Surah Al-A’raf Ayat 53 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 53
Do they await except its result? The Day its result comes those who had ignored it before will say, “The messengers of our Lord had come with the truth, so are there [now] any intercessors to intercede for us or could we be sent back to do other than we used to do?” They will have lost themselves, and lost from them is what they used to invent.
Do they just wait for the final fulfilment of the event? On the day the event is finally fulfilled, those who disregarded it before will say: “The messengers of our Lord did indeed bring true (tidings). Have we no intercessors now to intercede on our behalf? Or could we be sent back? then should we behave differently from our behaviour in the past.” In fact they will have lost their souls, and the things they invented will leave them in the lurch.
Are they waiting for the fulfilment of its warning? On the Day that warning is fulfilled, those that have neglected it before will say: ‘The Messengers of Our Lord did indeed bring forth the truth. Are there any intercessors who will now plead on our behalf? Or, can we be restored to life that we might perform differently from that which we did? ‘ They surely ended in utter loss, and the lies they had fabricated failed them.
Await they just for the final fulfillment of the event? On the Day the event is finally fulfilled (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), those who neglected it before will say: “Verily, the Messengers of our Lord did come with the truth, now are there any intercessors for us that they might intercede on our behalf? Or could we be sent back (to the first life of the world) so that we might do (good) deeds other than those (evil) deeds which we used to do?” Verily, they have lost their ownselves (i.e. destroyed themselves) and that which they used to fabricate (invoking and worshipping others besides Allah) has gone away from them.
Await they aught save the fulfilment thereof? On the day when the fulfilment thereof cometh, those who were before forgetful thereof will say: The messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth! Have we any intercessors, that they may intercede for us? Or can we be returned (to life on earth), that we may act otherwise than we used to act? They have lost their souls, and that which they devised hath failed them.
Do they look for (anything) except its interpretation? The Day its interpretation comes up, the ones who forgot it earlier will say, “The Messengers of Our Lord already came with the Truth; so, have we any intercessors, (for) then they would intercede for us, or will we be turned back to do other than what we were doing?” They have already lost their (own) selves, and what they were fabricating has erred away from them.
What are they waiting for but the fulfilment of its [final prophecy]? On the Day it is fulfilled, those who had ignored it will say, ‘Our Lord’s messenger spoke the truth. Is there anyone to intercede for us now? Or can we be sent back to behave differently from the way we behaved before?’ They will really have squandered their souls, and all [the idols] they invented will have deserted them.
ان لوگوں کو اور کسی بات کا انتظار نہیں صرف اس کے اخیر نتیجہ کا انتظار ہے، جس روز اس کا اخیر نتیجہ پیش آئے گا اور اس روز جو لوگ اس کو پہلے سے بھولے ہوئے تھے یوں کہیں گے کہ واقعی ہمارے رب کے پیغمبر سچی سچی باتیں ﻻئے تھے، سو اب کیا کوئی ہمارا سفارشی ہے کہ وه ہماری سفارش کردے یا کیا ہم پھر واپس بھیجے جاسکتے ہیں تاکہ ہم لوگ ان اعمال کے، جن کو ہم کیا کرتے تھے برخلاف دوسرے اعمال کریں۔ بےشک ان لوگوں نے اپنے آپ کو خساره میں ڈال دیا اور یہ جو جو باتیں تراشتے تھے سب گم ہوگئیں
Quran 7 Verse 53 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-A’raf ayat 53, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(7:53) Are they waiting for the fulfilment of its warning?[38] On the Day that warning is fulfilled, those that have neglected it before will say: ‘The Messengers of Our Lord did indeed bring forth the truth. Are there any intercessors who will now plead on our behalf? Or, can we be restored to life that we might perform differently from that which we did? ‘[39] They surely ended in utter loss, and the lies they had fabricated failed them.
38. The position of the people in question is as follows. The difference between good and evil was first explained to them, and yet they turned a deaf ear to it. Then some people established a good example by following the right path notwithstanding the dominant trend towards error. The wholesome effect of righteous conduct became evident from the lives of such people, but it made no impression on the people concerned. Their persistence in error could only mean one thing: that they would only learn the lesson the hard way when they saw the painful effects of their error. Such people are like stupid patients who neither follow the directions of the physician, nor learn any lesson from their own observations of the many patients who have been cured of their diseases by following the directions of physicians. Thesc people will realize – if they realize at all – on their death-bed that their ways were foolish and fatal.
39. Such people will long to return to the world, pleading that they will believe in the truth which they had rejected since they have now witnessed it. They will also ensure that their attitude will be different from that which had been before. For a fuller discussion of this plea and the rejoinder to it see (Surah Al-Anam, ayat 27-28); (Surah Ibrahim, ayat 44-45); (Surah As-Sajdah, ayat 12-13); (Surah Al-Fatir, ayat 37); (Surah Az-Zumar, ayat 56-59); and (Surah Al-Mumin, ayat 11-12).
The tafsir of Surah Al-A’raf verse 53 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah A’raf ayat 52 which provides the complete commentary from verse 52 through 53.
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