Surah Al-A’raf Ayat 104 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 104
And Moses said, “O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds
Moses said: “O Pharaoh! I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds,-
And Moses said: ‘O Pharaoh! I am a Messenger from the Lord of the universe.
And Musa (Moses) said: “O Fir’aun (Pharaoh)! I am a Messenger from the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
Moses said: O Pharaoh! Lo! I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds,
And Mûsa (Moses) said, “O Firaawn! (Pharaoh) Surely I am a Messenger from The Lord of the worlds.
Moses said, ‘Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of all the Worlds,
اور موسیٰ (علیہ السلام) نے فرمایا کہ اے فرعون! میں رب العالمین کی طرف سے پیغمبر ہوں
Quran 7 Verse 104 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-A’raf ayat 104, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(7:104) And Moses said: ‘0 Pharaoh![85] I am a Messenger from the Lord of the universe.
85. ‘Pharaoh’ literally means ‘the offspring of the sun-god’. The ancient Egyptians called the sun ‘Ra’, worshipped it as their supreme deity’, and Pharaoh – Ra’s physical manifestation and representative – was named after it. It was for this reason that all Egyptian rulers claimed their authority on the basis of their association with Ra, and every ruler who mounted the Egyptian throne called himself Pharaoh, trying thereby to assure his people that he was their supreme deity.
It may be noted that the Qur’anic narrative regarding Moses refers to two Pharaohs. The first of these was one during whose reign Moses was born and in whose palace he was brought up. The second Pharaoh to Whorn reference is made is the one whom Moses invited to Islam and who was asked to liberate the Israelites. It is this latter Pharaoh who was finally drowned. Modern scholarship is inclined to the view that the first Pharaoh was Rameses 11 who ruled over Egypt from 1292 B.C. to 1225 B.C. while the second Pharaoh was Minpetah, his son, who had become a co-sharer in his father’s authority during the latter’s lifetime and who, after his death, became the fully-fledged ruler of Egypt. This, however, is not fully established since Moses, according to the Egyptian calendar, died in 1272 B.C. In any case these are merely historical conjectures. It is quite difficult to establish a clear chronological framework owing to discrepancies in the Egyptian, Israeli and Christian calendars.
104. And Musa said: “O Fir`awn! Verily, I am a Messenger from the Lord of all that exists.” 105. “Proper it is for me that I say nothing concerning Allah but the truth. Indeed I have come unto you from your Lord with a clear proof. So let the Children of Israel depart along with me.” 106. ﴿Fir`awn﴾ said: “If you have come with a sign, show it forth, if you are one of those who tell the truth.”) Allah mentions a debate that took place between Musa and Fir`awn, and Musa’s refuting Fir`awn with the unequivocal proof and clear miracles, in the presence of Fir`awn and his people, the Copts of Egypt. Allah said,
(And Musa said: “O Fir`awn! Verily, I am a Messenger from the Lord of all that exists”.) meaning Musa said, `the one Who sent me is the Creator, Lord and King of all things,’
(“Proper it is for me that I say nothing concerning Allah but the truth. ”) `It is incumbent and a duty for me to convey only the Truth from Him, because of what I know of His might and power.’
(“Indeed I have come unto you from your Lord with a clear proof.”) `I brought unequivocal evidence that Allah gave me to prove that I am conveying the truth to you,’
(“So let the Children of Israel depart along with me.”) means, release them from your slavery and subjugation. Let them worship your Lord and their Lord. They are from the offspring of an honorable Prophet, Isra’il, who is Ya`qub son of Ishaq son of Ibrahim, the Khalil (intimate friend) of Allah.
(﴿Fir`awn﴾ said: “If you have come with a sign, show it forth, if you are one of those who tell the truth.”) Fir`awn said, `I will not believe in what you have said nor entertain your request’. Therefore, he said, `if you have proof, then produce it for us to see, so that we know if your claim is true.’
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