Surah Al-A’raf Ayat 155 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 155
And Moses chose from his people seventy men for Our appointment. And when the earthquake seized them, he said, “My Lord, if You had willed, You could have destroyed them before and me [as well]. Would You destroy us for what the foolish among us have done? This is not but Your trial by which You send astray whom You will and guide whom You will. You are our Protector, so forgive us and have mercy upon us; and You are the best of forgivers.
And Moses chose seventy of his people for Our place of meeting: when they were seized with violent quaking, he prayed: “O my Lord! if it had been Thy will Thou couldst have destroyed, long before, both them and me: wouldst Thou destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us? this is no more than Thy trial: by it Thou causest whom Thou wilt to stray, and Thou leadest whom Thou wilt into the right path. Thou art our Protector: so forgive us and give us Thy mercy; for Thou art the best of those who forgive.
And out of his people Moses singled out seventy men for Our appointment. Then, when violent shaking seized them, he addressed his Lord: ‘Had You willed, O my Lord, You could have destroyed them and me long ago. Will You destroy us for what the fools amongst us did? That was nothing but a trial from You whereby You mislead whom You will and guide whom You will. You alone are our guardian. Forgive us, then, and have mercy upon us. You are the best of those who forgive.
And Musa (Moses) chose out of his people seventy (of the best) men for Our appointed time and place of meeting, and when they were seized with a violent earthquake, he said: “O my Lord, if it had been Your Will, You could have destroyed them and me before; would You destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us? It is only Your Trial by which You lead astray whom You will, and keep guided whom You will. You are our Wali (Protector), so forgive us and have Mercy on us, for You are the Best of those who forgive.
And Moses chose of his people seventy men for Our appointed tryst and, when the trembling came on them, he said: My Lord! If Thou hadst willed Thou hadst destroyed them long before, and me with them. Wilt thou destroy us for that which the ignorant among us did? It is but Thy trial (of us). Thou sendest whom Thou wilt astray and guidest whom Thou wilt: Thou art our Protecting Friend, therefore forgive us and have mercy on us, Thou, the Best of all who show forgiveness.
And Mûsa (Moses) chose his people, seventy men, for Our fixed time; then, as soon as the commotion took them, he said, “Lord! If you had so decided, You would have caused them to perish earlier and me. Would You cause us to perish for what the foolish ones of us have performed? Decidedly it is (nothing) except Your temptation, whereby You lead to error whomever You decide, and You guide whomever You decide. You are our Ever-Patronizing Patron, so forgive us and have mercy on us, and You are The Most Charitable of forgivers..
Moses chose from his people seventy men for Our appointment, and when they were seized by trembling, he prayed, ‘My Lord, if You had chosen to do so, You could have destroyed them long before this, and me too, so will You now destroy us for what the foolish among us have done? This is only a trial from You- through it, You cause whoever You will to stray and guide whoever You will- and You are our Protector, so forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the best of those who forgive.
اور موسیٰ (علیہ السلام) نے ستر آدمی اپنی قوم میں سے ہمارے وقت معین کے لیے منتخب کئے، سو جب ان کو زلزلہ نے آپکڑا تو موسیٰ (علیہ السلام) عرض کرنے لگے کہ اے میرے پروردگار! اگر تجھ کو یہ منظور ہوتا تو اس سے قبل ہی ان کو اور مجھ کو ہلاک کر دیتا۔ کیا تو ہم میں سے چند بے وقوفوں کی حرکت پر سب کو ہلاک کردے گا؟ یہ واقعہ محض تیری طرف سے ایک امتحان ہے، ایسے امتحانات سے جس کو تو چاہے گمراہی میں ڈال دے اور جس کو چاہے ہدایت پر قائم رکھے۔ تو ہی تو ہمارا کارساز ہے پس ہم پر مغفرت اور رحمت فرما اور تو سب معافی دینے والوں سے زیاده اچھا ہے
Quran 7 Verse 155 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-A’raf ayat 155, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(7:155) And out of his people Moses singled out seventy men for Our appointment. [109] Then, when violent shaking seized them, he addressed his Lord: Had You willed, O my Lord, You could have destroyed them and me long ago. Will You destroy us for what the fools amongst us did? That was nothing but a trial from You whereby You mislead whom You will and guide whom You will. [110] You alone are our guardian. Forgive us, then, and have mercy upon us. You are the best of those who forgive.
109. Moses was summoned for the second time to Mount Sinai along with seventy chiefs of the nation in order that they might seek pardon for their calf-worship and renew their covenant with God. Reference to this event is not found in the Bible and Talmud. They simply mention that Moses was summoned to receive new tablets as replacements for the ones he had thrown down and broken. (Cf. Exodus 34.)
110. When a people are put to the test it is an occasion of crucial importance for it helps to distinguish the righteous from the wicked. Like a winnow, it separates out of the mass the useful from the useless. Hence in his wisdom God subjects people to tests. Those who successfully pass through them, owe their success to the support and guidance they receive from God. As for those who are unsuccessful, their failure is the result of their not receiving that support and guidance. This does not detract from the fact that men neither arbitrarily receive or are denied God’s support and guidance. Both extending and withholding support and guidance follow a rule which is based on wisdom and justice. The fact, however, remains that man can succeed in the test to which he is put only if God supports and guides him.
155. And Musa chose out of his people seventy (of the best) men for Our appointed time and place of meeting, and when they were seized with a violent earthquake, he said: “O my Lord, if it had been Your Will, You could have destroyed them and me before; would You destroy us for the deeds of the foolish among us It is only Your trial by which You lead astray whom You will, and keep guided whom You will. You are our protector, so forgive us and have mercy on us: for You are the best of those who forgive. 156. “And ordain for us good in this world, and in the Hereafter. Certainly we have Hudna unto You.” He said: (As to) My punishment I afflict therewith whom I will and My mercy embraces all things. That (mercy) I shall ordain for those who have Taqwa, and give Zakah; and those who believe in Our Ayat.
`Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas commented; “Allah commanded Musa to choose seventy men. So he chose them and proceeded with them in order that they supplicate to their Lord. Their supplication included asking Allah, `O Allah! Give us what you have never given anyone before us and will never give anyone after us!’ Allah disliked this supplication and they were seized with a violent earthquake, Musa said:
(“O my Lord, if it had been Your will, You could have destroyed them and me before.)”’ As-Suddi said, “Allah commanded Musa to come with thirty men from the Children of Israel, apologizing for worshipping the calf; and He gave them an appointed time and place.
(And Musa chose out of his people seventy (of the best) men.) He chose these men and went along with them so that they could apologize. When they reached the appointed place, they said,
(We shall never believe in you), ﴿2:55﴾ `O Musa,
(until we see Allah plainly, ) for you spoke to Him,’ they said, `therefore, show Him to us,’
(but they were struck with a bolt of lightning) ﴿4:153﴾ and they died. Musa stood up crying, invoking Allah, `O Lord! What should I tell the Children of Israel, when I go back to them after You destroyed their best men’
(“O my Lord, if it had been Your will, You could have destroyed them and me before”).”’ Muhammad bin Ishaq said, “Musa chose seventy of the best men from the Children of Israel. He said to them, `Go to the meeting with Allah and repent for what you committed. Beg His forgiveness for those of your people whom you left behind. Fast, purify yourselves and clean your clothes.’ So, he went with them to Mount Tur in Sinai for the meeting place and time designated by his Lord. He went there only with the leave and knowledge of Allah. According to what has been mentioned to me, when the seventy did what he ordered them to do, and went with him to the meeting of Musa with his Lord, they said, `Request that we may also hear the words of our Lord.’ So he replied, `I shall.’ When Musa approached the mountain it became completely covered with columns of clouds, Musa approached it and entered in them. He said to the people, `Approach.’ But when Allah spoke to Musa, his cloak was surrounded by a brilliant light which no human could bear to look at, so below him a barrier was placed and the people approached. When they entered the cloud they fell prostrate and they heard Him while he was speaking to Musa, commanding him and forbidding him, saying what to do and what not to do. When He completed commanding him, and removed the cloud from Musa, he faced the people and they said, `O Musa! We will not believe in you unless we see Allah directly.’ So the thunder shook them, their souls were captured and they all died. Musa stood up invoking, begging and supplicating to his Lord,
(“O my Lord, if it had been Your will, You could have destroyed them and me before.”)’ meaning, `They were foolish. Would You destroy anyone who comes after me from the Children of Israel’ Ibn `Abbas, Qatadah, Mujahid and Ibn Jarir At-Tabari said, “They were seized by the tremor or lightning, because they neither shunned nor forbade their people who worshipped the calf.” This is supported by Musa’s statement,
(“would You destroy us for the deeds of the fools among us”) He said next,
(“It is only Your Fitnah”) affliction, test and trial, according to Ibn `Abbas, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Abu Al-`Aliyah, Ar-Rabi` bin Anas and several among the Salaf and latter scholars. This is the only plausible meaning, in which Musa says, “The decision is Yours (O Allah), and the judgment, and whatever You will occurs. You misguide whom You will, guide whom You will, and none can guide whom You misguide or misguide whom You guide. There is none who can give what You deprive or avert what You give. The sovereignty is all Yours, and Yours is the judgment, the creation and the decision.” The Ayah,
(“You are our protector, so forgive us and have mercy on us: for You are the best of those who forgive.”), pertains to (Allah’s) covering the mistake and not punishing for the sin. Whenever mercy is mentioned along with forgiveness ﴿such as in Musa’s supplication to Allah﴾, it includes the hope that Allah does not permit one to fall into that act again.
(“for You are the best of those who forgive,”) for none except You can forgive the sin.
(“And ordain for us good in this world, and in the Hereafter.”) The first part of Musa’s supplication was to fend off what should be avoided, while this part is a request for what is sought. The meaning of,
(“And ordain for us good in this world, and in the Hereafter. ”) is, `ordain for us and grant us all that is good in both lives. We mentioned the meaning of `good’ before in Surat Al-Baqarah.
(“We have Hudna unto You”) `we repent, go back and return unto You,’ according to the meaning of, `Hudna’, given by Ibn `Abbas, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Mujahid, Abu Al-`Aliyah, Ad-Dahhak, Ibrahim At-Taymi, As-Suddi, Qatadah and several others.
(He said: (As to) My punishment I afflict therewith whom I will and My mercy embraces all things. That (mercy) I shall ordain for those who have Taqwa, and give Zakah; and those who believe in Our Ayat.) ﴿7:156﴾ j
Allah answers the statement,
(“It is only Your trial…”) ﴿7:155﴾, by saying,
((As to) My punishment I afflict therewith whom I will and My mercy embraces all things.) Allah says here, `I do what I will, decide what I will and I have wisdom and justice in all matters.’ Certainly, there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. Allah’s statement,
(and My mercy embraces all things) testifies to His encompassing mercy. Allah said that the angels who carry His Throne and those around the Throne supplicate,
(“Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge.”) ﴿40:7﴾ Imam Ahmad recorded that Jundub bin `Abdullah Al-Bajali said, “A bedouin man came, he made his camel kneel and he tied it. Then he prayed behind the Messenger of Allah . When the Messenger of Allah finished the prayer, that man untied his camel mounted it and supplicated aloud, `O Allah! Grant Your mercy to me and to Muhammad, and do not give a share in it to anyone else.’ The Messenger of Allah commented (to his Companions),
(Do you think that this man is more misguided or his camel Did you not hear what this man has said) They said, `Yes.’ He said,
(You (the bedouin man) have restricted a vast mercy! Allah, the Exalted, the most Honored has created a hundred mercies and sent down one of them by which the creation, men, Jinn and animals, show mercy to each other. He left with Him ninety-nine mercies, so do you say that this man is more misguided or his camel) Ahmad and Abu Dawud collected this Hadith. Imam Ahmad recorded that Salman narrated that the Prophet said,
(Allah, the Exalted and Most Honored, has a hundred mercies. With one of them, the creations show mercy to each other, and even the beasts show kindness to their offspring. He has kept ninety-nine mercies with Him for the Day of Resurrection.) Muslim recorded it. Allah said next,
(That (mercy) I shall ordain for those who have Taqwa, ) meaning, I will ordain My mercy for them, as a favor and kindness from Me to them. Allah said in a similar Ayah,
(He has prescribed mercy for Himself) ﴿6:12﴾ Allah’s statement,
(for those who have Taqwa), means, `I will ordain My mercy for those who possess these qualities, and they are the Ummah of Muhammad,’
(for those who have Taqwa), who avoid Shirk and major sins,
(and give the Zakah), purify themselves, according to one opinion. It was also said that, `the Zakah’, here pertains to wealth. It is possible that both meanings are included here, for this Ayah was revealed in Makkah ﴿before Zakah in fixed shares was ordained﴾,
(and those who believe in Our Ayat.), those who have faith in them.
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