and worship this or that Why did you not worship the Lord — Glorified be He, the True King, the Judge and the One Who guides to the truth Why didn’t you call upon Him alone and turn towards Him Allah then explained that they did not follow their own religion out of evidence and proof. The fact is that they were following mere conjecture and imagination. But conjecture is in no way a substitute for the truth. At the end of this Ayah. He said,
(Allah is All-Aware of what they do.) This is both a threat and a promise of severe punishment. Allah said that He would reward them for their actions with a complete reward.
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