Surah Al-A’raf Ayat 40 in Arabic Text
English Translation
Here you can read various translations of verse 40
Indeed, those who deny Our verses and are arrogant toward them – the gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle. And thus do We recompense the criminals.
To those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the garden, until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle: Such is Our reward for those in sin.
Surely the gates of Heaven shall not be opened for those who reject Our signs as false and turn away ‘ from them in arrogance; nor shall they enter Paradise until a camel passes through the eye of a needle. Thus do We reward the guilty ones.
Verily, those who belie Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and treat them with arrogance, for them the gates of heaven will not be opened, and they will not enter Paradise until the camel goes through the eye of the needle (which is impossible). Thus do We recompense the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.).
Lo! they who deny Our revelations and scorn them, for them the gates of heaven will nor be opened not will they enter the Garden until the camel goeth through the needle’s eye. Thus do We requite the guilty.
Surely the ones who cry lies to Our signs and wax proud against them, the gates of the heaven will not be made to open to them, nor will they enter the Garden until the cord (Sometimes interpreted) penetrates into the eye of the needle. And thus We recompense the criminals.
The gates of Heaven will not be open to those who rejected Our revelations and arrogantly spurned them; even if a thick rope were to pass through the eye of a needle they would not enter the Garden. This is how We punish the guilty-
جن لوگوں نے ہماری آیتوں کو جھٹلایا اور ان سے تکبر کیا ان کے لئے آسمان کے دروازے نہ کھولے جائیں گے اور وه لوگ کبھی جنت میں نہ جائیں گے جب تک کہ اونٹ سوئی کے ناکہ کے اندر سے نہ چلا جائے اور ہم مجرم لوگوں کو ایسی ہی سزا دیتے ہیں
Quran 7 Verse 40 Explanation
For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Al-A’raf ayat 40, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir.
(7:40) Surely the gates of Heaven shall not be opened for those who reject Our signs as false and turn away ‘ from them in arrogance; nor shall they enter Paradise until a camel passes through the eye of a needle. Thus do We reward the guilty ones.
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
40. Verily, those who belie Our Ayat and treat them with arrogance, for them the gates of the heavens will not be opened, and they will not enter Paradise until the Jamal goes through the eye of the needle. Thus do We recompense the criminals. 41. Theirs will be Mihad from the Fire, and over them Ghawash. Thus do We recompense the wrongdoers.
Allah said,
(for them the gates of the heavens will not be opened,) meaning, their good deeds and supplication will not ascend through it, according to Mujahid, Sa`id bin Jubayr and Ibn `Abbas, as Al-`Awfi and `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported from him. Ath-Thawri narrated that, Layth said that `Ata’ narrated this from Ibn `Abbas. It was also said that the meaning here is that the doors of the heavens will not be opened for the disbelievers’ souls, according to Ad-Dahhak who reported this from Ibn `Abbas. As-Suddi and several others mentioned this meaning. What further supports this meaning, is the report from Ibn Jarir that Al-Bara’ said that the Messenger of Allah mentioned capturing the soul of the `Fajir’ (wicked sinner or disbeliever), and that his or her soul will be ascended to heaven. The Prophet said,
(So they (angels) ascend it and it will not pass by a gathering of the angels, but they will ask, who’s wicked soul is this’ They will reply, `The soul of so-and-so,’ calling him by the worst names he was called in this life. When they reach the (lower) heaven, they will ask that its door be opened for the soul, but it will not be opened for it.) The Prophet then recited,
(For them the gates of heaven will not be opened). This is a part of a long Hadith which was also recorded by Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah. Ibn Jurayj commented on the Ayah,
(for them the gates of heaven will not be opened,) “(The gates of heaven) will not be opened for their deeds or souls.” This explanation combines the two meanings we gave above, and Allah knows best. Allah’s statement,
(and they will not enter Paradise until the Jamal goes through the eye of the needle.) refers to the male camel. Ibn Mas`ud said it is a male camel from the she camel. In another narration it refers to the spouse of the she camel. Mujahid and `Ikrimah said that Ibn `Abbas used to recite this Ayah this way, “Until the Jummal goes through the eye of the needle”, whereas `Jummal’ is a thick rope. Allah’s statement,
(Theirs will be Mihad from the Fire) means, beds, while;
(and over them Ghawash), means, coverings, according to Muhammad bin Ka`b Al-Qurazi. Similar was said by Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim and As-Suddi. Allah said next,
(Thus do We recompense the wrongdoers.)
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