Surah Baqarah Ayat 272 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 272
Not upon you, [O Muhammad], is [responsibility for] their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever good you [believers] spend is for yourselves, and you do not spend except seeking the countenance of Allah. And whatever you spend of good – it will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.
“It is not required of thee (O Messenger), to set them on the right path, but Allah sets on the right path whom He pleaseth. Whatever of good ye give benefits your own souls, and ye shall only do so seeking the “Face” of Allah. Whatever good ye give, shall be rendered back to you, and ye shall not Be dealt with unjustly.
O Prophet, you are not responsible for their guidance; Allah Himself shows guidance to anyone He pleases. And whatever wealth you spend in charity, it is for your own good. As you spend of your wealth to win Allah’s pleasure, you will be given full reward for whatever you spend and you will not be deprived in the least of your rightful due.
Not upon you (Muhammad SAW) is their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills. And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not except seeking Allah’s Countenance. And whatever you spend in good, it will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged.
The guiding of them is not thy duty (O Muhammad), but Allah guideth whom He will. And whatsoever good thing ye spend, it is for yourselves, when ye spend not save in search of Allah’s Countenance; and whatsoever good thing ye spend, it will be repaid to you in full, and ye will not be wronged.
Their guidance is not upon you, but Allah guides whomever He decides. And whatever charity (benefit) you do expend, (then) it is for yourselves; and whatever you expend (should be) for nothing except for your seeking the Face of Allah; and whatever charity you do expend will be (paid) to you in full, and you will not be done an injustice.
It is not for you [Prophet] to guide them; it is God who guides whoever He will. Whatever charity you give benefits your own soul, provided you do it for the sake of God: whatever you give will be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged.
انہیں ہدایت پر ﻻ کھڑا کرنا تیرے ذمہ نہیں بلکہ ہدایت اللہ تعالیٰ دیتا ہے جسے چاہتا ہے اور تم جو بھلی چیز اللہ کی راه میں دو گے اس کا فائده خود پاؤ گے۔ تمہیں صرف اللہ تعالیٰ کی رضامندی کی طلب کے لئے ہی خرچ کرنا چاہئے تم جو کچھ مال خرچ کرو گے اس کا پورا پورا بدلہ تمہیں دیا جائے گا، اور تمہارا حق نہ مارا جائے گا
Quran 2 Verse 272 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Baqarah ayat 272, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(2:272) You are not responsible for setting these people on the Right Way; Allah sets on the Right Way whomsoever He wills. Whatever wealth you spend in charity is to your own benefit for you spend merely to please Allah. So, whatever you spend in charity will be repaid to you in full and you shall not be wronged.[313]
313. In the beginning Muslims tended to hesitate in helping either their non-Muslim relatives or other non-Muslims who were in need. They thought that helping Muslims only constituted ‘spending in the way of Allah’. This verse rejects this attitude. The purpose of this verse is to point out that Muslims are not responsible for forcing true guidance down the throats of people; conveying the message of Truth to people absolves them of the obligation incumbent upon them. It is, then, for God either to favour the recipients of the message with true perception or not. In addition Muslims should not shrink from helping their relatives in the affairs of the world on the ground that they are not following the true guidance; they will he rewarded by God for whatever help they render to needy persons for the sake of God.
The tafsir of Surah Baqarah verse 271 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Baqarah ayat 270 which provides the complete commentary from verse 270 through 271.
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