Surah Baqarah Ayat 43 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 43
And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].
“And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship).
Establish the Salat, pay the Zakat and bow down before Me along with those who bow down.
And perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, and Irka’ (i.e. bow down or submit yourselves with obedience to Allah) along with Ar-Raki’un.
Establish worship, pay the poor-due, and bow your heads with those who bow (in worship).
And keep up the prayer and bring the Zakat (i.e., pay the obligatory poor-dues) and bow down with the ones bowing down.
Keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, and bow your heads [in worship] with those who bow theirs.
اور نمازوں کو قائم کرو اور زکوٰة دو اور رکوع کرنے والوں کے ساتھ رکوع کرو
Quran 2 Verse 43 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Baqarah ayat 43, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(2:43) Establish Prayer and dispense Zakah (the Purifying Alms)[59] and bow in worship with those who bow.
59. Prayer and Purifying Alms (Zakah) have always been among the most important pillars of the Islamic faith. Like other Prophets, the Prophets of Israel laid great stress upon them. The Jews had, however, become very negligent about these duties. Congregational Prayer had all but ceased among them; in fact, a great majority of the Jews did not perform Prayers even individually. They had also not only ceased to pay Purifying Alms, but some had even gone so far as to make their living out of interest.
The tafsir of Surah Baqarah verse 43 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Baqarah ayat 42 which provides the complete commentary from verse 42 through 43.
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