About Surah An-Naml:
Surah An-Naml (in Arabic text: النمل) is the 27th chapter of the Qur’an. The surah titled in English means “The Ants” and it consists of 93 verses...
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Yusuf Ali
Abul Ala Maududi
Muhsin Khan
Dr. Ghali
Abdul Haleem
Urdu - Muhammad Junagarhi
Hindi - Suhel Farooq Khan
Malay - Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
Arabic font-size:
بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
In The Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful
In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy!
شروع کرتا ہوں اللہ تعالیٰ کے نام سے جو بڑا مہربان نہایت رحم واﻻ ہے
अल्लाह के नाम से जो रहमान व रहीम है।
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
طسٓۚ تِلۡكَ ءَايَٰتُ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانِ وَكِتَابٖ مُّبِينٍ
Taa-Seeen; tilka Aayaatul Qur-aani wa Kitaabim Mubeen
Ta, Seen. These are the verses of the Qur’an and a clear Book
These are verses of the Qur’an,-a book that makes (things) clear;
Ta’. Sin. These are the verses of the Qur’an and a Clear Book;
Ta-Sin. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. These are the Verses of the Quran, and (it is) a Book (that makes things) clear;
Ta. Sin. These are revelations of the Qur’an and a Scripture that maketh plain;
Ta Sîn (These are the names of letters of the Arabic alphabet, and only Allah knows their meaning here).Those (Literally: that) are the ayat (Verses, signs) of the Qur’an and an Evident Book,
Ta Sin These are the verses of the Quran––a scripture that makes things clear;
طٰس، یہ آیتیں ہیں قرآن کی (یعنی واضح) اور روشن کتاب کی
ता सीन ये क़ुरान वाजेए व रौशन किताब की आयतें है
Taa, siin. Ini ialah ayat-ayat Al-Quran, juga Kitab yang jelas nyata (kandungannya dan kebenarannya),
هُدٗى وَبُشۡرَىٰ لِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ
Hudanw wa bushraa lil mu’mineen
As guidance and good tidings for the believers
A guide: and glad tidings for the believers,-
a guidance and good tidings for the believers
A guide (to the Right Path); and glad tidings for the believers [who believe in the Oneness of Allah (i.e. Islamic Monotheism)].
A guidance and good tidings for believers
A guidance and good tidings to the believers,
a guide and joyful news for the believers
ہدایت اور خوشخبری ایمان والوں کے لیے
(ये) उन ईमानदारों के लिए (अज़सरतापा) हिदायत और (जन्नत की) ख़ुशखबरी है
Menjadi hidayah petunjuk dan berita gembira bagi orang-orang yang beriman,
ٱلَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَيُؤۡتُونَ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَهُم بِٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ هُمۡ يُوقِنُونَ
Allazeena yuqeemoonas Salaata wa yu’toonaz Zakaata wa hum bil Aakhirati hum yooqinoon
Who establish prayer and give zakah, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith].
Those who establish regular prayers and give in regular charity, and also have (full) assurance of the hereafter.
who establish Prayer and give Zakah, and have firm faith in the Hereafter.
Those who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give Zakat and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter (resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.).
Who establish worship and pay the poor-due and are sure of the Hereafter.
Who keep up the prayer, and bring the Zakat, (i.e., pay the poor-dues) and they, (always) they, have certitude in the Hereafter.
who keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, and believe firmly in the life to come.
جو نماز قائم کرتے ہیں اور زکوٰة ادا کرتے ہیں اور آخرت پر یقین رکھتے ہیں
जो नमाज़ को पाबन्दी से अदा करते हैं और ज़कात दिया करते हैं और यही लोग आख़िरत (क़यामत) का भी यक़ीन रखते हैं
Iaitu mereka yang tetap mendirikan sembahyang dan memberi zakat, sedang mereka pula percaya dengan yakin akan hari akhirat.
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ زَيَّنَّا لَهُمۡ أَعۡمَٰلَهُمۡ فَهُمۡ يَعۡمَهُونَ
Innal lazeena laa yu’minoona bil Aakhirati zaiyannaa lahum a’maalahum fahum ya’mahoon
Indeed, for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have made pleasing to them their deeds, so they wander blindly.
As to those who believe not in the Hereafter, We have made their deeds pleasing in their eyes; and so they wander about in distraction.
As for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have made their deeds seem attractive to them so they stumble around in perplexity.
Verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter, We have made their deeds fair-seeming to them, so they wander about blindly.
Lo! as for those who believe not in the Hereafter, We have made their works fairseeming unto them so that they are all astray.
Surely the ones who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have adorned for them their deeds, so they are blundering (blindly);
As for those who do not believe in the life to come, We have made their deeds seem alluring to them, so they wander blindly:
جو لوگ قیامت پر ایمان نہیں ﻻتے ہم نے انہیں ان کے کرتوت زینت دار کر دکھائے ہیں، پس وه بھٹکتے پھرتے ہیں
इसमें शक नहीं कि जो लोग आखिरत पर ईमान नहीं रखते (गोया) हमने ख़ुद (उनकी कारस्तानियों को उनकी नज़र में) अच्छा कर दिखाया है
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang tidak percaya kepada hari akhirat, Kami jadikan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk mereka kelihatan baik kepada mereka; oleh itu, tinggalah mereka meraba-raba dalam kesesatan.
أُوْلَـٰٓئِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَهُمۡ سُوٓءُ ٱلۡعَذَابِ وَهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ هُمُ ٱلۡأَخۡسَرُونَ
Ulaaa’ikal lazeena lahum sooo’ul ‘azaabi wa hum fil Aakhirati humul akhsaroon
Those are the ones for whom there will be the worst of punishment, and in the Hereafter they are the greatest losers.
Such are they for whom a grievous Penalty is (waiting); and in the Hereafter theirs will be the greatest loss.
It is they for whom a grievous chastisement lies in store; it is they who shall be the greatest losers in the Hereafter.
They are those for whom there will be an evil torment (in this world). And in the Hereafter they will be the greatest losers.
Those are they for whom is the worst of punishment, and in the Hereafter they will be the greatest losers.
Those are they for whom is an odious torment, and they, (always) they, are the ones who will be the greatest losers in the Hereafter.
it is they who will have the worst suffering, and will be the ones to lose most in the life to come.
یہی لوگ ہیں جن کے لیے برا عذاب ہے اور آخرت میں بھی وه سخت نقصان یافتہ ہیں
तो ये लोग भटकते फिरते हैं- यही वह लोग हैं जिनके लिए (क़यामत में) बड़ा अज़ाब है और यही लोग आख़िरत में सबसे ज्यादा घाटा उठाने वाले हैं
Merekalah orang-orang yang akan beroleh azab seksa yang buruk (di dunia) dan mereka pula pada hari akhirat adalah orang-orang yang palig rugi.
وَإِنَّكَ لَتُلَقَّى ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ مِن لَّدُنۡ حَكِيمٍ عَلِيمٍ
Wa innaka latulaqqal Qur-aana mil ladun Hakeemin ‘Aleem
And indeed, [O Muhammad], you receive the Qur’an from one Wise and Knowing.
As to thee, the Qur’an is bestowed upon thee from the presence of one who is wise and all-knowing.
As for you, (O Muhammad), you are receiving the Qur’an from the Most Wise, the All-Knowing.
And verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) are receiving the Quran from the One, All-Wise, All-Knowing.
Lo! as for thee (Muhammad), thou verily receivest the Qur’an from the presence of One Wise, Aware.
And surely you indeed are granted (Literally: you are made to keep receiving) the Qur’an from very close to The Ever-Wise, The Ever-Knowing.
You [Prophet] receive the Quran from One who is all wise, all knowing.
بیشک آپ کو اللہ حکیم وعلیم کی طرف سے قرآن سکھایا جارہا ہے۔
और (ऐ रसूल) तुमको तो क़ुरान एक बडे वाक़िफकार हकीम की बारगाह से अता किया जाता है
Dan sesungguhnya engkau (wahai Muhammad) diberikan menyambut dan menerima Al-Quran dari sisi Allah Yang Maha Bijaksana, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
إِذۡ قَالَ مُوسَىٰ لِأَهۡلِهِۦٓ إِنِّيٓ ءَانَسۡتُ نَارٗا سَـَٔاتِيكُم مِّنۡهَا بِخَبَرٍ أَوۡ ءَاتِيكُم بِشِهَابٖ قَبَسٖ لَّعَلَّكُمۡ تَصۡطَلُونَ
Iz qaala Moosaa li ahliheee inneee aanastu naaran sa’aateekum minhaa bikhabarin aw aateekum bishihaabin qabasil la’allakum tastaloon
[Mention] when Moses said to his family, “Indeed, I have perceived a fire. I will bring you from there information or will bring you a burning torch that you may warm yourselves.”
Behold! Moses said to his family: “I perceive a fire; soon will I bring you from there some information, or I will bring you a burning brand to light our fuel, that ye may warm yourselves.
(Recount to them) when Moses said to his family: “I perceive something like fire: soon will I bring to you some information from there, or I will bring you a burning brand that you may warm yourselves.”
(Remember) when Musa (Moses) said to his household: “Verily! I have seen a fire, I will bring you from there some information, or I will bring you a burning brand, that you may warm yourselves.”
(Remember) when Moses said unto his household: Lo! I spy afar off a fire; I will bring you tidings thence, or bring to you a borrowed flame that ye may warm yourselves.
As Mûsa (Moses) said to his family, “Surely I perceive a fire. Soon I will come up to you with news of it, or come up to you with a flaming brand that possibly you would warm yourselves.”
Moses said to his family, ‘I have seen a fire. I will bring you news from there, or a burning stick for you to warm yourselves.’
(یاد ہوگا) جبکہ موسیٰ (علیہ السلام) نے اپنے گھر والوں سے کہا کہ میں نے آگ دیکھی ہے، میں وہاں سے یا تو کوئی خبر لے کر یا آگ کا کوئی سلگتا ہوا انگارا لے کر ابھی تمہارے پاس آ جاؤں گا تاکہ تم سینک تاپ کر لو
(वह वाक़िया याद दिलाओ) जब मूसा ने अपने लड़के बालों से कहा कि मैने (अपनी बायीं तरफ) आग देखी है (एक ज़रा ठहरो तो) मै वहाँ से कुछ (राह की) ख़बर लाँऊ या तुम्हें एक सुलगता हुआ आग का अंगारा ला दूँ ताकि तुम तापो
(Ingatkanlah peristiwa) ketika Nabi Musa berkata kepada isterinya: “Sesungguhnya aku ada melihat api; aku akan bawakan berita dari situ kepada kamu, atau aku akan bawakan colok api daripadanya, supaya kamu dapat memanaskan diri.
فَلَمَّا جَآءَهَا نُودِيَ أَنۢ بُورِكَ مَن فِي ٱلنَّارِ وَمَنۡ حَوۡلَهَا وَسُبۡحَٰنَ ٱللَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ
Falammaa jaaa’ahaa noodiya am boorika man finnnnaari wa man hawlahaa wa Subhaanal laahi Rabbil ‘aalameen
But when he came to it, he was called, “Blessed is whoever is at the fire and whoever is around it. And exalted is Allah, Lord of the worlds.
But when he came to the (fire), a voice was heard: “Blessed are those in the fire and those around: and glory to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
But when Moses came to the fire, a call was sounded: “Blessed is He Who is in the fire and whatever is around it. Glory be to Allah, the Sustainer of all in the Universe.
But when he came to it, he was called: “Blessed is whosoever is in the fire, and whosoever is round about it! And glorified be Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
But when he reached it, he was called, saying: Blessed is Whosoever is in the fire and Whosoever is round about it! And Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!
So, as soon as he came to it, he was called out (that): “Blessed are they who are in the fire, and they who are around it, and All Extolment be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds!
When he reached the fire, a voice called: ‘Blessed is the person near this fireand those around it; may God be exalted, the Lord of the Worlds.
جب وہاں پہنچے تو آواز دی گئی کہ بابرکت ہے وه جو اس آگ میں ہے اور برکت دیاگیا ہے وه جس کے آس پاس ہے اور پاک ہے اللہ جو تمام جہانوں کا پالنے واﻻ ہے
ग़रज़ जब मूसा इस आग के पास आए तो उनको आवाज़ आयी कि मुबारक है वह जो आग में (तजल्ली दिखाना) है और जो उसके गिर्द है और वह ख़ुदा सारे जहाँ का पालने वाला है
Maka apabila ia sampai ke tempat api itu, (kedengaran) ia diseru: “Berkat yang melimpah-limpah kepada orang yang berada dekat api ini dan sesiapa yang ada (di daerah) sekelilingnya; dan Maha Sucilah Allah Tuhan sekalian alam.
يَٰمُوسَىٰٓ إِنَّهُۥٓ أَنَا ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡحَكِيمُ
Yaa Moosaaa innahooo Anal laahul ‘Azeezul Hakeem
O Moses, indeed it is I – Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.”
“O Moses! verily, I am Allah, the exalted in might, the wise!….
O Moses, verily this is Me, Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise!
“O Musa (Moses)! Verily! It is I, Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
O Moses! Lo! it is I, Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.
O Mûsa, surely I, Ever I, am Allah, The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Wise.
Moses, I am God, the Mighty, the Wise.
موسیٰ! سن بات یہ ہے کہ میں ہی اللہ ہوں غالب با حکمت
(हर ऐब से) पाक व पाकीज़ा है- ऐ मूसा इसमें शक नहीं कि मै ज़बरदस्त हिकमत वाला हूँ
“Wahai Musa, sesungguhnya Akulah Allah Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
وَأَلۡقِ عَصَاكَۚ فَلَمَّا رَءَاهَا تَهۡتَزُّ كَأَنَّهَا جَآنّٞ وَلَّىٰ مُدۡبِرٗا وَلَمۡ يُعَقِّبۡۚ يَٰمُوسَىٰ لَا تَخَفۡ إِنِّي لَا يَخَافُ لَدَيَّ ٱلۡمُرۡسَلُونَ
Wa alqi ‘asaak; falammmaa ra aahaa tahtazzu ka annahaa jaaannunw wallaa mudbiranw wa lam yu’aqqib; yaa Moosaa laa takhaf innee laa yakhaafu ladaiyal mursaloon
And [he was told], “Throw down your staff.” But when he saw it writhing as if it were a snake, he turned in flight and did not return. [Allah said], “O Moses, fear not. Indeed, in My presence the messengers do not fear.
“Now do thou throw thy rod!” But when he saw it moving (of its own accord) as if it had been a snake, he turned back in retreat, and retraced not his steps: “O Moses!” (it was said), “Fear not: truly, in My presence, those called as messengers have no fear,-
Now cast your rod!” But when he saw the rod writhing as though it were a serpent, he turned his back in retreat and did not even look behind. “O Moses, have no fear. Messengers have no fear in My presence,
“And throw down your stick!” But when he saw it moving as if it were a snake, he turned in flight, and did not look back. (It was said): “O Musa (Moses)! Fear not, verily! The Messengers fear not in front of Me.
And throw down thy staff! But when he saw it writhing as it were a demon, he turned to flee headlong; (but it was said unto him): O Moses! Fear not! the emissaries fear not in My presence,
And cast down your staff.” So, as soon as he saw it shaking as if it were a jinni, he turned away withdrawing and did not retrace his steps. “O Mûsa, do not fear (anything). Surely I (am The One); the Emissaries do not fear (anything) close to Me.
Throw down your staff,’ but when he saw it moving like a snake, he turned and fled. ‘Moses, do not be afraid! The messengers need have no fear in My presence,
تو اپنی ﻻٹھی ڈال دے، موسیٰ نے جب اسے ہلتا جلتا دیکھا اس طرح کہ گویا وه ایک سانﭗ ہے تو منھ موڑے ہوئے پیٹھ پھیر کر بھاگے اور پلٹ کر بھی نہ دیکھا، اے موسیٰ! خوف نہ کھا، میرے حضور میں پیغمبر ڈرا نہیں کرتے
और (हाँ) अपनी छड़ी तो (ज़मीन पर) डाल दो तो जब मूसा ने उसको देखा कि वह इस तरह लहरा रही है गोया वह जिन्दा अज़दहा है तो पिछले पावँ भाग चले और पीछे मुड़कर भी न देखा (तो हमने कहा) ऐ मूसा डरो नहीं हमारे पास पैग़म्बर लोग डरा नहीं करते हैं
Dan (sekarang) campakkanlah tongkatmu. Maka apabila ia melihat tongkatnya itu (menjadi seekor ular besar) bergerak cepat tangkas, seolah-olah seekor ular kecil, berpalinglah dia melarikan diri dan tidak menoleh lagi. (Lalu ia diseru): ” Wahai Musa, janganlah takut, sesungguhnya Rasul-rasul itu semasa mengadapku (menerima wahyu), tidak sepatutnya merasa takut,
إِلَّا مَن ظَلَمَ ثُمَّ بَدَّلَ حُسۡنَۢا بَعۡدَ سُوٓءٖ فَإِنِّي غَفُورٞ رَّحِيمٞ
Illaa man zalama summa baddala husnam ba’da sooo’in fa innee Ghafoorur Raheem
Otherwise, he who wrongs, then substitutes good after evil – indeed, I am Forgiving and Merciful.
“But if any have done wrong and have thereafter substituted good to take the place of evil, truly, I am Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
except he who has committed some wrong. But if he substitutes good in place of evil, I am Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.
“Except him who has done wrong and afterwards has changed evil for good, then surely, I am Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Save him who hath done wrong and afterward hath changed evil for good. And lo! I am Forgiving, Merciful.
Except him who has done (an) injustice, (and) thereafter substituted fair (deeds) for odious (deeds). Then surely I am Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
I am truly most forgiving and merciful to those who do wrong,and then replace their evil with good.
لیکن جو لوگ ﻇلم کریں پھر اس کے عوض نیکی کریں اس برائی کے پیچھے تو میں بھی بخشنے واﻻ مہربان ہوں
(मुतमइन हो जाते है) मगर जो शख्स गुनाह करे फिर गुनाह के बाद उसे नेकी (तौबा) से बदल दे तो अलबत्ता बड़ा बख्शने वाला मेहरबान हूँ
“Tetapi sesiapa yang berbuat salah, kemudian ia mengubahnya dengan melakukan kebaikan sesudah berbuat salah, maka sesungguhnya Aku Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
وَأَدۡخِلۡ يَدَكَ فِي جَيۡبِكَ تَخۡرُجۡ بَيۡضَآءَ مِنۡ غَيۡرِ سُوٓءٖۖ فِي تِسۡعِ ءَايَٰتٍ إِلَىٰ فِرۡعَوۡنَ وَقَوۡمِهِۦٓۚ إِنَّهُمۡ كَانُواْ قَوۡمٗا فَٰسِقِينَ
Wa adkhil yadaka fee jaibika takhruj baidaaa’a min ghairisooo’in feetis’i Aayaatin ilaa Fir’awna wa qawmih; innahum kaanoo qawman faasiqeen
And put your hand into the opening of your garment [at the breast]; it will come out white without disease. [These are] among the nine signs [you will take] to Pharaoh and his people. Indeed, they have been a people defiantly disobedient.”
“Now put thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain (or harm): (these are) among the nine Signs (thou wilt take) to Pharaoh and his people: for they are a people rebellious in transgression.”
Now put your hand into your bosom, and it will come forth shining without any blemish. (These are two of the) nine Signs to be carried to Pharaoh and his people. They are surely a wicked people.”
“And put your hand into your bosom, it will come forth white without hurt. (These are) among the nine signs (you will take) to Fir’aun (Pharaoh) and his people, they are a people who are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
And put thy hand into the bosom of thy robe, it will come forth white but unhurt. (This will be one) among nine tokens unto Pharaoh and his people Lo! they were ever evil-living folk.
And put your hand into your bosom, (i.e., the bosom of your robe) it will come out (Literally: go out) white without any odious (imperfection) among nine signs to Firaawn (Pharaoh) and his people. Surely they have been an immoral people.”
Put your hand inside your cloak and it will come out white, but unharmed. These are among the nine signs that you will show Pharaoh and his people; they have really gone too far.’
اور اپنا ہاتھ اپنے گریبان میں ڈال، وه سفید چمکیلا ہو کر نکلے گا بغیر کسی عیب کے، تو نو نشانیاں لے کر فرعون اور اس کی قوم کی طرف جا، یقیناً وه بدکاروں کا گروه ہے
(वहाँ) और अपना हाथ अपने गरेबॉ में तो डालो कि वह सफेद बुर्राक़ होकर बेऐब निकल आएगा (ये वह मौजिज़े) मिन जुमला नौ मोजिज़ात के हैं जो तुमको मिलेगें तुम फिरऔन और उसकी क़ौम के पास (जाओ) क्योंकि वह बदकिरदार लोग हैं
“Dan masukkanlah tanganmu melalui belahan dada bajumu, nescaya keluarlah ia putih bersinar-sinar dengan tidak ada cacat (ini ialah) di antara sembilan mukjizat (yang membuktikan kebenaranmu), untuk dibawa kepada Firaun dan kaumnya; sesungguhnya mereka adalah kaum yang fasik – derhaka.
فَلَمَّا جَآءَتۡهُمۡ ءَايَٰتُنَا مُبۡصِرَةٗ قَالُواْ هَٰذَا سِحۡرٞ مُّبِينٞ
Falammaa jaaa’at hum Aayaatunaa mubsiratan qaaloo haazaa sihrum mubeen
But when there came to them Our visible signs, they said, “This is obvious magic.”
But when Our Signs came to them, that should have opened their eyes, they said: “This is sorcery manifest!”
But when Our Clear Signs came to them, they said: “This is plain magic.”
But when Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) came to them, clear to see, they said: “This is a manifest magic.”
But when Our tokens came unto them, plain to see, they said: This is mere magic,
Then as soon as Our signs came to them, a beholding, (i.e., as a proof from Allah) they said, “This is evident sorcery.”
But when Our enlightening signs came to them, they said, ‘This is clearly [just] sorcery!’
پس جب ان کے پاس آنکھیں کھول دینے والے ہمارے معجزے پہنچے تو وه کہنے لگے یہ تو صریح جادو ہے
तो जब उनके पास हमारे ऑंखें खोल देने वाले मैजिज़े आए तो कहने लगे ये तो खुला हुआ जादू है
Maka ketika keterangan-keterangan mukjizat Kami sampai kepada Firan dan kaumnya dengan jelas nyata, berkatalah mereka: ” ini adalah sihir yang terang nyata!”
وَجَحَدُواْ بِهَا وَٱسۡتَيۡقَنَتۡهَآ أَنفُسُهُمۡ ظُلۡمٗا وَعُلُوّٗاۚ فَٱنظُرۡ كَيۡفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلۡمُفۡسِدِينَ
Wa jahadoo bihaa wastaiqanat haaa anfusuhum zulmanw-wa ‘uluwwaa; fanzur kaifa kaana ‘aaqibatul mufsideen (section 1)
And they rejected them, while their [inner] selves were convinced thereof, out of injustice and haughtiness. So see how was the end of the corrupters.
And they rejected those Signs in iniquity and arrogance, though their souls were convinced thereof: so see what was the end of those who acted corruptly!
They denied those Signs out of iniquity and arrogance although their hearts were convinced of their truth. So see how evil was the end of those mischief-makers!
And they belied them (those Ayat) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their ownselves were convinced thereof [i.e. those (Ayat) are from Allah, and Musa (Moses) is the Messenger of Allah in truth, but they disliked to obey Musa (Moses), and hated to believe in his Message of Monotheism]. So see what was the end of the Mufsidun (disbelievers, disobedient to Allah, evil-doers, liars.).
And they denied them, though their souls acknowledged them, for spite and arrogance. Then see the nature of the consequence for the wrong-doers!
And they repudiated them, and their selves had (inner) certitude of them, out of injustice and exaltation. So look into how was the end of the corruptors.
They denied them, in their wickedness and their pride, even though their souls acknowledged them as true. See how those who spread corruption met their end!
انہوں نے انکار کردیا حاﻻنکہ ان کے دل یقین کر چکے تھے صرف ﻇلم اور تکبر کی بنا پر۔ پس دیکھ لیجئے کہ ان فتنہ پرداز لوگوں کا انجام کیسا کچھ ہوا
और बावजूद के उनके दिल को उन मौजिज़ात का यक़ीन था मगर फिर भी उन लोगों ने सरकशी और तकब्बुर से उनको न माना तो (ऐ रसूल) देखो कि (आखिर) मुफसिदों का अन्जाम क्या होगा
Dan mereka mengingkarinya secara zalim dan sombong angkuh sedang hati mereka meyakini kebenarannya. Oleh itu, lihatlah bagaimana kesudahan orang-orang yang melakukan kerosakan.
وَلَقَدۡ ءَاتَيۡنَا دَاوُۥدَ وَسُلَيۡمَٰنَ عِلۡمٗاۖ وَقَالَا ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ ٱلَّذِي فَضَّلَنَا عَلَىٰ كَثِيرٖ مِّنۡ عِبَادِهِ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ
Wa laqad aatainaa Daawooda wa sulaimaana ‘ilmaa; wa qaalal hamdu lil laahil lazee faddalanaa ‘alaa kaseerim min ‘ibaadihil mu’mineen
And We had certainly given to David and Solomon knowledge, and they said, “Praise [is due] to Allah, who has favored us over many of His believing servants.”
We gave (in the past) knowledge to David and Solomon: And they both said: “Praise be to Allah, Who has favoured us above many of his servants who believe!”
(On the other hand), We granted knowledge to David and Solomon and they said: “All praise be to Allah Who has exalted us above many of His believing servants!”
And indeed We gave knowledge to Dawud (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon), and they both said: “All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has preferred us above many of His believing slaves!”
And We verily gave knowledge unto David and Solomon, and they said: Praise be to Allah, Who hath preferred us above many of His believing slaves!
And indeed We already brought Dawûd (David) and Sulayman (Solomon) knowledge, and they (both) said, “Praise be to Allah, Who has graced us over many of His believing bondmen.”
We gave knowledge to David and Solomon, and they both said, ‘Praise be to God, who has favoured us over many of His believing servants.’
اور ہم نے یقیناً داؤد اور سلیمان کو علم دے رکھا تھا۔ اور دونوں نے کہا، تعریف اس اللہ کے لیے ہے جس نے ہمیں اپنے بہت سے ایماندار بندوں پر فضیلت عطا فرمائی ہے
और इसमें शक नहीं कि हमने दाऊद और सुलेमान को इल्म अता किया और दोनों ने (ख़ुश होकर) कहा ख़ुदा का शुक्र जिसने हमको अपने बहुतेरे ईमानदार बन्दों पर फज़ीलत दी
Dan sesungguhnya kami telah mengurniakan ilmu pengetahuan kepada Nabi Daud dan Nabi Sulaiman; dan mereka berdua bersyukur dengan berkata: “Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah yang dengan limpah kurniaNya memberi kami kelebihan mengatasi kebanyakan hamba-hambaNya yang beriman”.
وَوَرِثَ سُلَيۡمَٰنُ دَاوُۥدَۖ وَقَالَ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ عُلِّمۡنَا مَنطِقَ ٱلطَّيۡرِ وَأُوتِينَا مِن كُلِّ شَيۡءٍۖ إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَهُوَ ٱلۡفَضۡلُ ٱلۡمُبِينُ
Wa warisa Sulaimaanu Daawooda wa qaala yaaa aiyuhan naasu ‘ullimnaa mantiqat tairi wa ooteenaa min kulli shai’in inna haazaa lahuwal fadlul mubeen
And Solomon inherited David. He said, “O people, we have been taught the language of birds, and we have been given from all things. Indeed, this is evident bounty.”
And Solomon was David’s heir. He said: “O ye people! We have been taught the speech of birds, and on us has been bestowed (a little) of all things: this is indeed Grace manifest (from Allah.)”
And Solomon succeeded David and said: “O people, we have been taught the speech of birds and we have been endowed with all kinds of things. Surely this is a conspicuous favour (from Allah).”
And Sulaiman (Solomon) inherited (the knowledge of) Dawud (David). He said: “O mankind! We have been taught the language of birds, and on us have been bestowed all things. This, verily, is an evident grace (from Allah).”
And Solomon was David’s heir. And he said: O mankind! Lo! we have been taught the language of birds, and have been given (abundance) of all things. This surely is evident favour.
And Sulayman was Dawûd’s heir, (Literally: inherited “from” Dawûd “David”) and he said, “O you mankind, we have been taught the language (Literally: the manner of pronunciation) of (the) birds, and we have been brought (much) of everything; surely this is indeed the evident Grace.”
Solomon succeeded David. He said, ‘People, we have been taught the speech of birds, and we have been given a share of everything: this is a clearly a great favour.’
اور داؤد کے وارث سلیمان ہوئے اور کہنے لگے لوگو! ہمیں پرندوں کی بولی سکھائی گئی ہے اور ہم سب کچھ میں سے دیئے گئے ہیں۔ بیشک یہ بالکل کھلا ہوا فضل الٰہی ہے
और (इल्म हिकमत जाएदाद (मनकूला) गैर मनकूला सब में) सुलेमान दाऊद के वारिस हुए और कहा कि लोग हम को (ख़ुदा के फज़ल से) परिन्दों की बोली भी सिखायी गयी है और हमें (दुनिया की) हर चीज़ अता की गयी है इसमें शक नहीं कि ये यक़ीनी (ख़ुदा का) सरीही फज़ल व करम है
Dan Nabi Sulaiman mewarisi (pangkat kenabian dan kerajaan) Nabi Daud; dan (setelah itu) Nabi Sulaiman berkata: “Wahai umat manusia, kami telah diajar mengerti bahasa pertuturan burung, dan kami telah diberikan serba sedikit dari tiap-tiap sesuatu (yang diperlukan); sesungguhnya yang demikian ini adalah limpah kurnia (dari Allah) yang jelas nyata”.
وَحُشِرَ لِسُلَيۡمَٰنَ جُنُودُهُۥ مِنَ ٱلۡجِنِّ وَٱلۡإِنسِ وَٱلطَّيۡرِ فَهُمۡ يُوزَعُونَ
Wa hushira Sulaimaana junooduhoo minal jinni wal insi wattairi fahum yooza’oon
And gathered for Solomon were his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds, and they were [marching] in rows.
And before Solomon were marshalled his hosts,- of Jinns and men and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks.
Hosts of jinn and humans and birds were marshalled for Solomon and were kept under full control.
And there were gathered before Sulaiman (Solomon) his hosts of jinns and men, and birds, and they all were set in battle order (marching forwards).
And there were gathered together unto Solomon his armies of the jinn and humankind, and of the birds, and they were set in battle order;
And his hosts were mustered to Sulayman, of the jinn and humankind and birds. So they were duly dispensed.
Solomon’s hosts of jinn, men, and birds were marshalled in ordered ranks before him,
سلیمان کے سامنے ان کے تمام لشکر جنات اور انسان اور پرند میں سے جمع کیے گئے (ہر ہر قسم کی) الگ الگ درجہ بندی کردی گئی
और सुलेमान के सामने उनके लशकर जिन्नात और आदमी और परिन्दे सब जमा किए जाते थे
Dan dihimpunkan bagi Nabi Sulaiman bala tenteranya, dari jin dan manusia serta burung; lalu mereka dijaga serta diatur keadaan dan perjalanan masing-masing.
حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَآ أَتَوۡاْ عَلَىٰ وَادِ ٱلنَّمۡلِ قَالَتۡ نَمۡلَةٞ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّمۡلُ ٱدۡخُلُواْ مَسَٰكِنَكُمۡ لَا يَحۡطِمَنَّكُمۡ سُلَيۡمَٰنُ وَجُنُودُهُۥ وَهُمۡ لَا يَشۡعُرُونَ
hattaaa izaaa ataw ‘alaa waadin namli qaalat namlatuny yaaa aiyuhan namlud khuloo masaakinakum laa yahtimannakum Sulaimaanu wa junooduhoo wa hum laa yash’uroon
Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, “O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not.”
At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: “O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it.”
(Solomon was once on the move with them) until when they reached a valley of ants one of the ants said: “O ants, get into your holes, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under their feet) without even knowing.”
Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: “O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaiman (Solomon) and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not.”
Till, when they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant exclaimed: O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you, unperceiving.
Till, when they came up to the Valley of Ants, an ant said, “O you ants, enter your dwellings so that Sulayman and his hosts would not definitely crush you, (while) they are not aware.”
and when they came to the Valley of the Ants, one ant said, ‘Ants! Go into your homes, in case Solomon and his hosts unwittingly crush you.’
جب وه چینوٹیوں کے میدان میں پہنچے تو ایک چیونٹی نے کہا اے چیونٹیو! اپنے اپنے گھروں میں گھس جاؤ، ایسا نہ ہو کہ بیخبری میں سلیمان اور اس کا لشکر تمہیں روند ڈالے
तो वह सबके सब (मसल मसल) खडे क़िए जाते थे (ग़रज़ इस तरह लशकर चलता) यहाँ तक कि जब (एक दिन) चीटीयों के मैदान में आ निकले तो एक चीटीं बोली ऐ चीटीयों अपने अपने बिल में घुस जाओ- ऐसा न हो कि सुलेमान और उनका लश्कर तुम्हे रौन्द डाले और उन्हें उसकी ख़बर भी न हो
(Maralah angkatan itu) hingga apabila mereka sampai ke “Waadin-Naml”, berkatalah seekor semut: “Wahai sekalian semut, masuklah ke sarang kamu masing-masing, jangan Sulaiman dan tenteranya memijak serta membinasakan kamu, sedang mereka tidak menyedari”.
فَتَبَسَّمَ ضَاحِكٗا مِّن قَوۡلِهَا وَقَالَ رَبِّ أَوۡزِعۡنِيٓ أَنۡ أَشۡكُرَ نِعۡمَتَكَ ٱلَّتِيٓ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَٰلِدَيَّ وَأَنۡ أَعۡمَلَ صَٰلِحٗا تَرۡضَىٰهُ وَأَدۡخِلۡنِي بِرَحۡمَتِكَ فِي عِبَادِكَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ
Fatabassama daahikam min qawlihaa wa qaala Rabbi awzi’nee an ashkura ni’mata kal lateee an’amta ‘alaiya wa ‘alaa waalidaiya wa an a’mala saalihan tardaahu wa adkhilnee birahmatika fee ‘ibaadikas saaliheen
So [Solomon] smiled, amused at her speech, and said, “My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants.”
So he smiled, amused at her speech; and he said: “O my Lord! so order me that I may be grateful for Thy favours, which thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may work the righteousness that will please Thee: And admit me, by Thy Grace, to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants.”
Smiling at the ant’s utterance, Solomon burst into laughter and said: “My Lord! Hold me under (Your) control that I may render thanks for the favour which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may act righteously in a manner that would please You. Include me, out of Your Mercy, among Your righteous servants.”
So he [Sulaiman (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech and said: “My Lord! Inspire and bestow upon me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves.”
And (Solomon) smiled, laughing at her speech, and said: My Lord, arouse me to be thankful for Thy favour wherewith Thou hast favoured me and my parents, and to do good that shall be pleasing unto Thee, and include me in (the number of) Thy righteous slaves.
So he smiled broadly, laughing at its speech, and said, “Lord! Dispense me to thank (You) for Your favor wherewith You have favored me and (both) my parents, and to do righteousness that satisfies You, and cause me to enter by Your mercy, among Your righteous bondmen.”
Solomon smiled broadly at her words and said, ‘Lord, inspire me to be thankful for the blessings You have granted me and my parents, and to do good deeds that please You; admit me by Your grace into the ranks of Your righteous servants.’
اس کی اس بات سے حضرت سلیمان مسکرا کر ہنس دیئے اور دعا کرنے لگے کہ اے پروردگار! تو مجھے توفیق دے کہ میں تیری ان نعمتوں کا شکر بجا ﻻؤں جو تو نے مجھ پر انعام کی ہیں اور میرے ماں باپ پر اور میں ایسے نیک اعمال کرتا رہوں جن سے تو خوش رہے مجھے اپنی رحمت سے نیک بندوں میں شامل کر لے
तो सुलेमान इस बात से मुस्कुरा के हँस पड़ें और अर्ज क़ी परवरदिगार मुझे तौफीक़ अता फरमा कि जैसी जैसी नेअमतें तूने मुझ पर और मेरे वालदैन पर नाज़िल फरमाई हैं मै (उनका) शुक्रिया अदा करुँ और मैं ऐसे नेक काम करुँ जिसे तू पसन्द फरमाए और तू अपनी ख़ास मेहरबानी से मुझे (अपने) नेकोकार बन्दों में दाखिल कर
Maka tersenyumlah Nabi Sulaiman mendengar kata-kata semut itu, dan berdoa dengan berkata:” Wahai Tuhanku, ilhamkanlah daku supaya tetap bersyukur akan nikmatMu yang Engkau kurniakan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku, dan supaya aku tetap mengerjakan amal soleh yang Engkau redai; dan masukkanlah daku – dengan limpah rahmatMu – dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaMu yang soleh”.
وَتَفَقَّدَ ٱلطَّيۡرَ فَقَالَ مَا لِيَ لَآ أَرَى ٱلۡهُدۡهُدَ أَمۡ كَانَ مِنَ ٱلۡغَآئِبِينَ
Wa tafaqqadat taira faqaala maa liya laaa araa al hudhuda, am kaana minal ghaaa’ibeen
And he took attendance of the birds and said, “Why do I not see the hoopoe – or is he among the absent?
And he took a muster of the Birds; and he said: “Why is it I see not the Hoopoe? Or is he among the absentees?
(On another occasion) Solomon inspected the birds and said: “Why is it that I do not see the hoopoe? Is he among the absentees?
He inspected the birds, and said: “What is the matter that I see not the hoopoe? Or is he among the absentees?
And he sought among the birds and said: How is it that I see not the hoopoe, or is he among the absent?
And he reviewed the birds; then he said, “what is it with me that I do not see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absent?
Solomon inspected the birds and said, ‘Why do I not see the hoopoe? Is he absent?
آپ نے پرندوں کی دیکھ بھال کی اور فرمانے لگے یہ کیا بات ہے کہ میں ہدہد کو نہیں دیکھتا؟ کیا واقعی وه غیر حاضر ہے؟
और सुलेमान ने परिन्दों (के लश्कर) की हाज़िरी ली तो कहने लगे कि क्या बात है कि मै हुदहुद को (उसकी जगह पर) नहीं देखता क्या (वाक़ई में) वह कही ग़ायब है
Dan (setelah itu) Nabi Sulaiman memeriksa kumpulan burung (yang turut serta dalam tenteranya) lalu berkata: “Mengapa aku tidak melihat burung belatuk? Adakah ia dari mereka yang tidak hadir?
لَأُعَذِّبَنَّهُۥ عَذَابٗا شَدِيدًا أَوۡ لَأَاْذۡبَحَنَّهُۥٓ أَوۡ لَيَأۡتِيَنِّي بِسُلۡطَٰنٖ مُّبِينٖ
La-u’azzibanahoo ‘azaaban shadeedan aw la azbahannahoo aw layaatiyannee bisultaanim mubeen
I will surely punish him with a severe punishment or slaughter him unless he brings me clear authorization.”
“I will certainly punish him with a severe penalty, or execute him, unless he bring me a clear reason (for absence).”
I will inflict a severe punishment on him or maybe even slaughter him unless he comes forth with a convincing reason (for his absence).”
“I will surely punish him with a severe torment, or slaughter him, unless he brings me a clear reason.”
I verily will punish him with hard punishment or I verily will slay him, or he verily shall bring me a plain excuse.
Indeed I will definitely torment him with a strict torment or indeed I will definitely slay him, or indeed he should definitely come up to me with an evident, all-binding authority.”
I will punish him severely, or kill him, unless he brings me a convincing excuse for his absence.’
یقیناً میں اسے سخت سزا دوں گا، یا اسے ذبح کر ڈالوں گا، یا میرے سامنے کوئی صریح دلیل بیان کرے
(अगर ऐसा है तो) मै उसे सख्त से सख्त सज़ा दूँगा या (नहीं तो ) उसे ज़बाह ही कर डालूँगा या वह (अपनी बेगुनाही की) कोई साफ दलील मेरे पास पेश करे
“Demi sesungguhnya! Aku akan menyeksanya dengan seksa yang seberat-beratnya, atau aku akan menyembelihnya, kecuali ia membawa kepadaku alasan yang terang nyata (yang membuktikan sebab-sebab ia tidak hadir)”.
فَمَكَثَ غَيۡرَ بَعِيدٖ فَقَالَ أَحَطتُ بِمَا لَمۡ تُحِطۡ بِهِۦ وَجِئۡتُكَ مِن سَبَإِۭ بِنَبَإٖ يَقِينٍ
Famakasa ghaira ba’eedin faqaala ahattu bimaa lam tuhit bihee wa ji’tuka min Sabaim binaba iny-yaqeen
But the hoopoe stayed not long and said, “I have encompassed [in knowledge] that which you have not encompassed, and I have come to you from Sheba with certain news.
But the Hoopoe tarried not far: he (came up and) said: “I have compassed (territory) which thou hast not compassed, and I have come to thee from Saba with tidings true.
Not before long the hoopoe came up and said: “I have obtained a knowledge which you could not. I have brought for you sure news about Sheba.
But the hoopoe stayed not long, he (came up and) said: “I have grasped (the knowledge of a thing) which you have not grasped and I have come to you from Saba’ (Sheba) with true news.
But he was not long in coming, and he said: I have found out (a thing) that thou apprehendest not, and I come unto thee from Sheba with sure tidings.
Yet he stayed (a while) without being far away, then said, “I have encompassed that which you have not encompassed, and I have come from Sabaة to you with a tiding of certitude.
But the hoopoe did not stay away long: he came and said, ‘I have learned something you did not know: I come to you from Sheba with firm news.
کچھ زیاده دیر نہ گزری تھی کہ آ کر اس نے کہا میں ایک ایسی چیز کی خبر ﻻیا ہوں کہ تجھے اس کی خبر ہی نہیں، میں سبا کی ایک سچی خبر تیرے پاس ﻻیا ہوں
ग़रज़ सुलेमान ने थोड़ी ही देर (तवक्कुफ़ किया था कि (हुदहुद) आ गया) तो उसने अर्ज़ की मुझे यह बात मालूम हुई है जो अब तक हुज़ूर को भी मालूम नहीं है और आप के पास शहरे सबा से एक तहक़ीकी ख़बर लेकर आया हूँ
Burung belatuk itu tidak lama ghaibnya selepas itu, lalu datang sambil berkata (kepada Nabi Sulaiman): “Aku dapat mengetahui secara meliputi akan perkara yang engkau tidak cukup mengetahuinya, dan aku datang kepadamu dari negeri Saba’ dengan membawa khabar berita yang diyakini kebenarannya.
إِنِّي وَجَدتُّ ٱمۡرَأَةٗ تَمۡلِكُهُمۡ وَأُوتِيَتۡ مِن كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ وَلَهَا عَرۡشٌ عَظِيمٞ
Innee wajattum ra atan tamlikuhum wa ootiyat min kulli shai’inw wa lahaa ‘arshun ‘azeem
Indeed, I found [there] a woman ruling them, and she has been given of all things, and she has a great throne.
“I found (there) a woman ruling over them and provided with every requisite; and she has a magnificent throne.
I found there a woman ruling over them, one who has been endowed with all things and has a mighty throne.
“I found a woman ruling over them, and she has been given all things that could be possessed by any ruler of the earth, and she has a great throne.
Lo! I found a woman ruling over them, and she hath been given (abundance) of all things, and hers is a mighty throne.
Surely I found a woman ruling over them, (Literally: a wife possessing them) and she has been brought (much) of everything, and she has a magnificent throne.
I found a woman ruling over the people, who has been given a share of everything- she has a magnificent throne-
میں نے دیکھا کہ ان کی بادشاہت ایک عورت کر رہی ہے جسے ہر قسم کی چیز سے کچھ نہ کچھ دیا گیا ہے اور اس کا تخت بھی بڑی عظمت واﻻ ہے
मैने एक औरत को देखा जो वहाँ के लोगों पर सलतनत करती है और उसे (दुनिया की) हर चीज़ अता की गयी है और उसका एक बड़ा तख्त है
“Sesungguhnya aku dapati seorang perempuan memerintah mereka dan ia telah diberikan kepadanya (serba sedikit) dari tiap-tiap sesuatu (yang diperlukan) dan ia pula mempunyai singgahsana yang besar.
وَجَدتُّهَا وَقَوۡمَهَا يَسۡجُدُونَ لِلشَّمۡسِ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ وَزَيَّنَ لَهُمُ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنُ أَعۡمَٰلَهُمۡ فَصَدَّهُمۡ عَنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِ فَهُمۡ لَا يَهۡتَدُونَ
Wajattuhaa wa qawmahaa yasjudoona lishshamsi min doonil laahi wa zaiyana lahumush Shaitaanu a’maalahum fasaddahum ‘anis sabeeli fahum laa yahtadoon
I found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of Allah, and Satan has made their deeds pleasing to them and averted them from [His] way, so they are not guided,
“I found her and her people worshipping the sun besides Allah: Satan has made their deeds seem pleasing in their eyes, and has kept them away from the Path,- so they receive no guidance,-
I found that she and her people prostrate themselves before the sun rather than Allah. ” Satan has made their deeds appear attractive to them and has, thus, debarred them from the Right Path so they do not find true guidance
“I found her and her people worshipping the sun instead of Allah, and Shaitan (Satan) has made their deeds fair-seeming to them, and has barred them from (Allah’s) Way, so they have no guidance,”
I found her and her people worshipping the sun instead of Allah; and Satan maketh their works fairseeming unto them, and debarreth them from the way (of Truth), so that they go not aright;
I found her and her people prostrating to the sun, apart from Allah; and Ash-Shaytan (The evervicious, i.e., the Devil) has adorned (i.e., made attractive) their deeds to them, so has barred them from the way, so that they are not guided,
[but] I found that she and her people worshipped the sun instead of God. Satan has made their deeds seem alluring to them, and diverted them from the right path: they cannot find the right path.
میں نے اسے اور اس کی قوم کو، اللہ تعالیٰ کو چھوڑ کر سورج کو سجده کرتے ہوئے پایا، شیطان نے ان کے کام انہیں بھلے کرکے دکھلا کر صحیح راه سے روک دیا ہے۔ پس وه ہدایت پر نہیں آتے
मैने खुद मलका को देखा और उसकी क़ौम को देखा कि वह लोग ख़ुदा को छोड़कर आफताब को सजदा करते हैं शैतान ने उनकी करतूतों को (उनकी नज़र में) अच्छा कर दिखाया है और उनको राहे रास्त से रोक रखा है
“Aku dapati raja perempuan itu dan kaumnya sujud kepada matahari dengan meninggalkan ibadat menyembah Allah, dan Syaitan pula memperelokkan pada pandangan mereka perbuatan (syirik) mereka, lalu menghalangi mereka dari jalan (yang benar); oleh itu mereka tidak beroleh petunjuk, –
أَلَّاۤ يَسۡجُدُواْۤ لِلَّهِ ٱلَّذِي يُخۡرِجُ ٱلۡخَبۡءَ فِي ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَيَعۡلَمُ مَا تُخۡفُونَ وَمَا تُعۡلِنُونَ
Allaa yasjudoo lillaahil lazee yukhrijul khab’a fis samaawaati wal ardi wa ya’lamu maa tukhfoona wa maa tu’linoon
[And] so they do not prostrate to Allah, who brings forth what is hidden within the heavens and the earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare –
“(Kept them away from the Path), that they should not worship Allah, Who brings to light what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knows what ye hide and what ye reveal.
that they would prostrate themselves before Allah Who brings to light all that is hidden in the heavens and the earth and knows all that you conceal and all that you reveal.
Al-La (this word has two interpretations) (A) [As Shaitan (Satan) has barred them from Allah’s Way] so that they do not worship (prostrate before) Allah, or (B) So that they may worship (prostrate before) Allah, Who brings to light what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knows what you conceal and what you reveal. [Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol. 19, Page 149]
So that they worship not Allah, Who bringeth forth the hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knoweth what ye hide and what ye proclaim,
So that they do not prostrate (themselves) to Allah, Who brings out what is hidden in the heavens and the earth. And He knows whatever you conceal and whatever you make public.
Should they not worship God, who brings forth what is hidden in the heavens and earth and knows both what you people conceal and what you declare?
کہ اسی اللہ کے لیے سجدے کریں جو آسمانوں اور زمینوں کے پوشیده چیزوں کو باہر نکالتا ہے، اور جو کچھ تم چھپاتے ہو اور ﻇاہر کرتے ہو وه سب کچھ جانتا ہے
तो उन्हें (इतनी सी बात भी नहीं सूझती) कि वह लोग ख़ुदा ही का सजदा क्यों नहीं करते जो आसमान और ज़मीन की पोशीदा बातों को ज़ाहिर कर देता है और तुम लोग जो कुछ छिपाकर या ज़ाहिर करके करते हो सब जानता है
“(Mereka dihalangi oleh Syaitan) supaya mereka tidak sujud menyembah Allah yang mengeluarkan benda yang tersembunyi di langit dan di bumi, dan yang mengetahui apa yang kamu rahsiakan serta apa yang kamu zahirkan.
ٱللَّهُ لَآ إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ رَبُّ ٱلۡعَرۡشِ ٱلۡعَظِيمِ۩
Allaahu laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa Rabbul ‘Arshil Azeem (make sajda)
Allah – there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Great Throne.”
“Allah!- there is no god but He!- Lord of the Throne Supreme!”
Allah – none is worthy of worship save He; He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.
Allah, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Lord of the Supreme Throne!
Allah; there is no Allah save Him, the Lord of the Tremendous Throne.
Allah, there is no god except He, The Lord of the Magnificent Throne.” A prostration is to be performed here
He is God, there is no god but Him, the Lord of the mighty throne.’
اس کے سوا کوئی معبود برحق نہیں وہی عظمت والے عرش کا مالک ہے۔
अल्लाह वह है जिससे सिवा कोई माबूद नहीं वही (इतने) बड़े अर्श का मालिक है (सजदा)
“Allah! – Tiada Tuhan melainkan Dia, Tuhan yang mempunyai Arasy yang besar “.
۞قَالَ سَنَنظُرُ أَصَدَقۡتَ أَمۡ كُنتَ مِنَ ٱلۡكَٰذِبِينَ
Qaala sananzuru asadaqta am kunta minal kaazibeen
[Solomon] said, “We will see whether you were truthful or were of the liars.
(Solomon) said: “Soon shall we see whether thou hast told the truth or lied!
Solomon said: “Soon shall we see whether you have spoken the truth or are one of those that lie.
[Sulaiman (Solomon)] said: “We shall see whether you speak the truth or you are (one) of the liars.
(Solomon) said: We shall see whether thou speakest truth or whether thou art of the liars.
He said, “We will soon look whether you have (spoken) sincerely or whether you are among the liars.
Solomon said, ‘We shall see whether you are telling the truth or lying.
سلیمان نے کہا، اب ہم دیکھیں گے کہ تو نے سچ کہا ہے یا تو جھوٹا ہے
(ग़रज़) सुलेमान ने कहा हम अभी देखते हैं कि तूने सच सच कहा या तू झूठा है
Nabi Sulaiman berkata: Kami akan fikirkan dengan sehalus-halusnya, adakah benar apa yang engkau katakan itu, ataupun engkau dari golongan yang berdusta.
ٱذۡهَب بِّكِتَٰبِي هَٰذَا فَأَلۡقِهۡ إِلَيۡهِمۡ ثُمَّ تَوَلَّ عَنۡهُمۡ فَٱنظُرۡ مَاذَا يَرۡجِعُونَ
Izhab bikitaabee haaza fa alqih ilaihim summma tawalla ‘anhum fanzur maazaa yarji’oon
Take this letter of mine and deliver it to them. Then leave them and see what [answer] they will return.”
“Go thou, with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them: then draw back from them, and (wait to) see what answer they return”…
Take this letter of mine, deliver it to them, and then draw back from them, and observe what they do.”
“Go you with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them, then draw back from them, and see what (answer) they return.”
Go with this my letter and throw it down unto them; then turn away and see what (answer) they return,
Go with this book (i.e., letter) of mine, then cast it to them; thereafter turn away from them, (and) so look what (answer) they return.”
Take this letter of mine and deliver it to them, then withdraw and see what answer they send back.’
میرے اس خط کو لے جاکر انہیں دے دے پھر ان کے پاس سے ہٹ آ اور دیکھ کہ وه کیا جواب دیتے ہیں
(अच्छा) हमारा ये ख़त लेकर जा और उसको उन लोगों के सामने डाल दे फिर उन के पास से जाना फिर देखते रहना कि वह लोग अख़िर क्या जवाब देते हैं
“Pergilah bawa suratku ini, serta campakkanlah kepada mereka, kemudian berundurlah dari mereka; dalam pada itu perhatikanlah apa tindak balas mereka”.
قَالَتۡ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلۡمَلَؤُاْ إِنِّيٓ أُلۡقِيَ إِلَيَّ كِتَٰبٞ كَرِيمٌ
Qaalat yaaa aiyuhal mala’u innee ulqiya ilaiya kitaabun kareem
She said, “O eminent ones, indeed, to me has been delivered a noble letter.
(The queen) said: “Ye chiefs! here is delivered to me – a letter worthy of respect.
The Queen said:” Know my nobles that a gracious letter has been delivered to me.
She said: “O chiefs! Verily! Here is delivered to me a noble letter,
(The Queen of Sheba) said (when she received the letter): O chieftains! Lo! there hath been thrown unto me a noble letter.
She said, “O you chiefs, surely an honorable book has been cast to me.
The Queen of Sheba said, ‘Counsellors, a gracious letter has been delivered to me.
وه کہنے لگی اے سردارو! میری طرف ایک باوقعت خط ڈاﻻ گیا ہے
(ग़रज़) हुद हुद ने मलका के पास ख़त पहुँचा दिया तो मलका बोली ऐ (मेरे दरबार के) सरदारों ये एक वाजिबुल एहतराम ख़त मेरे पास डाल दिया गया है
(Setelah membaca surat itu), berkatalah raja perempuan negeri Saba’: “Wahai ketua-ketua kamu! Sesungguhnya telah disampaikan kepadaku sepucuk surat yang mulia.
إِنَّهُۥ مِن سُلَيۡمَٰنَ وَإِنَّهُۥ بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Innahoo min Sulaimaana wa innahoo bismil laahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Indeed, it is from Solomon, and indeed, it reads: ‘In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
“It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): ‘In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful:
It is from Solomon, and it is: “In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.”
“Verily! It is from Sulaiman (Solomon), and verily! It (reads): In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful;
Lo! it is from Solomon, and lo! it is: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful;
Surely it is from Sulayman, (Solomon) and surely it is in The Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful.
It is from Solomon, and it says, “In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
جو سلیمان کی طرف سے ہے اور جو بخشش کرنے والے مہربان اللہ کے نام سے شروع ہے
सुलेमान की तरफ से है (ये उसका सरनामा) है बिस्मिल्लाहिररहमानिरहीम
“Sesungguhnya surat itu dari Nabi Sulaiman, dan kandungannya (seperti berikut): `
أَلَّا تَعۡلُواْ عَلَيَّ وَأۡتُونِي مُسۡلِمِينَ
Allaa ta’loo ‘alaiya waa toonee muslimeen (section 2)
Be not haughty with me but come to me in submission [as Muslims].’ “
“‘Be ye not arrogant against me, but come to me in submission (to the true Religion).'”
(It says): “Do not act towards me with defiance, but come to me in submission.”
“Be you not exalted against me, but come to me as Muslims (true believers who submit to Allah with full submission)’ “
Exalt not yourselves against me, but come unto me as those who surrender.
That “You should not exalt yourselves against me, and come up to me as Muslims.” (Or: in surrender)
do not put yourselves above me, and come to me in submission to God.”’
یہ کہ تم میرے سامنے سرکشی نہ کرو اور مسلمان بن کر میرے پاس آجاؤ
(और मज़मून) यह है कि मुझ से सरकशी न करो और मेरे सामने फरमाबरदार बन कर हाज़िर हो
” `Bahawa janganlah kamu meninggi diri terhadapku, dan datanglah kamu kepadaku dengan menyerah diri (beriman dan mematuhi ajaran ugama Allah). ‘ “
قَالَتۡ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلۡمَلَؤُاْ أَفۡتُونِي فِيٓ أَمۡرِي مَا كُنتُ قَاطِعَةً أَمۡرًا حَتَّىٰ تَشۡهَدُونِ
Qaalat yaaa aiyuhal mala’u aftoonee fee amree maa kuntu qaati’atan amran hattaa tashhhadoon
She said, “O eminent ones, advise me in my affair. I would not decide a matter until you witness [for] me.”
She said: “Ye chiefs! advise me in (this) my affair: no affair have I decided except in your presence.”
(After reading the letter) the Queen said: “Nobles, let me have your counsel in this matter for I make no firm decision without you.”
She said: “O chiefs! Advise me in (this) case of mine. I decide no case till you are present with me.”
She said: O chieftains! Pronounce for me in my case. I decide no case till ye are present with me.
She said, “O you chiefs, pronounce to me concerning my command; in no way have I affirmed (Literally: cutting) a command until you bear witness.”
She said, ‘Counsellors, give me your counsel in the matter I now face: I only ever decide on matters in your presence.’
اس نے کہا اے میرے سردارو! تم میرے اس معاملہ میں مجھے مشوره دو۔ میں کسی امر کا قطعی فیصلہ جب تک تمہاری موجودگی اور رائے نہ ہو نہیں کیا کرتی
तब मलका (विलक़ीस) बोली ऐ मेरे दरबार के सरदारों तुम मेरे इस मामले में मुझे राय दो (क्योंकि मेरा तो ये क़ायदा है कि) जब तक तुम लोग मेरे सामने मौजूद न हो (मशवरा न दे दो) मैं किसी अम्र में क़तई फैसला न किया करती
Raja perempuan itu berkata lagi: “Wahai ketua-ketua kaum, berilah penjelasan kepadaku mengenai perkara yang aku hadapi ini; aku tidak pernah memutuskan sesuatu perkara sebelum kamu hadir memberi pendapat dan mempersetujuinya”.
قَالُواْ نَحۡنُ أُوْلُواْ قُوَّةٖ وَأُوْلُواْ بَأۡسٖ شَدِيدٖ وَٱلۡأَمۡرُ إِلَيۡكِ فَٱنظُرِي مَاذَا تَأۡمُرِينَ
Qaaloo nahnu uloo quwwatinw wa uloo baasin shadeed; wal amru ilaiki fanzuree maazaa taamureen
They said, “We are men of strength and of great military might, but the command is yours, so see what you will command.”
They said: “We are endued with strength, and given to vehement war: but the command is with thee; so consider what thou wilt command.”
They said: “We are strong and are given to vehement fighting. But the decision is yours. Therefore, consider what you would like to command.”
They said: “We have great strength, and great ability for war, but it is for you to command; so think over what you will command.”
They said: We are lords of might and lords of great prowess, but it is for thee to command; so consider what thou wilt command.
They said, “We are endowed with power, and we are endowed with strict violence, (i.e., we are strong and able to fight) and the command (rests) with you; so look into what you command (us).”
They replied, ‘We possess great force and power in war, but you are in command, so consider what orders to give us.’
ان سب نے جواب دیا کہ ہم طاقت اور قوت والے سخت لڑنے بھڑنے والے ہیں۔ آگے آپ کو اختیار ہے آپ خود ہی سوچ لیجئے کہ ہمیں آپ کیا کچھ حکم فرماتی ہیں
उन लोगों ने अर्ज़ की हम बड़े ज़ोरावर बडे लड़ने वाले हैं और (आइन्दा) हर अम्र का आप को एख्तियार है तो जो हुक्म दे आप (खुद अच्छी) तरह इसके अन्जाम पर ग़ौर कर ले
Mereka menjawab: Kita adalah orang-orang yang kuat gagah dan amat berani merempuh peperangan; dan perkara itu (walau bagaimanapun) terserahlah kepadamu; oleh itu fikirkanlah apa yang engkau hendak perintahkan.
قَالَتۡ إِنَّ ٱلۡمُلُوكَ إِذَا دَخَلُواْ قَرۡيَةً أَفۡسَدُوهَا وَجَعَلُوٓاْ أَعِزَّةَ أَهۡلِهَآ أَذِلَّةٗۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ يَفۡعَلُونَ
Qaalat innal mulooka izaa dakhaloo qaryatan afsadoohaa wa ja’alooo a’izzata ahlihaaa azillah; wa kazaalika yaf’aloon
She said, “Indeed kings – when they enter a city, they ruin it and render the honored of its people humbled. And thus do they do.
She said: “Kings, when they enter a country, despoil it, and make the noblest of its people its meanest thus do they behave.
The Queen said: “When the kings enter a country they cause corruption in it and abase those of its people who are held in honour. This is what they are wont to do.
She said: “Verily! Kings, when they enter a town (country), they despoil it, and make the most honourable amongst its people low. And thus they do.
She said: Lo! kings, when they enter a township, ruin it and make the honour of its people shame. Thus will they do.
She said, “Surely, kings, when they enter a town, do corruption in it and make the mighty ones of its population humiliated. And thus they (too) will perform (similarly).
She said, ‘Whenever kings go into a city, they ruin it and humiliate its leaders- that is what they do-
اس نے کہا کہ بادشاه جب کسی بستی میں گھستے ہیں تو اسے اجاڑ دیتے ہیں اور وہاں کے باعزت لوگوں کو ذلیل کر دیتے ہیں اور یہ لوگ بھی ایسا ہی کریں گے
मलका ने कहा बादशाहों का क़ायदा है कि जब किसी बस्ती में (बज़ोरे फ़तेह) दाख़िल हो जाते हैं तो उसको उजाड़ देते हैं और वहाँ के मुअज़िज़ लोगों को ज़लील व रुसवा कर देते हैं और ये लोग भी ऐसा ही करेंगे
Raja perempuan itu berkata: “Sesungguhnya raja-raja, apabila masuk ke sebuah negeri, mereka merosakkannya, dan mereka menjadikan penduduknya yang mulia hina-dina; dan sedemikian itulah mereka akan lakukan.
وَإِنِّي مُرۡسِلَةٌ إِلَيۡهِم بِهَدِيَّةٖ فَنَاظِرَةُۢ بِمَ يَرۡجِعُ ٱلۡمُرۡسَلُونَ
Wa innee mursilatun ilaihim bihadiyyatin fanaaziratum bima yarji’ul mursaloon
But indeed, I will send to them a gift and see with what [reply] the messengers will return.”
“But I am going to send him a present, and (wait) to see with what (answer) return (my) ambassadors.”
I will send them a gift and then see with what answer my envoys return.”
“But verily! I am going to send him a present, and see with what (answer) the messengers return.”
But lo! I am going to send a present unto them, and to see with what (answer) the messengers return.
And surely I am sending to them a present, so I am waiting to look into what the emissaries return with.”
but I am going to send them a gift, then see what answer my envoys bring back.’
میں انہیں ایک ہدیہ بھیجنے والی ہوں، پھر دیکھ لوں گی کہ قاصد کیا جواب لے کر لوٹتے ہیں
और मैं उनके पास (एलचियों की माअरफ़त कुछ तोहफा भेजकर देखती हूँ कि एलची लोग क्या जवाब लाते हैं) ग़रज़ जब बिलक़ीस का एलची (तोहफा लेकर) सुलेमान के पास आया
“Dan bahawa aku hendak menghantarkan hadiah kepada mereka, kemudian aku akan menunggu, apakah balasan yang akan dibawa balik oleh utusan-utusan kita”
فَلَمَّا جَآءَ سُلَيۡمَٰنَ قَالَ أَتُمِدُّونَنِ بِمَالٖ فَمَآ ءَاتَىٰنِۦَ ٱللَّهُ خَيۡرٞ مِّمَّآ ءَاتَىٰكُمۚ بَلۡ أَنتُم بِهَدِيَّتِكُمۡ تَفۡرَحُونَ
Falammaa jaaa’a Sulaimaana qaala atumiddoonani bimaalin famaaa aataaniyal laahu khairum mimmmaaa aataakum bal antum bihadiy-yatikum tafrahoon
So when they came to Solomon, he said, “Do you provide me with wealth? But what Allah has given me is better than what He has given you. Rather, it is you who rejoice in your gift.
Now when (the embassy) came to Solomon, he said: “Will ye give me abundance in wealth? But that which Allah has given me is better than that which He has given you! Nay it is ye who rejoice in your gift!
Now, when (the envoy of the Queen) came to Solomon, he said: “Do you want to aid me with wealth? Whatever Allah has granted me is much more than what He has given you. (Keep for yourselves) your gift in which you are exulting.
So when (the messengers with the present) came to Sulaiman (Solomon), he said: “Will you help me in wealth? What Allah has given me is better than that which He has given you! Nay, you rejoice in your gift!”
So when (the envoy) came unto Solomon, (the King) said: What! Would ye help me with wealth? But that which Allah hath given me is better than that which He hath given you. Nay it is ye (and not I) who exult in your gift.
So, as soon as he (the envoy) came to Sulayman, (Solomon) he said, “Would you supply me with wealth? Then what Allah has brought me is more charitable (i.e., better) than what He has brought you. No indeed, (but) you exult with your present.
When her envoy came to Solomon, Solomon said, ‘What! Are you offering me wealth? What God has given me is better than what He has given you, though you rejoice in this gift of yours.
پس جب قاصد حضرت سلیمان کے پاس پہنچا تو آپ نے فرمایا کیا تم مال سے مجھے مدد دینا چاہتے ہو؟ مجھے تو میرے رب نے اس سے بہت بہتر دے رکھا ہے جو اس نے تمہیں دیا ہے پس تم ہی اپنے تحفے سے خوش رہو
तो सुलेमान ने कहा क्या तुम लोग मुझे माल की मदद देते हो तो ख़ुदा ने जो (माल दुनिया) मुझे अता किया है वह (माल) उससे जो तुम्हें बख्शा है कहीं बेहतर है (मैं तो नही) बल्कि तुम्ही लोग अपने तोहफे तहायफ़ से ख़ुश हुआ करो
Maka apabila (utusan pembawa hadiah itu) datang mengadap Nabi Sulaiman, berkatalah Nabi Sulaiman (kepadanya): “Tidaklah patut kamu memberikan kepadaku pemberian harta-benda, kerana apa yang telah diberikan Allah kepadaku lebih baik dari apa yang telah diberikanNya kepada kamu; (bukan aku yang memandang kepada pemberian hadiah) bahkan kamulah yang bergembira dengan hanya kekayaan yang dihadiahkan kepada kamu (atau yang kamu hadiahkan dengan perasaan megah).
ٱرۡجِعۡ إِلَيۡهِمۡ فَلَنَأۡتِيَنَّهُم بِجُنُودٖ لَّا قِبَلَ لَهُم بِهَا وَلَنُخۡرِجَنَّهُم مِّنۡهَآ أَذِلَّةٗ وَهُمۡ صَٰغِرُونَ
Irji’ ilaihim falanaatiyan nahum bijunoodil laa qibala lahum bihaa wa lanukhri jannahum minhaaa azillatanw wa hum saaghiroon
Return to them, for we will surely come to them with soldiers that they will be powerless to encounter, and we will surely expel them therefrom in humiliation, and they will be debased.”
“Go back to them, and be sure we shall come to them with such hosts as they will never be able to meet: We shall expel them from there in disgrace, and they will feel humbled (indeed).”
Envoy, go back to those who sent you and we shall certainly come upon them with hosts whom they will be unable to resist. We shall drive them out from there, and they will suffer humiliation and disgrace.”
[Then Sulaiman (Solomon) said to the chief of her messengers who brought the present]: “Go back to them. We verily shall come to them with hosts that they cannot resist, and we shall drive them out from there in disgrace, and they will be abased.”
Return unto them. We verily shall come unto them with hosts that they cannot resist, and we shall drive them out from thence with shame, and they will be abased.
Return to them. So indeed we will definitely come up against them with hosts they cannot withstand (Literally: of no withstanding). Indeed, we will definitely drive them out there from humiliated, and they will be (utterly) belittled.”
Go back to your people: we shall certainly come upon them with irresistible forces, and drive them, disgraced and humbled, from their land.’
جا ان کی طرف واپس لوٹ جا، ہم ان (کے مقابلہ) پر وه لشکر ﻻئیں گے جن کے سامنے پڑنے کی ان میں طاقت نہیں اور ہم انہیں ذلیل و پست کر کے وہاں سے نکال باہر کریں گے
(फिर तोहफा लाने वाले ने कहा) तो उन्हीं लोगों के पास जा हम यक़ीनन ऐसे लश्कर से उन पर चढ़ाई करेंगे जिसका उससे मुक़ाबला न हो सकेगा और हम ज़रुर उन्हें वहाँ से ज़लील व रुसवा करके निकाल बाहर करेंगे
“Kembalilah kepada mereka, (jika mereka tidak juga mahu beriman) maka demi sesungguhnya Kami akan mendatangi mereka dengan angkatan tentera yang mereka tidak terdaya menentangnya, dan kami akan mengeluarkan mereka dari negeri Saba’ dengan keadaan hina, menjadi orang-orang tawanan.”
قَالَ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلۡمَلَؤُاْ أَيُّكُمۡ يَأۡتِينِي بِعَرۡشِهَا قَبۡلَ أَن يَأۡتُونِي مُسۡلِمِينَ
Qaala yaaa aiyuhal mala’u aiyukum yaateenee bi’arshihaa qabla ai yaatoonee muslimeen
[Solomon] said, “O assembly [of jinn], which of you will bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?”
He said (to his own men): “Ye chiefs! which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?”
Solomon said: “My nobles, which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?”
He said: “O chiefs! Which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me surrendering themselves in obedience?”
He said: O chiefs! Which of you will bring me her throne before they come unto me, surrendering?
He said, “O you chiefs, whichever one of you will come up to me with (i.e., bring) her throne before they come up to me as Muslims?” (Or: in surrender).
Then he said, ‘Counsellors, which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?’
آپ نے فرمایا اے سردارو! تم میں سے کوئی ہے جو ان کے مسلمان ہو کر پہنچنے سے پہلے ہی اس کا تخت مجھے ﻻدے
(जब वह जा चुका) तो सुलेमान ने अपने अहले दरबार से कहा ऐ मेरे दरबार के सरदारो तुममें से कौन ऐसा है कि क़ब्ल इसके वह लोग मेरे सामने फरमाबरदार बनकर आयें
Nabi Sulaiman berkata pula (kepada golongan bijak pandainya): “Wahai pegawai-pegawaiku, siapakah di antara kamu yang dapat membawa kepadaku singgahsananya sebelum mereka datang mengadapku dalam keadaan berserah diri memeluk Islam?”
قَالَ عِفۡرِيتٞ مِّنَ ٱلۡجِنِّ أَنَا۠ ءَاتِيكَ بِهِۦ قَبۡلَ أَن تَقُومَ مِن مَّقَامِكَۖ وَإِنِّي عَلَيۡهِ لَقَوِيٌّ أَمِينٞ
Qaala ‘ifreetum minal jinni ana aateeka bihee qabla an taqooma mim maqaamika wa innee ‘alaihi laqawiyyun ameen
A powerful one from among the jinn said, “I will bring it to you before you rise from your place, and indeed, I am for this [task] strong and trustworthy.”
Said an ‘Ifrit, of the Jinns: “I will bring it to thee before thou rise from thy council: indeed I have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted.”
A stalwart of the jinn said: “I will bring it to you before you rise from your council. Surely I have the power to do so and I am trustworthy.”
An Ifrit (strong) from the jinns said: “I will bring it to you before you rise from your place (council). And verily, I am indeed strong, and trustworthy for such work.”
A stalwart of the jinn said: I will bring it thee before thou canst rise from thy place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work.
A cIfrît (i.e., powerful, stalwart) of the jinn said, “I will come up with it to you before you rise up from your station; and surely I am indeed powerful for it (and) trustworthy.”
A powerful and crafty jinn replied, ‘I will bring it to you before you can even rise from your place. I am strong and trustworthy enough,’
ایک قوی ہیکل جن کہنے لگا آپ اپنی اس مجلس سے اٹھیں اس سے پہلے ہی پہلے میں اسے آپ کے پاس ﻻدیتا ہوں، یقین مانیے کہ میں اس پر قادر ہوں اور ہوں بھی امانت دار
मलिका का तख्त मेरे पास ले आए (इस पर) जिनों में से एक दियो बोल उठा कि क़ब्ल इसके कि हुज़ूर (दरबार बरख़ास्त करके) अपनी जगह से उठे मै तख्त आपके पास ले आऊँगा और यक़ीनन उस पर क़ाबू रखता हूँ (और) ज़िम्मेदार हूँ
Berkatalah Ifrit dari golongan jin: “Aku akan membawakannya kepadamu sebelum engkau bangun dari tempat dudukmu, dan sesungguhnya aku amatlah kuat gagah untuk membawanya, lagi amanah”.
قَالَ ٱلَّذِي عِندَهُۥ عِلۡمٞ مِّنَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ أَنَا۠ ءَاتِيكَ بِهِۦ قَبۡلَ أَن يَرۡتَدَّ إِلَيۡكَ طَرۡفُكَۚ فَلَمَّا رَءَاهُ مُسۡتَقِرًّا عِندَهُۥ قَالَ هَٰذَا مِن فَضۡلِ رَبِّي لِيَبۡلُوَنِيٓ ءَأَشۡكُرُ أَمۡ أَكۡفُرُۖ وَمَن شَكَرَ فَإِنَّمَا يَشۡكُرُ لِنَفۡسِهِۦۖ وَمَن كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ رَبِّي غَنِيّٞ كَرِيمٞ
Qaalal lazee indahoo ‘ilmum minal Kitaabi ana aateeka bihee qabla ai yartadda ilaika tarfuk; falammaa ra aahu mustaqirran ‘indahoo qaala haazaa min fadli Rabbee li yabluwaneee ‘a-ashkuru am akfuru wa man shakara fa innamaa yashkuru linafsihee wa man kafara fa inna Rabbee Ghaniyyun Kareem
Said one who had knowledge from the Scripture, “I will bring it to you before your glance returns to you.” And when [Solomon] saw it placed before him, he said, “This is from the favor of my Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful – his gratitude is only for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever is ungrateful – then indeed, my Lord is Free of need and Generous.”
Said one who had knowledge of the Book: “I will bring it to thee within the twinkling of an eye!” Then when (Solomon) saw it placed firmly before him, he said: “This is by the Grace of my Lord!- to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful! and if any is grateful, truly his gratitude is (a gain) for his own soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly my Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in Honour!”
And he who had some knowledge of the Book said: “I will bring it before the twinkling of your eye.” When Solomon saw the throne placed firmly beside him, he cried out: “This is by the grace of my Lord so that He may test me whether I give thanks for (His Bounty) or act with ingratitude. Whoever is grateful is so to his own good; and whoever is ungrateful, let him know that my Lord is Immensely Resourceful, Most Bountiful.”
One with whom was knowledge of the Scripture said: “I will bring it to you within the twinkling of an eye!” then when [Sulaiman (Solomon)] saw it placed before him, he said: “This is by the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful! And whoever is grateful, truly, his gratitude is for (the good of) his ownself, and whoever is ungrateful, (he is ungrateful only for the loss of his ownself). Certainly! My Lord is Rich (Free of all wants), Bountiful.”
One with whom was knowledge of the Scripture said: I will bring it thee before thy gaze returneth unto thee. And when he saw it set in his presence, (Solomon) said: This is of the bounty of my Lord, that He may try me whether I give thanks or am ungrateful. Whosoever giveth thanks he only giveth thanks for (the good of) his own soul; and whosoever is ungrateful (is ungrateful only to his own soul’s hurt). For lo! my Lord is Absolute in independence, Bountiful.
Said he in whose presence was knowledge of the Book, “I will come up with it (i.e., bring) to you before your glance returns on you.” (i.e., in the twinkling of an eye) Then, as soon as he saw it secured in position in his presence, he (Sulayman) said, “This is of the Grace of my Lord that He may try me, whether I thank (Him) or be ungrateful. And whoever thanks (Him), then surely he thanks only for his (own) self, and whoever is ungrateful, (Or: whoever disbelieves) then surely my Lord is EverAffluent, (Literally: Ever-Wealthy, Ever-Rich) Ever-Honorable.”
but one of them who had some knowledge of the Scripture said, ‘I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye.’ When Solomon saw it set before him, he said, ‘This is a favour from my Lord, to test whether I am grateful or not: if anyone is grateful, it is for his own good, if anyone is ungrateful, then my Lord is self-sufficient and most generous.’
جس کے پاس کتاب کا علم تھا وه بول اٹھا کہ آپ پلک جھپکائیں اس سے بھی پہلے میں اسے آپ کے پاس پہنچا سکتا ہوں۔ جب آپ نے اسے اپنے پاس موجود پایا تو فرمانے لگے یہی میرے رب کا فضل ہے، تاکہ وه مجھے آزمائے کہ میں شکر گزاری کرتا ہوں یا ناشکری، شکر گزار اپنے ہی نفع کے لیے شکر گزاری کرتا ہے اور جو ناشکری کرے تو میرا پروردگار (بے پروا اور بزرگ) غنی اور کریم ہے
इस पर अभी सुलेमान कुछ कहने न पाए थे कि वह शख्स (आसिफ़ बिन बरख़िया) जिसके पास किताबे (ख़ुदा) का किस कदर इल्म था बोला कि मै आप की पलक झपकने से पहले तख्त को आप के पास हाज़िर किए देता हूँ (बस इतने ही में आ गया) तो जब सुलेमान ने उसे अपने पास मौजूद पाया तो कहने लगे ये महज़ मेरे परवरदिगार का फज़ल व करम है ताकि वह मेरा इम्तेहान ले कि मै उसका शुक्र करता हूँ या नाशुक्री करता हूँ और जो कोई शुक्र करता है वह अपनी ही भलाई के लिए शुक्र करता है और जो शख्स ना शुक्री करता है तो (याद रखिए) मेरा परवरदिगार यक़ीनन बेपरवा और सख़ी है
Berkata pula seorang yang mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan dari Kitab Allah: “Aku akan membawakannya kepadamu dalam sekelip mata!” Setelah Nabi Sulaiman melihat singgahsana itu terletak di sisinya, berkatalah ia: “Ini ialah dari limpah kurnia Tuhanku, untuk mengujiku adakah aku bersyukur atau aku tidak mengenangkan nikmat pemberianNya. Dan (sebenarnya) sesiapa yang bersyukur maka faedah syukurnya itu hanyalah terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri, dan sesiapa yang tidak bersyukur (maka tidaklah menjadi hal kepada Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Kaya, lagi Maha Pemurah”.
قَالَ نَكِّرُواْ لَهَا عَرۡشَهَا نَنظُرۡ أَتَهۡتَدِيٓ أَمۡ تَكُونُ مِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَهۡتَدُونَ
Qaala nakkiroo lahaa ‘arshahaa nanzur atahtadeee am takoonu minal lazeena laa yahtadoon
He said, “Disguise for her her throne; we will see whether she will be guided [to truth] or will be of those who is not guided.”
He said: “Transform her throne out of all recognition by her: let us see whether she is guided (to the truth) or is one of those who receive no guidance.”
Solomon said: ” Set the throne before her casually, and let us see whether she gets to the Truth or is one of those who are not guided to what is right.”
He said: “Disguise her throne for her that we may see whether she will be guided (to recognise her throne), or she will be one of those not guided.”
He said: Disguise her throne for her that we may see whether she will go aright or be of those not rightly guided.
He said, “Disguise her throne for her, that we may look into whether she is guided, or she is of the ones who are not guided.”
Then he said, ‘Disguise her throne, and we shall see whether or not she recognizes it.’
حکم دیا کہ اس کے تخت میں کچھ پھیر بدل کر دو تاکہ معلوم ہو جائے کہ یہ راه پالیتی ہے یا ان میں سے ہوتی ہے جو راه نہیں پاتے
(उसके बाद) सुलेमान ने कहा कि उसके तख्त में (उसकी अक्ल के इम्तिहान के लिए) तग़य्युर तबददुल कर दो ताकि हम देखें कि फिर भी वह समझ रखती है या उन लोगों में है जो कुछ समझ नहीं रखते
Nabi Sulaiman berkata pula (kepada orang-orangnya): “Ubahkanlah keadaan singgahsananya itu, supaya kita melihat adakah ia dapat mencapai pengetahuan yang sebenar (untuk mengenal singgahsananya itu) atau ia termasuk dalam golongan yang tidak dapat mencapai pengetahuan yang demikian”.
فَلَمَّا جَآءَتۡ قِيلَ أَهَٰكَذَا عَرۡشُكِۖ قَالَتۡ كَأَنَّهُۥ هُوَۚ وَأُوتِينَا ٱلۡعِلۡمَ مِن قَبۡلِهَا وَكُنَّا مُسۡلِمِينَ
Falammaa jaaa’at qeela ahaakaza ‘arshuki qaalat ka’annahoo hoo; wa ooteenal ‘ilma min qablihaa wa kunnaa muslimeen
So when she arrived, it was said [to her], “Is your throne like this?” She said, “[It is] as though it was it.” [Solomon said], “And we were given knowledge before her, and we have been Muslims [in submission to Allah].
So when she arrived, she was asked, “Is this thy throne?” She said, “It was just like this; and knowledge was bestowed on us in advance of this, and we have submitted to Allah (in Islam).”
When the Queen arrived, she was asked: “Is your throne like this one?” She said: “It seems as if it is the same. We had already come to know this and we had submitted ourselves.”
So when she came, it was said (to her): “Is your throne like this?” She said: “(It is) as though it were the very same.” And [Sulaiman (Solomon) said]: “Knowledge was bestowed on us before her, and we were submitted to Allah (in Islam as Muslims before her).”
So, when she came, it was said (unto her): Is thy throne like this? She said: (It is) as though it were the very one. And (Solomon said): We were given the knowledge before her and we had surrendered (to Allah).
So, as soon as she came, it was said, “Is your throne just like this?” She said, ” (It is) as though it were the (very) one.” And (Sulayman) (Solomon) said, “We were brought the knowledge before her, and we were Muslims.” (i.e., we surrendered “to Allah”).
When she arrived, she was asked, ‘Is this your throne?’ She replied, ‘It looks like it.’ [Solomon said], ‘We were given knowledge before her, and we devoted ourselves to God;
پھر جب وه آگئی تو اس سے کہا (دریافت کیا) گیا کہ ایسا ہی تیرا (بھی) تخت ہے؟ اس نے جواب دیا کہ یہ گویا وہی ہے، ہمیں اس سے پہلے ہی علم دیا گیا تھا اور ہم مسلمان تھے
(चुनान्चे ऐसा ही किया गया) फिर जब बिलक़ीस (सुलेमान के पास) आयी तो पूछा गया कि तुम्हारा तख्त भी ऐसा ही है वह बोली गोया ये वही है (फिर कहने लगी) हमको तो उससे पहले ही (आपकी नुबूवत) मालूम हो गयी थी और हम तो आपके फ़रमाबरदार थे ही
Maka ketika ia datang mengadap, Nabi Sulaiman bertanya kepadanya: Serupa inikah singahsanamu?” Ia menjawab: “Boleh jadi inilah dia; dan kami telah diberikan ilmu pengetahuan sebelum berlakunya (mukjizat) ini, dan kami pula adalah tetap berserah diri (menjunjung perintah Allah)”.
وَصَدَّهَا مَا كَانَت تَّعۡبُدُ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِۖ إِنَّهَا كَانَتۡ مِن قَوۡمٖ كَٰفِرِينَ
Wa saddahaa maa kaanat ta’budu min doonil laahi innahaa kaanat min qawmin kaafireen
And that which she was worshipping other than Allah had averted her [from submission to Him]. Indeed, she was from a disbelieving people.”
And he diverted her from the worship of others besides Allah: for she was (sprung) of a people that had no faith.
What prevented her (from accepting the True Faith) was her worshipping deities other than Allah, for she belonged to an unbelieving people.
And that which she used to worship besides Allah has prevented her (from Islam), for she was of a disbelieving people.
And (all) that she was wont to worship instead of Allah hindered her, for she came of disbelieving folk.
And what she used to worship, apart from Allah, barred her (from belief); (for) surely she was of a disbelieving people.
she was prevented by what she worshipped instead of God, for she came from a disbelieving people.’
اسے انہوں نے روک رکھا تھا جن کی وه اللہ کے سوا پرستش کرتی رہی تھی، یقیناً وه کافر لوگوں میں سے تھی
और ख़ुदा के सिवा जिसे वह पूजती थी सुलेमान ने उससे उसे रोक दिया क्योंकि वह काफिर क़ौम की थी (और आफताब को पूजती थी)
Dan ia dihalangi (daripada memeluk Islam pada masa yang lalu): apa yang ia pernah menyembahnya (dari benda-benda) yang lain dari Allah; sesungguhnya adalah ia (pada masa itu) dari puak yang kafir.
قِيلَ لَهَا ٱدۡخُلِي ٱلصَّرۡحَۖ فَلَمَّا رَأَتۡهُ حَسِبَتۡهُ لُجَّةٗ وَكَشَفَتۡ عَن سَاقَيۡهَاۚ قَالَ إِنَّهُۥ صَرۡحٞ مُّمَرَّدٞ مِّن قَوَارِيرَۗ قَالَتۡ رَبِّ إِنِّي ظَلَمۡتُ نَفۡسِي وَأَسۡلَمۡتُ مَعَ سُلَيۡمَٰنَ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ
Qeela lahad khulis sarha falammaa ra at hu hasibat hu lujjatanw wa khashafat ‘an saaqaihaa; qaala innahoo sarhum mumarradum min qawaareer; qaalat Rabbi innee zalamtu nafsee wa aslamtu ma’a Sulaimaana lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen (section 3)
She was told, “Enter the palace.” But when she saw it, she thought it was a body of water and uncovered her shins [to wade through]. He said, “Indeed, it is a palace [whose floor is] made smooth with glass.” She said, “My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, and I submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the worlds.”
She was asked to enter the lofty Palace: but when she saw it, she thought it was a lake of water, and she (tucked up her skirts), uncovering her legs. He said: “This is but a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass.” She said: “O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul: I do (now) submit (in Islam), with Solomon, to the Lord of the Worlds.”
She was told: “Enter the palace.” But when she saw it, she thought it was a pool of water and she bared both her calves (to enter into it). Solomon said: “This is a slippery floor of crystal.” Thereupon she cried out: “My Lord, I have been inflicting much wrong on myself. Now I submit myself with Solomon to Allah, the Lord of the whole Universe.”
It was said to her: “Enter As-Sarh” [(a glass surface with water underneath it) or a palace], but when she saw it, she thought it was a pool, and she (tucked up her clothes) uncovering her legs, Sulaiman (Solomon) said: “Verily, it is Sarh [(a glass surface with water underneath it) or a palace] paved smooth with slab of glass.” She said: “My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, and I submit (in Islam, together with Sulaiman (Solomon), to Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).”
It was said unto her: Enter the hall. And when she saw it she deemed it a pool and bared her legs. (Solomon) said: Lo! it is a hall, made smooth, of glass. She said: My Lord! Lo! I have wronged myself, and I surrender with Solomon unto Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
It was said to her, “Enter the tower.” Then as soon as she saw it, she reckoned it a pool, and she uncovered both her shanks. He said, “Surely it is a tower smoothed of crystal.” She said, “Lord! Surely I have done injustice to myself, and I (now) surrender (i.e., I am a Muslim) with Sulayman to Allah, The Lord of the worlds.”
Then it was said to her, ‘Enter the hall,’ but when she saw it, she thought it was a deep pool of water, and bared her legs. Solomon explained, ‘It is just a hall paved with glass,’ and she said, ‘My Lord, I have wronged myself: I devote myself, with Solomon, to God, the Lord of the Worlds.’
اس سے کہا گیا کہ محل میں چلی چلو، جسے دیکھ کر یہ سمجھ کر کہ یہ حوض ہے اس نے اپنی پنڈلیاں کھول دیں، فرمایا یہ توشیشے سے منڈھی ہوئی عمارت ہے، کہنے لگی میرے پروردگار! میں نے اپنے آپ پر ﻇلم کیا۔ اب میں سلیمان کے ساتھ اللہ رب العالمین کی مطیع اور فرمانبردار بنتی ہوں
फिर उससे कहा गया कि आप अब महल मे चलिए तो जब उसने महल (में शीशे के फर्श) को देखा तो उसको गहरा पानी समझी (और गुज़रने के लिए इस तरह अपने पाएचे उठा लिए कि) अपनी दोनों पिन्डलियाँ खोल दी सुलेमान ने कहा (तुम डरो नहीं) ये (पानी नहीं है) महल है जो शीशे से मढ़ा हुआ है (उस वक्त तम्बीह हुई और) अर्ज़ की परवरदिगार मैने (आफताब को पूजा कर) यक़ीनन अपने ऊपर ज़ुल्म किया
(Setelah itu) dikatakan kepadanya: “Dipersilakan masuk ke dalam istana ini.” Maka ketika ia melihatnya, disangkanya halaman istana itu sebuah kolam air, serta dia pun menyingsingkan pakaian dari dua betisnya. Nabi Sulaiman berkata: “Sebenarnya ini adalah sebuah istana yang diperbuat licin berkilat dari kaca”. (Mendengar yang demikian), Balqis berdoa: “Wahai Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku telah menganiaya diri sendiri dan (sekarang aku menegaskan bahawa) aku berserah diri memeluk Islam bersama-sama Nabi Sulaiman, kepada Allah Tuhan sekalian alam “.
وَلَقَدۡ أَرۡسَلۡنَآ إِلَىٰ ثَمُودَ أَخَاهُمۡ صَٰلِحًا أَنِ ٱعۡبُدُواْ ٱللَّهَ فَإِذَا هُمۡ فَرِيقَانِ يَخۡتَصِمُونَ
Wa laqad arsalnaaa ilaa Samooda akhaahum Saalihan ani’budul laaha fa izaa hum fareeqaani yakhtasimoon
And We had certainly sent to Thamud their brother Salih, [saying], “Worship Allah,” and at once they were two parties conflicting.
We sent (aforetime), to the Thamud, their brother Salih, saying, “Serve Allah”: But behold, they became two factions quarrelling with each other.
And We sent to Thamud their brother Salih (with the Message): “Serve Allah,” but all of a sudden they became split into two quarrelling factions.
And indeed We sent to Thamud their brother Salih (Saleh), saying: “Worship Allah (Alone and none else). Then look! They became two parties (believers and disbelievers) quarreling with each other.”
And We verily sent unto Thamud their brother Salih, saying: Worship Allah. And lo! they (then became two parties quarrelling.
And indeed We already sent to Thamûd their brother Salih, (saying), “Worship Allah.” Then, only then were they two groups, standing adversaries one with the other.
To the people of Thamud We sent their brother, Salih, saying, ‘Worship God alone,’ but they split into two rival factions.
یقیناً ہم نے ﺛمود کی طرف ان کے بھائی صالح کو بھیجا کہ تم سب اللہ کی عبادت کرو پھر بھی وه دو فریق بن کر آپس میں لڑنے جھگڑنے لگے
और अब मैं सुलेमान के साथ सारे जहाँ के पालने वाले खुदा पर ईमान लाती हूँ और हम ही ने क़ौम समूद के पास उनके भाई सालेह को पैग़म्बर बनाकर भेजा कि तुम लोग ख़ुदा की इबादत करो तो वह सालेह के आते ही (मोमिन व काफिर) दो फरीक़ बनकर बाहम झगड़ने लगे
Dan demi sesungguhnya, Kami telah mengutus kepada kaum Thamud, saudara mereka Nabi Soleh (menyeru mereka dengan berkata): “Sembahlah kamu akan Allah!” Maka tiba-tiba mereka menjadi dua puak (mukmin dan kafir) yang berbalah.
قَالَ يَٰقَوۡمِ لِمَ تَسۡتَعۡجِلُونَ بِٱلسَّيِّئَةِ قَبۡلَ ٱلۡحَسَنَةِۖ لَوۡلَا تَسۡتَغۡفِرُونَ ٱللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تُرۡحَمُونَ
Qaala yaa qawmi lima tasta’jiloona bissaiyi’ati qablal hasanati law laa tas taghfiroonal laaha la’allakum turhamoon
He said, “O my people, why are you impatient for evil instead of good? Why do you not seek forgiveness of Allah that you may receive mercy?”
He said: “O my people! why ask ye to hasten on the evil in preference to the good? If only ye ask Allah for forgiveness, ye may hope to receive mercy.
Salih said: “My people, why do you wish to hasten that evil rather than good should come upon you? Why should you not seek pardon from Allah so that mercy be shown to you?”
He said: “O my people! Why do you seek to hasten the evil (torment) before the good (Allah’s Mercy)? Why seek you not the Forgiveness of Allah, that you may receive mercy?”
He said: O my people! Why will ye hasten on the evil rather than the good? Why will ye not ask pardon of Allah, that ye may receive mercy.
He said, “O my people, why do you seek to hasten odious (deeds) before fair (ones)? Had you asked forgiveness from Allah, possibly you would be (offered) mercy!”
Salih said, ‘My people, why do you rush to bring [forward] what is bad rather than good? Why do you not ask forgiveness of God, so that you may be given mercy?’
آپ نے فرمایا اے میری قوم کے لوگو! تم نیکی سے پہلے برائی کی جلدی کیوں مچا رہے ہو؟ تم اللہ تعالیٰ سےاستغفار کیوں نہیں کرتے تاکہ تم پر رحم کیا جائے
सालेह ने कहा ऐ मेरी क़ौम (आख़िर) तुम लोग भलाई से पहल बुराई के वास्ते जल्दी क्यों कर रहे हो तुम लोग ख़ुदा की बारगाह में तौबा व अस्तग़फार क्यों नही करते ताकि तुम पर रहम किया जाए
Nabi Soleh berkata (kepada puak kafir): “Wahai kaumku, mengapa kamu segerakan kufur ingkar yang mendatangkan keburukan kepada kamu, (tidak) mendahulukan iman yang mendatangkan kebaikan kepada kamu? Alangkah baiknya kalau kamu memohon ampun kepada Allah supaya kamu diberi rahmat.”
قَالُواْ ٱطَّيَّرۡنَا بِكَ وَبِمَن مَّعَكَۚ قَالَ طَـٰٓئِرُكُمۡ عِندَ ٱللَّهِۖ بَلۡ أَنتُمۡ قَوۡمٞ تُفۡتَنُونَ
Qaalut taiyarnaa bika wa bimam ma’ak; qaala taaa’irukum ‘indal laahi bal antum qawmun tuftanoon
They said, “We consider you a bad omen, you and those with you.” He said, “Your omen is with Allah. Rather, you are a people being tested.”
They said: “Ill omen do we augur from thee and those that are with thee”. He said: “Your ill omen is with Allah; yea, ye are a people under trial.”
They said: “We augur ill of you and those who are with you.” Salih replied: “Your augury is with Allah. The truth is that you are a people who are being tried.”
They said: “We augur ill omen from you and those with you.” He said: “Your ill omen is with Allah; nay, but you are a people that are being tested.”
They said: We augur evil of thee and those with thee. He said: Your evil augury is with Allah. Nay, but ye are folk that are being tested.
They said, “We augur ill of you and of (the ones) who are with you.” He said, “Your bird (of) augury is in the Providence of Allah. No indeed, (but) you are a people being tempted.”
They said, ‘We see you and your fol-lowers as an evil omen.’ He replied, ‘God will decide on any omen you may see: you people are being put to the test.’
وه کہنے لگے ہم تو تیری اور تیرے ساتھیوں کی بدشگونی لے رہے ہیں؟ آپ نے فرمایا تمہاری بدشگونی اللہ کے ہاں ہے، بلکہ تم فتنے میں پڑے ہوئے لوگ ہو
वह लोग बोले हमने तो तुम से और तुम्हारे साथियों से बुरा शगुन पाया सालेह ने कहा तुम्हारी बदकिस्मती ख़ुदा के पास है (ये सब कुछ नहीं) बल्कि तुम लोगों की आज़माइश की जा रही है
Mereka menjawab: “Kami merasa nahas dan malang dengan sebabmu, dan juga dengan sebab pengikut-pengikutmu!” Nabi Soleh berkata: Perkara yang menyebabkan baik dan malang kamu adalah di sisi Allah (dan Dia lah yang menentukannya, bukannya aku), sebenarnya kamu adalah kaum yang disesatkan (oleh hawa nafsu)”.
وَكَانَ فِي ٱلۡمَدِينَةِ تِسۡعَةُ رَهۡطٖ يُفۡسِدُونَ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَلَا يُصۡلِحُونَ
Wa kaana fil madeenati tis’atu rahtiny yufsidoona fil ardi wa laa yuslihoon
And there were in the city nine family heads causing corruption in the land and not amending [its affairs].
There were in the city nine men of a family, who made mischief in the land, and would not reform.
Now there were nine ring-leaders in the city who created corruption in the land and never worked to set things right.
And there were in the city nine men (from the sons of their chiefs), who made mischief in the land, and would not reform.
And there were in the city nine persons who made mischief in the land and reformed not.
And (there) was in the city nine (men of) a clan who corrupted in the land and did not act righteously.
There were nine men in the city who spread corruption in the land without making amends.
اس شہر میں نو سردار تھے جو زمین میں فساد پھیلاتے رہتے تھے اور اصلاح نہیں کرتے تھے
और शहर में नौ आदमी थे जो मुल्क के बानीये फसाद थे और इसलाह की फिक्र न करते थे-उन लोगों ने (आपस में) कहा कि बाहम ख़ुदा की क़सम खाते जाओ
Dan di bandar (tempat tinggal kaum Thamud) itu, ada sembilan orang yang semata-mata melakukan kerosakan di bumi (dengan berbagai-bagai maksiat) dan tidak melakukan kebaikan sedikitpun.
قَالُواْ تَقَاسَمُواْ بِٱللَّهِ لَنُبَيِّتَنَّهُۥ وَأَهۡلَهُۥ ثُمَّ لَنَقُولَنَّ لِوَلِيِّهِۦ مَا شَهِدۡنَا مَهۡلِكَ أَهۡلِهِۦ وَإِنَّا لَصَٰدِقُونَ
Qaaloo taqaasamoo billaahi lanubaiyitannahoo wa ahlahoo summaa lanaqoolana liwaliy yihee maa shahidnaa mahlika ahlihee wa innaa lasaadiqoon
They said, “Take a mutual oath by Allah that we will kill him by night, he and his family. Then we will say to his executor, ‘We did not witness the destruction of his family, and indeed, we are truthful.’ “
They said: “Swear a mutual oath by Allah that we shall make a secret night attack on him and his people, and that we shall then say to his heir (when he seeks vengeance): ‘We were not present at the slaughter of his people, and we are positively telling the truth.'”
They said: “Swear to one another in the name of Allah that we shall make a sudden night swoop on Salih and his family and will then tell their heirs that we did not witness the destruction of his family. We are indeed truthful.”
They said: “Swear one to another by Allah that we shall make a secret night attack on him and his household, and afterwards we will surely say to his near relatives: ‘We witnessed not the destruction of his household, and verily! We are telling the truth.'”
They said: Swear one to another by Allah that we verily will attack him and his household by night, and afterward we will surely say unto his friend: We witnessed not the destruction of his household. And lo! we are truthtellers.
They said, “Swear, one to another, by Allah that indeed we will definitely attack him and his family by night. Thereafter indeed we will definitely say to his patron, “In no way did we testify to the perishing of his family; and surely we are indeed sincere (men).”
They said, ‘Swear by God: we shall attack this man and his household in the night, then say to his next of kin, “We did not witness the destruction of his household. We are telling the truth.”’
انہوں نے آپس میں بڑی قسمیں کھا کھا کر عہد کیا کہ رات ہی کو صالح اور اس کے گھر والوں پر ہم چھاپہ ماریں گے، اور اس کے وارﺛوں سے صاف کہہ دیں گے کہ ہم اس کے اہل کی ہلاکت کے وقت موجود نہ تھے اور ہم بالکل سچے ہیں
कि हम लोग सालेह और उसके लड़के बालो पर शब खून करे उसके बाद उसके वाली वारिस से कह देगें कि हम लोग उनके घर वालों को हलाक़ होते वक्त मौजूद ही न थे और हम लोग तो यक़ीनन सच्चे हैं
Mereka berkata (sesama sendiri): “Hendaklah kamu masing-masing bersumpah dengan nama Allah, bahawa sesungguhnya kita akan membunuh Soleh dan pengikut-pengikutnya secara mengejut pada waktu malam, kemudian kita akan berkata kepada warisnya: ` Kami tidak hadir (di tempat) pembunuhan (Soleh apalagi membunuhnya atau membunuh) pengikut-pengikutnya, dan sesungguhnya kami adalah berkata benar ‘. “
وَمَكَرُواْ مَكۡرٗا وَمَكَرۡنَا مَكۡرٗا وَهُمۡ لَا يَشۡعُرُونَ
Wa makaroo makranw wa makarnaa makranw wa hum laa yash’uroon
And they planned a plan, and We planned a plan, while they perceived not.
They plotted and planned, but We too planned, even while they perceived it not.
Thus they planned and We too planned, the while they did not know.
So they plotted a plot, and We planned a plan, while they perceived not.
So they plotted a plot: and We plotted a plot, while they perceived not.
And they schemed a scheme, and We schemed a scheme, and they were not aware.
So they devised their evil plan, but We too made a plan of which they were unaware.
انہوں نے مکر (خفیہ تدبیر) کیا اور ہم نے بھی اور وه اسے سمجھتے ہی نہ تھے
और उन लोगों ने एक तदबीर की और हमने भी एक तदबीर की और (हमारी तदबीर की) उनको ख़बर भी न हुई
Dan (dengan demikian) mereka telah merancangkan rancangan jahat, dan Kami pula rancangkan balasannya dengan seburuk-buruk balasan, sedang mereka tidak menyedarinya.
فَٱنظُرۡ كَيۡفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ مَكۡرِهِمۡ أَنَّا دَمَّرۡنَٰهُمۡ وَقَوۡمَهُمۡ أَجۡمَعِينَ
Fanzur kaifa kaana ‘aaqibatu makrihim annaa dammar naahum wa qawmahum ajma’een
Then look how was the outcome of their plan – that We destroyed them and their people, all.
Then see what was the end of their plot!- this, that We destroyed them and their people, all (of them).
So see what was the outcome of the plan they made: We utterly destroyed them and their people, all of them.
Then see how was the end of their plot! Verily! We destroyed them and their nation, all together.
Then see the nature of the consequence of their plotting, for lo! We destroyed them and their people, every one.
So look into how was the end of their scheming, (for) We destroyed them and their people all together.
See how their scheming ended: We destroyed them utterly, along with all their people.
(اب) دیکھ لے ان کے مکر کا انجام کیسا کچھ ہوا؟ کہ ہم نے ان کو اور ان کی قوم کو سب کو غارت کردیا
तो (ऐ रसूल) तुम देखो उनकी तदबीर का क्या (बुरा) अन्जाम हुआ कि हमने उनको और सारी क़ौम को हलाक कर डाला
Maka lihatlah bagaimana akibat rancangan jahat mereka, iaitu Kami telah hancurkan mereka dan kaum mereka semuanya.
فَتِلۡكَ بُيُوتُهُمۡ خَاوِيَةَۢ بِمَا ظَلَمُوٓاْۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَأٓيَةٗ لِّقَوۡمٖ يَعۡلَمُونَ
Fatilka buyootuhum khaa wiyatam bimaa zalamoo; inna fee zaalika la Aayatal liqaw miny-ya’lamoon
So those are their houses, desolate because of the wrong they had done. Indeed in that is a sign for people who know.
Now such were their houses, – in utter ruin, – because they practised wrong-doing. Verily in this is a Sign for people of knowledge.
Now behold their houses that lie in utter ruins because of their wrong-doing. Verily there is a Sign in this for the people who know.
These are their houses in utter ruin, for they did wrong. Verily, in this is indeed an Ayah (a lesson or a sign) for people who know.
See, yonder are their dwellings empty and in ruins because they did wrong. Lo! herein is indeed a portent for a people who have knowledge.
So those are their houses, devastated because they did injustice; surely in that is a sign for a people who know (the Truth).
As a result of their evil deeds, their homes are desolate ruins- there truly is a sign in this for those who know-
یہ ہیں ان کے مکانات جو ان کے ﻇلم کی وجہ سے اجڑے پڑے ہیں، جو لوگ علم رکھتے ہیں ان کے لیےاس میں بڑی نشانی ہے
ये बस उनके घर हैं कि उनकी नाफरमानियों की वज़ह से ख़ाली वीरान पड़े हैं इसमे शक नही कि उस वाक़िये में वाक़िफ कार लोगों के लिए बड़ी इबरत है
Kesudahannya rumah-rumah mereka itu telah runtuh ranap, dengan sebab mereka berlaku zalim; sesungguhnya kejadian yang demikian mengandungi pelajaran yang mendatangkan iktibar bagi orang-orang yang mahu mengetahui (akan sebab dan musababnya).
وَأَنجَيۡنَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَكَانُواْ يَتَّقُونَ
Wa anjainal lazeena aamanoo wa kaanoo yattaqoon
And We saved those who believed and used to fear Allah.
And We saved those who believed and practised righteousness.
And We delivered those who believed and were wont to avoid disobeying (Allah).
And We saved those who believed, and used to fear Allah, and keep their duty to Him.
And we saved those who believed and used to ward off (evil).
And We delivered the ones who believed and were pious.
but We saved those who believed and were mindful of God.
ہم نے ان کو جو ایمان ﻻئے تھے اور پرہیزگار تھے بال بال بچالیا
और हमने उन लोगों को जो ईमान लाए थे और परहेज़गार थे बचा लिया
Dan Kami selamatkan orang-orang yang beriman, serta yang selalu bertaqwa.
وَلُوطًا إِذۡ قَالَ لِقَوۡمِهِۦٓ أَتَأۡتُونَ ٱلۡفَٰحِشَةَ وَأَنتُمۡ تُبۡصِرُونَ
Wa lootan iz qaala liqawmiheee ataatoonal faa hishata wa antum tubsiroon
And [mention] Lot, when he said to his people, “Do you commit immorality while you are seeing?
(We also sent) Lut (as a messenger): behold, He said to his people, “Do ye do what is shameful though ye see (its iniquity)?
We also sent Lot, and recall when he told his people: “Do you commit shameless acts with your eyes open?
And (remember) Lout (Lot)! When he said to his people. Do you commit Al-Fahishah (evil, great sin, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, sodomy, etc.) while you see (one another doing evil without any screen, etc.)?”
And Lot! when he said unto his folk: Will ye commit abomination knowingly?
And Lût, (Lot) as he said to his people, “Do you come up to (the) obscenity (while) you behold (its impurity)?
We also sent Lot to his people. He said to them, ‘How can you commit this outrage with your eyes wide open?
اور لوط کا (ذکر کر) جبکہ اس نے اپنی قوم سے کہاکہ کیا باوجود دیکھنے بھالنے کے پھر بھی تم بدکاری کر رہے ہو؟
और (ऐ रसूल) लूत को (याद करो) जब उन्होंने अपनी क़ौम से कहा कि क्या तुम देखभाल कर (समझ बूझ कर) ऐसी बेहयाई करते हो
Dan Nabi Lut juga (Kami utuskan); (ingatlah peristiwanya) ketika ia berkata kepada kaumnya: “Patutkah kamu melakukan perbuatan yang keji sedang kamu nampak kejinya?
أَئِنَّكُمۡ لَتَأۡتُونَ ٱلرِّجَالَ شَهۡوَةٗ مِّن دُونِ ٱلنِّسَآءِۚ بَلۡ أَنتُمۡ قَوۡمٞ تَجۡهَلُونَ
A’innakum lataatoonar rijaala shahwatam min doonin nisaaa’; bal antum qawmun tajhaloon (End Juz 19)
Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women? Rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly.”
Would ye really approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, ye are a people (grossly) ignorant!
Do you lustfully approach men instead of women? Nay, you engage in acts of sheer ignorance.”
“Do you approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, but you are a people who behave senselessly.”
Must ye needs lust after men instead of women? Nay, but ye are folk who act senselessly.
Do you (really) come up with lust to men rather than women? No indeed, you are a people who are ignorant.”
How can you lust after men instead of women? What fools you are!’
یہ کیا بات ہے کہ تم عورتوں کو چھوڑ کر مردوں کے پاس شہوت سے آتے ہو حق یہ ہے کہ تم بڑی ہی نادانی کر رہے ہو
क्या तुम औरतों को छोड़कर शहवत से मर्दों के आते हो (ये तुम अच्छा नहीं करते) बल्कि तुम लोग बड़ी जाहिल क़ौम हो तो लूत की क़ौम का इसके सिवा कुछ जवाब न था
“Sesungguhnya kamu mendatangi lelaki, bukan perempuan, kerana memuaskan nafsu syahwat kamu. (Perbuatan kamu itu amatlah keji) bahkan kamu kaum yang jahil (yang tidak mengetahui akan akibatnya)”.
۞فَمَا كَانَ جَوَابَ قَوۡمِهِۦٓ إِلَّآ أَن قَالُوٓاْ أَخۡرِجُوٓاْ ءَالَ لُوطٖ مِّن قَرۡيَتِكُمۡۖ إِنَّهُمۡ أُنَاسٞ يَتَطَهَّرُونَ
Famaa kaana jawaaba qawmiheee illaaa an qaalooo akhrijooo aalaa Lootim min qaryatikum innahum unaasuny yatatahharoon
But the answer of his people was not except that they said, “Expel the family of Lot from your city. Indeed, they are people who keep themselves pure.”
But his people gave no other answer but this: they said, “Drive out the followers of Lut from your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!”
But this had only one answer from his people. They said: “Expel Lot’s folk from your city. They pretend to be absolutely clean.”
There was no other answer given by his people except that they said: “Drive out the family of Lout (Lot) from your city. Verily, these are men who want to be clean and pure!”
But the answer of his folk was naught save that they said: Expel the household of Lot from your township, for they (forsooth) are folk who would keep clean!
Then in no way was the answer of his people anything except that they said, “Drive the house of Lt out of your town; surely they are a folk who purify themselves.”
The only answer his people gave was to say, ‘Expel Lot’s followers from your town! These men mean to stay chaste!’
قوم کا جواب بجز اس کہنے کے اور کچھ نہ تھا کہ آل لوط کو اپنے شہر سے شہر بدر کر دو، یہ تو بڑے پاک باز بن رہے ہیں
कि वह लोग बोल उठे कि लूत के खानदान को अपनी बस्ती (सदूम) से निकाल बाहर करो ये लोग बड़े पाक साफ बनना चाहते हैं
Maka kaumnya tidak menjawab selain dari berkata: usirlah Lut dan pengikut-pengikutnya dari bandar kamu ini; sesungguhnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang mendakwakan dirinya bersih suci “.
فَأَنجَيۡنَٰهُ وَأَهۡلَهُۥٓ إِلَّا ٱمۡرَأَتَهُۥ قَدَّرۡنَٰهَا مِنَ ٱلۡغَٰبِرِينَ
Fa anjainaahu wa ahlahooo illam ra atahoo qaddarnaahaa minal ghaabireen
So We saved him and his family, except for his wife; We destined her to be of those who remained behind.
But We saved him and his family, except his wife; her We destined to be of those who lagged behind.
Eventually We saved (Lot) and his family, except his wife. We had decreed that she should be among those who would remain behind.
So We saved him and his family, except his wife. We destined her to be of those who remained behind.
Then We saved him and his household save his wife; We destined her to be of those who stayed behind.
So We delivered him and his family, except his wife; We determined she should be of the laggards.
We saved him and his family- except for his wife: We made her stay behind-
پس ہم نے اسے اور اس کے اہل کو بجز اس کی بیوی کے سب کو بچالیا، اس کا اندازه تو باقی ره جانے والوں میں ہم لگا ہی چکے تھے
ग़रज हमने लूत को और उनके ख़ानदान को बचा लिया मगर उनकी बीवी कि हमने उसकी तक़दीर में पीछे रह जाने वालों में लिख दिया था
Lalu Kami selamatkan Nabi Lut dan keluarganya serta pengikut-pengikutnya, kecuali isterinya, Kami takdirkan dia menjadi dari golongan yang tertinggal dalam azab.
وَأَمۡطَرۡنَا عَلَيۡهِم مَّطَرٗاۖ فَسَآءَ مَطَرُ ٱلۡمُنذَرِينَ
Wa amtarnaa ‘alaihimm mataran fasaaa’a matarul munzareen (section 4)
And We rained upon them a rain [of stones], and evil was the rain of those who were warned.
And We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): and evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but heeded not)!
And We rained down upon them a rain. It was an evil rain for those who had already been warned.
And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). So evil was the rain of those who were warned.
And We rained a rain upon them. Dreadful is the rain of those who have been warned.
And We rained on them a rain; so, how odious is the rain of (the ones) who are warned.
and We brought rain down on them. How dreadful that rain was for those who had been warned!
اور ان پر ایک (خاص قسم) کی بارش برسادی، پس ان دھمکائے ہوئے لوگوں پر بری بارش ہوئی
और (फिर तो) हमने उन लोगों पर (पत्थर का) मेंह बरसाया तो जो लोग डराए जा चुके थे उन पर क्या बुरा मेंह बरसा
Dan Kami hujani mereka dengan hujan yang membinasakan, maka amatlah buruknya hujan azab yang menimpa orang-orang yang telah diberi amaran.
قُلِ ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ وَسَلَٰمٌ عَلَىٰ عِبَادِهِ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱصۡطَفَىٰٓۗ ءَآللَّهُ خَيۡرٌ أَمَّا يُشۡرِكُونَ
Qulil hamdu lillaahi wa salaamun ‘alaa ‘ibaadihil lazeenas tafaa; aaallaahu khairun ammmaa yushrikoon
Say, [O Muhammad], “Praise be to Allah, and peace upon His servants whom He has chosen. Is Allah better or what they associate with Him?”
Say: Praise be to Allah, and Peace on his servants whom He has chosen (for his Message). (Who) is better?- Allah or the false gods they associate (with Him)?
Say, (O Muhammad): “All praise be to Allah, and peace be on those of His servants whom He has chosen.” (Ask them): “Who is better: Allah or the false gods that they associate with Him as His partners?
Say (O Muhammad SAW): “Praise and thanks be to Allah, and peace be on His slaves whom He has chosen (for His Message)! Is Allah better, or (all) that you ascribe as partners (to Him)?” (Of course, Allah is Better).
Say (O Muhammad): Praise be to Allah, and peace be on His slaves whom He hath chosen! Is Allah best, or (all) that ye ascribe as partners (unto Him)?
Say, “Praise be to Allah, and peace be on His bondmen whom He has elected.” Is Allah Most Charitable, or whatever they associate (with Him)?
Say [Prophet], ‘Praise be to God and peace on the servants He has chosen. Who is better: God, or those they set up as partners with Him?
تو کہہ دے کہ تمام تعریف اللہ ہی کے لیے ہے اور اس کے برگزیده بندوں پر سلام ہے۔ کیا اللہ تعالیٰ بہتر ہے یا وه جنہیں یہ لوگ شریک ٹھہرا رہے ہیں
(ऐ रसूल) तुम कह दो (उनके हलाक़ होने पर) खुदा का शुक्र और उसके बरगुज़ीदा बन्दों पर सलाम भला ख़ुदा बेहतर है या वह चीज़ जिसे ये लोग शरीके ख़ुदा कहते हैं
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah dan selamat sejahtera kepada hamba-hambaNya (Nabi-nabi) yang dipilihNya. Manakah yang lebih baik? – Allah (yang demikian kekuasaanNya) atau benda-benda yang mereka jadikan sekutu-sekutu bagiNya?
أَمَّنۡ خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضَ وَأَنزَلَ لَكُم مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءٗ فَأَنۢبَتۡنَا بِهِۦ حَدَآئِقَ ذَاتَ بَهۡجَةٖ مَّا كَانَ لَكُمۡ أَن تُنۢبِتُواْ شَجَرَهَآۗ أَءِلَٰهٞ مَّعَ ٱللَّهِۚ بَلۡ هُمۡ قَوۡمٞ يَعۡدِلُونَ
Amman khalaqas samaawaati wal arda wa anzala lakum minas samaaa’i maaa’an fa anbatnaa bihee hadaaa’iqa zaata bahjah; maa kaana lakum an tunbitoo shajarahaa; ‘a-ilaahun ma’al laah; bal hum qawmuny ya’diloon
[More precisely], is He [not best] who created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you rain from the sky, causing to grow thereby gardens of joyful beauty which you could not [otherwise] have grown the trees thereof? Is there a deity with Allah? [No], but they are a people who ascribe equals [to Him].
Or, Who has created the heavens and the earth, and Who sends you down rain from the sky? Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planted orchards full of beauty of delight: it is not in your power to cause the growth of the trees in them. (Can there be another) god besides Allah? Nay, they are a people who swerve from justice.
Who is it that has created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you water from the sky and then We caused to grow therewith orchards full of beauty whose trees you could never grow. Is there any god associated with Allah (in these tasks)?” Nay, they are a people who are veering away from the Right Path.
Is not He (better than your gods) Who created the heavens and the earth, and sends down for you water (rain) from the sky, whereby We cause to grow wonderful gardens full of beauty and delight? It is not in your ability to cause the growth of their trees. Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Nay, but they are a people who ascribe equals (to Him)!
Is not He (best) Who created the heavens and the earth, and sendeth down for you water from the sky wherewith We cause to spring forth joyous orchards, whose trees it never hath been yours to cause to grow. Is there any Allah beside Allah? Nay, but they are folk who ascribe equals (unto Him)!
Is not He the (Most Charitable) Who created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you from the heaven water? So We caused to grow therewith enclosed orchards, full (Literally: owing, comprising) of delight. In no way can you germinate its trees. Is there a god with Allah? No indeed, (but) they are a people who (unjustly) set up equals to Him.
Who created the heavens and earth? Who sends down water from the sky for you- with which We cause gardens of delight to grow: you have no power to make the trees grow in them- is it another god beside God? No! But they are people who take others to be equal with God.
بھلا بتاؤ تو؟ کہ آسمانوں کو اور زمین کو کس نے پیدا کیا؟ کس نے آسمان سے بارش برسائی؟ پھر اس سے ہرے بھرے بارونق باغات اگا دیئے؟ ان باغوں کے درختوں کو تم ہر گز نہ اگا سکتے، کیا اللہ کے ساتھ اور کوئی معبود بھی ہے؟ بلکہ یہ لوگ ہٹ جاتے ہیں (سیدھی راه سے)
भला वह कौन है जिसने आसमान और ज़मीन को पैदा किया और तुम्हारे वास्ते आसमान से पानी बरसाया फिर हम ही ने पानी से दिल चस्प (ख़ुशनुमा) बाग़ उठाए तुम्हारे तो ये बस की बात न थी कि तुम उनके दरख्तों को उगा सकते तो क्या ख़ुदा के साथ कोई और माबूद भी है (हरगिज़ नहीं) बल्कि ये लोग खुद अपने जी से गढ़ के बुतो को उसके बराबर बनाते हैं
Bahkan siapakah yang telah mencipta langit dan bumi, dan menurunkan hujan dari langit untuk kamu? Lalu Kami tumbuhkan dengan air hujan itu tanaman kebun-kebun (yang menghijau subur) dengan indahnya, yang kamu tidak dapat dan tidak berkuasa menumbuhkan pohon-pohonnya. Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? (Tidak!) bahkan mereka (yang musyrik itu) adalah kaum yang menyeleweng dari kebenaran (tauhid).
أَمَّن جَعَلَ ٱلۡأَرۡضَ قَرَارٗا وَجَعَلَ خِلَٰلَهَآ أَنۡهَٰرٗا وَجَعَلَ لَهَا رَوَٰسِيَ وَجَعَلَ بَيۡنَ ٱلۡبَحۡرَيۡنِ حَاجِزًاۗ أَءِلَٰهٞ مَّعَ ٱللَّهِۚ بَلۡ أَكۡثَرُهُمۡ لَا يَعۡلَمُونَ
Ammann ja’alal arda qaraaranw wa ja’ala khilaalahaaa anhaaranw wa ja’ala lahaa rawaasiya wa ja’ala bainal bahraini haajizaa; ‘a-ilaahun ma’allah; bal aksaruhum laa ya’lamoon
Is He [not best] who made the earth a stable ground and placed within it rivers and made for it firmly set mountains and placed between the two seas a barrier? Is there a deity with Allah? [No], but most of them do not know.
Or, Who has made the earth firm to live in; made rivers in its midst; set thereon mountains immovable; and made a separating bar between the two bodies of flowing water? (can there be another) god besides Allah? Nay, most of them know not.
Who is it Who has made the earth a place of resort, and has caused rivers to flow in its midst, and has placed upon it firm mountains, and has placed a barrier between two masses of water? Is there any god associated with Allah (in these tasks)? Nay; but most of them do not know.
Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst, and has placed firm mountains therein, and has set a barrier between the two seas (of salt and sweet water). Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Nay, but most of them know not.
Is not He (best) Who made the earth a fixed abode, and placed rivers in the folds thereof, and placed firm hills therein, and hath set a barrier between the two seas? Is there any Allah beside Allah? Nay, but most of them know not!
Is not He (Most Charitable) Who made the earth a residence, and made amidst it rivers, and made for it anchorages, (i.e., firm mountains) and made a partition between the two seas? Is there a god with Allah? No indeed, (but) most of them do not know.
Who is it that made the earth a stable place to live? Who made rivers flow through it? Who set immovable mountains on it and created a barrier between the fresh and salt water? Is it another god beside God? No! But most of them do not know.
کیا وه جس نے زمین کو قرار گاه بنایا اور اس کے درمیان نہریں جاری کر دیں اور اس کے لیے پہاڑ بنائے اور دو سمندروں کے درمیان روک بنا دی کیا اللہ کے ساتھ اور کوئی معبود بھی ہے؟ بلکہ ان میں سے اکثر کچھ جانتے ہی نہیں
भला वह कौन है जिसने ज़मीन को (लोगों के) ठहरने की जगह बनाया और उसके दरमियान जा बजा नहरें दौड़ायी और उसकी मज़बूती के वास्ते पहाड़ बनाए और (मीठे खारी) दरियाओं के दरमियान हदे फासिल बनाया तो क्या ख़ुदा के साथ कोई और माबूद भी है (हरगिज़ नहीं) बल्कि उनमें के अकसर कुछ जानते ही नहीं
Atau siapakah yang telah menjadikan bumi tempat penetapan dan telah menjadikan sungai-sungai di antara bahagian-bahagiannya dan telah menjadikan untuknya gunung-ganang yang menetapnya; dan juga telah menjadikan di antara dua laut (yang masin dan yang tawar) sekatan (semula jadi) yang memisahnya? Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? (Tidak!) bahkan kebanyakan mereka (yang musyrik itu) tidak mengetahui.
أَمَّن يُجِيبُ ٱلۡمُضۡطَرَّ إِذَا دَعَاهُ وَيَكۡشِفُ ٱلسُّوٓءَ وَيَجۡعَلُكُمۡ خُلَفَآءَ ٱلۡأَرۡضِۗ أَءِلَٰهٞ مَّعَ ٱللَّهِۚ قَلِيلٗا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ
Ammany-yujeebul mud tarra izaa da’aahu wa yakshifus sooo’a wa yaj’alukum khula faaa’al ardi ‘a-ilaahun ma’allah qaleelan maa tazak karoon
Is He [not best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him and removes evil and makes you inheritors of the earth? Is there a deity with Allah? Little do you remember.
Or, Who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and Who relieves its suffering, and makes you (mankind) inheritors of the earth? (Can there be another) god besides Allah? Little it is that ye heed!
Who is it Who heeds the prayers of the distressed when he calls out to Him and Who removes his affliction? And who is it Who makes you vicegerents of the earth? Is there any god associated with Allah (in this task)? How little do you reflect!
Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations. Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Little is that you remember!
Is not He (best) Who answereth the wronged one when he crieth unto Him and removeth the evil, and hath made you viceroys of the earth? Is there any Allah beside Allah? Little do they reflect!
Is not He (Most Charitable) Who answers the constrained person when he invokes Him, and lifts off odious (happenings) and makes you successors of the earth? Is there a god with Allah? Little is that of which you are mindful.
Who is it that answers the distressed when they call upon Him? Who removes their suffering? Who makes you successors in the earth? Is it another god beside God? Little notice you take!
بے کس کی پکار کو جب کہ وه پکارے، کون قبول کرکے سختی کو دور کر دیتا ہے؟ اور تمہیں زمین کا خلیفہ بناتا ہے، کیا اللہ تعالیٰ کے ساتھ اور معبود ہے؟ تم بہت کم نصیحت وعبرت حاصل کرتے ہو
भला वह कौन है कि जब मुज़तर उसे पुकारे तो दुआ क़ुबूल करता है और मुसीबत को दूर करता है और तुम लोगों को ज़मीन में (अपना) नायब बनाता है तो क्या ख़ुदा के साथ कोई और माबूद है (हरगिज़ नहीं) उस पर भी तुम लोग बहुत कम नसीहत व इबरत हासिल करते हो
Atau siapakah yang memperkenankan doa orang yang menderita apabila ia berdoa kepadaNya, dan yang menghapuskan kesusahan, serta menjadikan kamu pengganti (umat-umat yang telah lalu) mendiami dan menguasai bumi? Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? Amat sedikit di antara kamu yang mengingati (nikmat Allah itu).
أَمَّن يَهۡدِيكُمۡ فِي ظُلُمَٰتِ ٱلۡبَرِّ وَٱلۡبَحۡرِ وَمَن يُرۡسِلُ ٱلرِّيَٰحَ بُشۡرَۢا بَيۡنَ يَدَيۡ رَحۡمَتِهِۦٓۗ أَءِلَٰهٞ مَّعَ ٱللَّهِۚ تَعَٰلَى ٱللَّهُ عَمَّا يُشۡرِكُونَ
Ammany-yahdeekum fee zulumaatil barri wal bahri wa many yursilu riyaaha bushran baina yadai rahmatih; ‘a-ilaahun ma’allah; Ta’aalal laahu ‘ammaa yushrikoon
Is He [not best] who guides you through the darknesses of the land and sea and who sends the winds as good tidings before His mercy? Is there a deity with Allah? High is Allah above whatever they associate with Him.
Or, Who guides you through the depths of darkness on land and sea, and Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy? (Can there be another) god besides Allah?- High is Allah above what they associate with Him!
Who is it Who guides you through the darkness on land and sea? And Who sends winds as heralds of good tidings ahead of His Mercy? Is there any god associated with Allah (in this task)? Exalted be Allah above whatever they associate with Him in His Divinity!
Is not He (better than your gods) Who guides you in the darkness of the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy (rain)? Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? High Exalted be Allah above all that they associate as partners (to Him)!
Is not He (best) Who guideth you in the darkness of the land and the sea, He Who sendeth the winds as heralds of His mercy? Is there any Allah beside Allah? High Exalted be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him)!
Is not He (Most Charitable) Who guides you in the darknesses of the land and the sea and Who sends the winds, bearing good tidings before (Literally: between the two Hands of) His mercy? Is there a god with Allah? Supremely Exalted be Allah above whatever they associate (with Him).
Who is it that guides you through the darkness on land and sea? Who sends the winds as heralds of good news before His mercy? Is it another god beside God? God is far above the partners they put beside him!
کیا وه جو تمہیں خشکی اور تری کی تاریکیوں میں راه دکھاتا ہے اور جو اپنی رحمت سے پہلے ہی خوشخبریاں دینے والی ہوائیں چلاتا ہے، کیا اللہ کے ساتھ کوئی اور معبود بھی ہے جنہیں یہ شریک کرتے ہیں ان سب سے اللہ بلند وباﻻتر ہے
भला वह कौन है जो तुम लोगों की ख़़ुश्की और तरी की तारिक़ियों में राह दिखाता है और कौन उसकी बाराने रहमत के आगे आगे (बारिश की) ख़ुशखबरी लेकर हवाओं को भेजता है-क्या ख़ुदा के साथ कोई और माबूद भी है (हरगिज़ नहीं) ये लोग जिन चीज़ों को ख़ुदा का शरीक ठहराते हैं ख़ुदा उससे बालातर है
Atau siapakah yang menunjukkan jalan kepada kamu dalam gelap-gelita darat dan laut, dan yang menghantarkan angin sebagai pembawa berita yang mengembirakan sebelum kedatangan rahmatNya? Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? Maha Tinggilah keadaan Allah dari apa yang mereka sekutukan denganNya.
أَمَّن يَبۡدَؤُاْ ٱلۡخَلۡقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُۥ وَمَن يَرۡزُقُكُم مِّنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِۗ أَءِلَٰهٞ مَّعَ ٱللَّهِۚ قُلۡ هَاتُواْ بُرۡهَٰنَكُمۡ إِن كُنتُمۡ صَٰدِقِينَ
Ammany yabda’ul khalqa thumma yu’eeduhoo wa many-yarzuqukum minas sammaaa’i wal ard; ‘a-ilaahun ma’allah; qul haatoo burhaanakum in kuntum saadiqeen
Is He [not best] who begins creation and then repeats it and who provides for you from the heaven and earth? Is there a deity with Allah? Say, “Produce your proof, if you should be truthful.”
Or, Who originates creation, then repeats it, and who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? (Can there be another) god besides Allah? Say, “Bring forth your argument, if ye are telling the truth!”
Who is it Who creates in the first instance and then repeats it? Who is it Who provides you with sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Is there any god associated with Allah (in these tasks)? Say: “Bring forth your evidence, if you are truthful.”
Is not He (better than your so-called gods) Who originates creation, and shall thereafter repeat it, and Who provides for you from heaven and earth? Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Say, “Bring forth your proofs, if you are truthful.”
Is not He (best) Who produceth creation, then reproduceth it, and Who provideth for you from the heaven and the earth? Is there any Allah beside Allah? Say: Bring your proof, if ye are truthful!
Is not He (Most Charitable) Who begins creation, (and) thereafter He brings it back again, and Who provides you from the heaven and the earth? Is there a god with Allah? Say, “Offer your proof, in case you are sincere.”
Who is it that creates life and reproduces it? Who is it that gives you provision from the heavens and earth? Is it another god beside God?’ Say, ‘Show me your evidence then, if what you say is true.’
کیا وه جو مخلوق کی اول دفعہ پیدائش کرتا ہے پھر اسے لوٹائے گا اور جو تمہیں آسمان اور زمین سے روزیاں دے رہا ہے، کیا اللہ کے ساتھ کوئی اور معبود ہے کہہ دیجئے کہ اگر سچے ہو تو اپنی دلیل ﻻؤ
भला वह कौन हैं जो ख़िलकत को नए सिरे से पैदा करता है फिर उसे दोबारा (मरने के बाद) पैदा करेगा और कौन है जो तुम लोगों को आसमान व ज़मीन से रिज़क़ देता है- तो क्या ख़ुदा के साथ कोई और माबूद भी है (हरग़िज़ नहीं) (ऐ रसूल) तुम (इन मुशरेकीन से) कहा दो कि अगर तुम सच्चे हो तो अपनी दलील पेश करो
Atau siapakah yang memulakan kejadian sekalian makhluk, kemudian dia mengembalikannya (hidup semula sesudah matinya). dan siapakah yang memberi rezeki kepada kamu dari langit dan bumi? Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Bawalah kemari keterangan-keterangan kamu, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar “.
قُل لَّا يَعۡلَمُ مَن فِي ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ ٱلۡغَيۡبَ إِلَّا ٱللَّهُۚ وَمَا يَشۡعُرُونَ أَيَّانَ يُبۡعَثُونَ
Qul laa ya’lamu man fis sammaawaati wal ardil ghaiba illal laah; wa maa yash’uroona aiyaana yub’asoon
Say, “None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected.”
Say: None in the heavens or on earth, except Allah, knows what is hidden: nor can they perceive when they shall be raised up (for Judgment).
Say: “None in the heavens or on the earth has knowledge of the Unseen save Allah. They do not know when they will be raised to life.”
Say: “None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen) except Allah, nor can they perceive when they shall be resurrected.”
Say (O Muhammad): None in the heavens and the earth knoweth the Unseen save Allah; and they know not when they will be raised (again).
Say, “None knows the Unseen in the heavens and the earth except Allah.” And in no way are they aware whence they will be made to rise again.
Say, ‘No one in the heavens or on earth knows the unseen except God.’ They do not know when they will be raised from the dead:
کہہ دیجئے کہ آسمانوں والوں میں سے زمین والوں میں سے سوائے اللہ کے کوئی غیب نہیں جانتا، انہیں تو یہ بھی نہیں معلوم کہ کب اٹھا کھڑے کیے جائیں گے؟
(ऐ रसूल इन से) कह दो कि जितने लोग आसमान व ज़मीन में हैं उनमे से कोई भी गैब की बात के सिवा नहीं जानता और वह भी तो नहीं समझते कि क़ब्र से दोबारा कब ज़िन्दा उठ खडे क़िए जाएँगें
Katakanlah lagi: Tiada sesiapapun di langit dan di bumi yang mengetahui perkara yang ghaib melainkan Allah!” Dan tiadalah mereka menyedari bilakah masing-masing akan dibangkitkan hidup semula (sesudah mati).
بَلِ ٱدَّـٰرَكَ عِلۡمُهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِۚ بَلۡ هُمۡ فِي شَكّٖ مِّنۡهَاۖ بَلۡ هُم مِّنۡهَا عَمُونَ
Balid daaraka ‘ilmuhum fil Aakhirah; bal hum fee shakkin minhaa bal hum minhaa ‘amoon (section 5)
Rather, their knowledge is arrested concerning the Hereafter. Rather, they are in doubt about it. Rather, they are, concerning it, blind.
Still less can their knowledge comprehend the Hereafter: Nay, they are in doubt and uncertainty thereanent; nay, they are blind thereunto!
Nay, but they have lost their knowledge of the Hereafter. They are steeped in doubt and uncertainty about it: rather they are blind to it.
Nay, they have no knowledge of the Hereafter. Nay, they are in doubt about it. Nay, they are blind about it.
Nay, but doth their knowledge reach to the Hereafter? Nay, for they are in doubt concerning it. Nay, for they cannot see it.
No indeed, (but) their knowledge has been overtaken (i.e., their knowledge is insignificant) as to the Hereafter; no indeed, they are in doubt of it; no indeed, they are willfully blind to it.
their knowledge cannot comprehend the Hereafter; they are in doubt about it; they are blind to it.
بلکہ آخرت کے بارے میں ان کا علم ختم ہوچکا ہے، بلکہ یہ اس کی طرف سے شک میں ہیں۔ بلکہ یہ اس سے اندھے ہیں
बल्कि (असल ये है कि) आख़िरत के बारे में उनके इल्म का ख़ात्मा हो गया है बल्कि उसकी तरफ से शक में पड़ें हैं बल्कि (सच ये है कि) इससे ये लोग अंधे बने हुए हैं
Bahkan mereka (yang kafir) telah berkali-kali mengetahui tentang hari akhirat (tetapi mereka tidak meyakininya), bahkan mereka berada dalam syak mengenainya; bahkan matahati mereka buta langsung daripada memikirkannya.
وَقَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓاْ أَءِذَا كُنَّا تُرَٰبٗا وَءَابَآؤُنَآ أَئِنَّا لَمُخۡرَجُونَ
Wa qaalal lazeena kafarooo ‘a-izaa kunnaa turaabanw wa aabaaa’unaaa a’innaa lamukhrajoon
And those who disbelieve say, “When we have become dust as well as our forefathers, will we indeed be brought out [of the graves]?
The Unbelievers say: “What! when we become dust,- we and our fathers,- shall we really be raised (from the dead)?
The unbelievers say: “When we become dust, we and our forefathers, shall we really be brought out (from our graves)?
And those who disbelieve say: “When we have become dust, we and our fathers, shall we really be brought forth (again)?
Yet those who disbelieve say: When we have become dust like our fathers, shall we verily be brought forth (again)?
And the ones who have disbelieved have said, “When we are dust, and our fathers, surely will we indeed be brought out (of the graves)?
So the disbelievers say, ‘What! When we and our forefathers have become dust, shall we be brought back to life again?
کافروں نے کہا کہ کیا جب ہم مٹی ہو جائیں گے اور ہمارے باپ دادا بھی کیا ہم پھر نکالے جائیں گے
और कुफ्फार कहने लगे कि क्या जब हम और हमारे बाप दादा (सड़ गल कर) मिट्टी हो जाएँगें तो क्या हम फिर निकाले जाएँगें
Dan orang-orang yang kafir berkata: “Adakah sesudah kami menjadi tanah, dan juga datuk nenek kami, adakah kami semua akan dikeluarkan dari kubur (hidup semula)?
لَقَدۡ وُعِدۡنَا هَٰذَا نَحۡنُ وَءَابَآؤُنَا مِن قَبۡلُ إِنۡ هَٰذَآ إِلَّآ أَسَٰطِيرُ ٱلۡأَوَّلِينَ
Laqad wu’idnaa haazaa nahnu wa aabaaa’unaa min qablu in haazaaa illaaa asaateerul awwaleen
We have been promised this, we and our forefathers, before. This is not but legends of the former peoples.”
“It is true we were promised this,- we and our fathers before (us): these are nothing but tales of the ancients.”
We were told about this and so were our forefathers before us. But these are no more than fairy tales that have been recounted from ancient times.”
“Indeed we were promised this, we and our forefathers before, Verily, these are nothing but tales of ancients.”
We were promised this, forsooth, we and our fathers. (All) this is naught but fables of the men of old.
Indeed, we have already been promised this, we and our fathers earlier. Decidedly this is (nothing) except myths of the earliest (people).”
We have heard such promises before, and so did our forefathers. These are just ancient fables.’
ہم اور ہمارے باپ دادوں کو بہت پہلے سے یہ وعدے دیے جاتے رہے۔ کچھ نہیں یہ تو صرف اگلوں کے افسانے ہیں
उसका तो पहले भी हम से और हमारे बाप दादाओं से वायदा किया गया था (कहाँ का उठना और कैसी क़यामत) ये तो हो न हो अगले लोगों के ढकोसले हैं
“Demi sesungguhnya, kami telah dijanjikan dengan perkara ini, kami dan juga datuk nenek kami dahulu; ini hanyalah cerita-cerita dongeng orang-orang dahulu kala”.
قُلۡ سِيرُواْ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ فَٱنظُرُواْ كَيۡفَ كَانَ عَٰقِبَةُ ٱلۡمُجۡرِمِينَ
Qul seeroo fil ardi fanzuroo kaifa kaana ‘aaqibatul mujrimeen
Say, [O Muhammad], “Travel through the land and observe how was the end of the criminals.”
Say: “Go ye through the earth and see what has been the end of those guilty (of sin).”
Say: “Go about through the earth and see what has been the end of the evil-doers.”
Say to them (O Muhammad SAW) “Travel in the land and see how has been the end of the criminals (those who denied Allah’s Messengers and disobeyed Allah).”
Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Travel in the land and see the nature of the sequel for the guilty!
Say, “Travel in the earth, then look into how was the end of the criminals.”
[Prophet], say, ‘Travel through the earth and see how the evildoers ended up.’
کہہ دیجئے کہ زمین میں چل پھر کر ذرا دیکھو تو سہی کہ گنہگاروں کا کیسا انجام ہوا؟
(ऐ रसूल) लोगों से कह दो कि रुए ज़मीन पर ज़रा चल फिर कर देखो तो गुनाहगारों का अन्जाम क्या हुआ
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Mengembaralah kamu di muka bumi, kemudian perhatikanlah bagaimana buruknya kesudahan orang-orang yang berdosa itu”.
وَلَا تَحۡزَنۡ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا تَكُن فِي ضَيۡقٖ مِّمَّا يَمۡكُرُونَ
Wa laa tahzan ‘alaihim wa laa takun fee daiqin mimmaa yamkuroon
And grieve not over them or be in distress from what they conspire.
But grieve not over them, nor distress thyself because of their plots.
(O Prophet), do not grieve over them, nor be distressed at their designs.
And grieve you not for them, nor be straitened (in distress) because of what they plot.
And grieve thou not for them, nor be in distress because of what they plot (against thee).
And do not grieve for them nor be straitened for what they scheme.
[Prophet], do not grieve over them; do not be distressed by their schemes.
آپ ان کے بارے میں غم نہ کریں اور ان کے داؤں گھات سے تنگ دل نہ ہوں
(ऐ रसूल) तुम उनके हाल पर कुछ अफ़सोस न करो और जो चालें ये लोग (तुम्हारे ख़िलाफ) चल रहे हैं उससे तंग दिल न हो
Dan janganlah engkau berdukacita terhadap (keingkaran) mereka (yang kafir itu,) dan janganlah engkau resah-gelisah disebabkan tipu daya yang mereka lakukan.
وَيَقُولُونَ مَتَىٰ هَٰذَا ٱلۡوَعۡدُ إِن كُنتُمۡ صَٰدِقِينَ
Wa yaqooloona mataa haazal wa’du in kuntum saadiqeen
And they say, “When is [the fulfillment of] this promise, if you should be truthful?”
They also say: “When will this promise (come to pass)? (Say) if ye are truthful.”
They also say: “Tell us when this threat will come to pass, if you are truthful.”
And they (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) say: “When (will) this promise (be fulfilled), if you are truthful?”
And they say: When (will) this promise (be fulfilled), if ye are truthful?
And they say, “When will this promise (come to pass), in case you are sincere?”
They also say, ‘When will this promise be fulfilled if what you say is true?’
کہتے ہیں کہ یہ وعده کب ہے اگر سچے ہو تو بتلا دو
और ये (कुफ्फ़ार मुसलमानों से) पूछते हैं कि अगर तुम सच्चे हो तो (आख़िर) ये (क़यामत या अज़ाब का) वायदा कब पूरा होगा
Dan mereka bertanya: “Bilakah berlakunya azab yang telah dijanjikan itu, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar?”
قُلۡ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَكُونَ رَدِفَ لَكُم بَعۡضُ ٱلَّذِي تَسۡتَعۡجِلُونَ
Qul ‘asaaa any-yakoona radifa lakum ba’dul lazee tasta’jiloon
Say, “Perhaps it is close behind you – some of that for which you are impatient.
Say: “It may be that some of the events which ye wish to hasten on may be (close) in your pursuit!”
Say: “The chastisement whose hastening you have been asking for, maybe a part of it has drawn quite near to you.”
Say: “Perhaps that which you wish to hasten on, may be close behind you.
Say: It may be that a part of that which ye would hasten on is close behind you.
Say, “It may be that coming immediately after you is some (part) of that which you seek to hasten.”
Say, ‘Maybe some of what you seek to hasten is near at hand.’
جواب دیجئے! کہ شاید بعض وه چیزیں جن کی تم جلدی مچا رہے ہو تم سے بہت ہی قریب ہوگئی ہوں
(ऐ रसूल) तुम कह दो कि जिस (अज़ाब) की तुम लोग जल्दी मचा रहे हो क्या अजब है इसमे से कुछ करीब आ गया हो
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Dipercayai tidak lama lagi akan datang kepada kamu sebahagian dari azab yang kamu minta disegerakan itu”.
وَإِنَّ رَبَّكَ لَذُو فَضۡلٍ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكۡثَرَهُمۡ لَا يَشۡكُرُونَ
Wa inna Rabbaka lazoo fadlin ‘alan naasi wa laakinna aksarahum laa yashkuroon
And indeed, your Lord is full of bounty for the people, but most of them do not show gratitude.”
But verily thy Lord is full of grace to mankind: Yet most of them are ungrateful.
Indeed Your Lord is exceedingly bountiful to mankind. Yet most of them do not give thanks.
“Verily, your Lord is full of Grace for mankind, yet most of them do not give thanks.”
Lo! thy Lord is full of bounty for mankind, but most of them do not give thanks.
And surely your Lord is indeed The Owner of Grace to mankind; but most of them do not thank (Him).
Your Lord is bountiful to people, though most of them are ungrateful.
یقیناً آپ کا پروردگار تمام لوگوں پر بڑے ہی فضل واﻻ ہے لیکن اکثر لوگ ناشکری کرتے ہیں
और इसमें तो शक ही नहीं कि तुम्हारा परवरदिगार लोगों पर बड़ा फज़ल व करम करने वाला है मगर बहुतेरे लोग (उसका) शुक्र नहीं करते
Dan sesungguhnya Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad) sentiasa melimpah-ruah kurniaNya kepada umat manusia seluruhnya tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak bersyukur.
وَإِنَّ رَبَّكَ لَيَعۡلَمُ مَا تُكِنُّ صُدُورُهُمۡ وَمَا يُعۡلِنُونَ
Wa inna Rabbaka la ya’lamu maa tukinnu sudooruhum wa maa yu’linoon
And indeed, your Lord knows what their breasts conceal and what they declare.
And verily thy Lord knoweth all that their hearts do hide. As well as all that they reveal.
Verily your Lord knows all that their hearts conceal as well as all that they reveal.
And verily, your Lord knows what their breasts conceal and what they reveal.
Lo! thy Lord knoweth surely all that their bosoms hide, and all that they proclaim.
And surely your Lord knows indeed whatever their breasts carefully secrete and whatever they make public.
He knows everything their hearts conceal and everything they reveal:
بیشک آپ کا رب ان چیزوں کو بھی جانتا ہے جنہیں ان کے سینے چھپا رہے ہیں اور جنہیں ﻇاہر کر رہے ہیں
और इसमें तो शक नहीं जो बातें उनके दिलों में पोशीदा हैं और जो कुछ ये एलानिया करते हैं तुम्हारा परवरदिगार यक़ीनी जानता है
Dan sesungguhnya Tuhanmu sedia mengetahui apa yang terpendam dalam hati mereka dan apa yang mereka nyatakan (dengan tutur kata dan perbuatan).
وَمَا مِنۡ غَآئِبَةٖ فِي ٱلسَّمَآءِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ إِلَّا فِي كِتَٰبٖ مُّبِينٍ
Wa maa min ghaaa’ibatin fis samaaa’i wal ardi illaa fee kitaabin mubeen
And there is nothing concealed within the heaven and the earth except that it is in a clear Register.
Nor is there aught of the unseen, in heaven or earth, but is (recorded) in a clear record.
There is nothing that is hidden – be it in the heaven or the earth – but is recorded in a Clear Book.
And there is nothing hidden in the heaven and the earth, but is in a Clear Book (i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz).
And there is nothing hidden in the heaven or the earth but it is in a clear Record.
And in no way is there an unseen thing in the heaven or the earth except that it is in an evident Book.
there is nothing hidden in the heavens or on earth that is not in a clear Record.
آسمان وزمین کی کوئی پوشیده چیز بھی ایسی نہیں جو روشن اور کھلی کتاب میں نہ ہو
और आसमान व ज़मीन में कोई ऐसी बात पोशीदा नहीं जो वाज़ेए व रौशन किताब (लौहे महफूज़) में (लिखी) मौजूद न हो
Dan tiada sesuatu perkara yang ghaib di langit dan di bumi, melainkan tertulis dalam Kitab yang terang nyata.
إِنَّ هَٰذَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ يَقُصُّ عَلَىٰ بَنِيٓ إِسۡرَـٰٓءِيلَ أَكۡثَرَ ٱلَّذِي هُمۡ فِيهِ يَخۡتَلِفُونَ
Inna haazal Qur-aana yaqussu ‘alaa Baneee israaa’eela aksaral lazee hum feehi yakhtalifoon
Indeed, this Qur’an relates to the Children of Israel most of that over which they disagree.
Verily this Qur’an doth explain to the Children of Israel most of the matters in which they disagree.
Surely this Qur’an explains to the Children of Israel most of the matters concerning which they have disagreements
Verily, this Quran narrates to the Children of Israel most of that about which they differ.
Lo! this Qur’an narrateth unto the Children of Israel most of that concerning which they differ.
Surely this Qur’an an narrates to the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israe⊃ îl Israel) most of that concerning which they differ;
Truly, this Quran explains to the Children of Israel most of what they differ about,
یقیناً یہ قرآن بنی اسرائیل کے سامنے ان اکثر چیزوں کا بیان کر رہا ہے جن میں یہ اختلاف کرتے ہیں
इसमें भी शक नहीं कि ये क़ुरान बनी इसराइल पर उनकी अक्सर बातों को जिन में ये इख्तेलाफ़ करते हैं ज़ाहिर कर देता है
Sesungguhnya Al-Quran ini menceritakan kepada Bani lsrail (perkara yang sebenar-benarnya) mengenai kebanyakan (hal-hal ugama) yang mereka berselisihan padanya.
وَإِنَّهُۥ لَهُدٗى وَرَحۡمَةٞ لِّلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ
Wa innahoo lahudanw wa rahmatul lilmu’mineen
And indeed, it is guidance and mercy for the believers.
And it certainly is a Guide and a Mercy to those who believe.
and it is a guidance and mercy for the believers.
And truly, it (this Quran) is a guide and a mercy to the believers.
And lo! it is a guidance and a mercy for believers.
And surely it is indeed a guidance and a mercy to the believers.
and it is guidance and grace for those who believe.
اور یہ قرآن ایمان والوں کے لیے یقیناً ہدایت اور رحمت ہے
और इसमें भी शक नहीं कि ये कुरान ईमानदारों के वास्ते अज़सरतापा हिदायत व रहमत है
Dan sesungguhnya Al-Quran itu menjadi hidayah petunjuk dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman.
إِنَّ رَبَّكَ يَقۡضِي بَيۡنَهُم بِحُكۡمِهِۦۚ وَهُوَ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡعَلِيمُ
Inna Rabbaka yaqdee bainahum bihukmih; wa Huwal ‘Azeezul ‘Aleem
Indeed, your Lord will judge between them by His [wise] judgement. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
Verily thy Lord will decide between them by His Decree: and He is Exalted in Might, All-Knowing.
Indeed your Lord will decide between them by His judgement. He is All-Mighty, All-Knowing.
Verily, your Lord will decide between them (various sects) by His Judgement. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.
Lo! thy Lord will judge between them of His wisdom, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
Surely our Lord will decree between them by His Judgment; and He is The Ever-Mighty, The EverKnowing.
Truly, your Lord will judge between them in His wisdom- He is the Almighty, the All Knowing-
آپ کا رب ان کے درمیان اپنے حکم سے سب فیصلے کر دے گا، وه بڑا ہی غالب اور دانا ہے
(ऐ रसूल) बेशक तुम्हारा परवरदिगार अपने हुक्म से उनके आपस (के झगड़ों) का फैसला कर देगा और वह (सब पर) ग़ालिब और वाक़िफकार है
Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad) akan memutuskan di antara mereka dengan hukumNya, dan Dia lah sahaja Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Mengetahui.
فَتَوَكَّلۡ عَلَى ٱللَّهِۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَى ٱلۡحَقِّ ٱلۡمُبِينِ
Fatawakkal ‘alal laahi innaka ‘alal haqqil mubeen
So rely upon Allah; indeed, you are upon the clear truth.
So put thy trust in Allah: for thou art on (the path of) manifest Truth.
So put your trust in Allah for you are on the manifest truth.
So put your trust in Allah; surely, you (O Muhammad SAW) are on manifest truth.
Therefor (O Muhammad) put thy trust in Allah, for thou (standest) on the plain Truth.
So put your trust in Allah; surely you are upon the evident Truth.
so [Prophet], put your trust in God, you are on the path of clear truth.
پس آپ یقیناً اللہ ہی پر بھروسہ رکھیے، یقیناً آپ سچے اور کھلے دین پر ہیں
तो (ऐ रसूल) तुम खुदा पर भरोसा रखो बेशक तुम यक़ीनी सरीही हक़ पर हो
Oleh itu, berserahlah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya engkau berada di atas kebenaran yang jelas nyata.
إِنَّكَ لَا تُسۡمِعُ ٱلۡمَوۡتَىٰ وَلَا تُسۡمِعُ ٱلصُّمَّ ٱلدُّعَآءَ إِذَا وَلَّوۡاْ مُدۡبِرِينَ
Innaka laa tusmi’ul mawtaa wa laa tusmi’us summad du’aaa izaa wallaw mudbireen
Indeed, you will not make the dead hear, nor will you make the deaf hear the call when they have turned their backs retreating.
Truly thou canst not cause the dead to listen, nor canst thou cause the deaf to hear the call, (especially) when they turn back in retreat.
Surely you cannot make the dead hear you, nor can you make the deaf hear your call if they turn back in flight,
Verily, you cannot make the dead to hear (i.e. benefit them and similarly the disbelievers), nor can you make the deaf to hear the call, when they flee, turning their backs.
Lo! thou canst not make the dead to hear, nor canst thou make the deaf to hear the call when they have turned to flee;
Surely you will not make the dead to hear, nor will you make the deaf to hear the call when they turn away, withdrawing.
You cannot make the dead hear, you cannot make the deaf listen to your call when they turn their backs and leave,
بیشک آپ نہ مُردوں کو سنا سکتے ہیں اور نہ بہروں کو اپنی پکار سنا سکتے ہیں، جبکہ وه پیٹھ پھیرے روگرداں جا رہے ہوں
बेशक न तो तुम मुर्दों को (अपनी बात) सुना सकते हो और न बहरों को अपनी आवाज़ सुना सकते हो (ख़ासकर) जब वह पीठ फेर कर भाग ख़डें हो
Sesungguhnya engkau tidak dapat menjadikan orang-orang yang mati (hatinya) itu menerima ajaranmu, dan tidak dapat menjadikan orang-orang yang pekak itu mendengar seruanmu, apabila mereka berundur ke belakang (disebabkan keingkarannya).
وَمَآ أَنتَ بِهَٰدِي ٱلۡعُمۡيِ عَن ضَلَٰلَتِهِمۡۖ إِن تُسۡمِعُ إِلَّا مَن يُؤۡمِنُ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا فَهُم مُّسۡلِمُونَ
Wa maaa anta bihaadil ‘umyi ‘an dalaalatihim in tusmi’u illaa mai yu’minu bi aayaatinaa fahum muslimoon
And you cannot guide the blind away from their error. You will only make hear those who believe in Our verses so they are Muslims [submitting to Allah].
Nor canst thou be a guide to the blind, (to prevent them) from straying: only those wilt thou get to listen who believe in Our Signs, and they will bow in Islam.
nor can you direct the blind to the Right Way, preventing them from falling into error. You can make only those who believe in Our verses to hear the call and then submit.
Nor can you lead the blind out of their error, you can only make to hear those who believe in Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and who have submitted (themselves to Allah in Islam as Muslims).
Nor canst thou lead the blind out of their error. Thou canst make none to hear, save those who believe Our revelations and who have surrendered.
And in no way will you ever guide the blind out of their errancy; decidedly you will make none to hear except the ones who believe in Our signs, (and) so they become Muslims (i.e., they surrender to Allah).
you cannot guide the blind out of their error: you cannot make anyone hear you except those who believe in Our signs and submit [to Us].
اور نہ آپ اندھوں کو ان کی گمراہی سے ہٹا کر رہنمائی کر سکتے ہیں آپ تو صرف انہیں سنا سکتے ہیں جو ہماری آیتوں پر ایمان ﻻئے ہیں پھر وه فرمانبردار ہوجاتے ہیں
और न तुम अंधें को उनकी गुमराही से राह पर ला सकते हो तुम तो बस उन्हीं लोगों को (अपनी बात) सुना सकते हो जो हमारी आयतों पर ईमान रखते हैं
Dan engkau tidak akan dapat memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang buta supaya menjauhi kesesatan mereka; engkau tidak dapat memperdengarkan (seruanmu itu) melainkan kepada orang-orang yang sanggup beriman akan ayat-ayat keterangan Kami, kerana mereka orang-orang yang berserah diri dengan ikhlas.
۞وَإِذَا وَقَعَ ٱلۡقَوۡلُ عَلَيۡهِمۡ أَخۡرَجۡنَا لَهُمۡ دَآبَّةٗ مِّنَ ٱلۡأَرۡضِ تُكَلِّمُهُمۡ أَنَّ ٱلنَّاسَ كَانُواْ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا لَا يُوقِنُونَ
Wa izaa waqa’al qawlu ‘alaihim akhrajnaa lahum daaabbatan minal ardi tukal limuhum annan naasa kaanoo bi aayaatinaa laa yooqinoon (section 6)
And when the word befalls them, We will bring forth for them a creature from the earth speaking to them, [saying] that the people were, of Our verses, not certain [in faith].
And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), we shall produce from the earth a beast to (face) them: He will speak to them, for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Signs.
And when the time for the fulfilment of Our Word against them will come, We shall bring forth for them a beast from the earth who will speak to them because people did not believe in Our Signs.
And when the Word (of torment) is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast to them, which will speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayat (Verses of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad SAW).
And when the word is fulfilled concerning them, We shall bring forth a beast of the earth to speak unto them because mankind had not faith in Our revelations.
And when the Saying befalls them, We will bring out for them from the earth a beast that will speak to them that mankind had no certitude in Our signs.
When the verdict is given against them, We shall bring a creature out of the earth, which will tell them that people had no faith in Our revelations.
جب ان کے اوپر عذاب کا وعده ﺛابت ہو جائے گا، ہم زمین سے ان کے لیے ایک جانور نکالیں گے جو ان سے باتیں کرتا ہوگا کہ لوگ ہماری آیتوں پر یقین نہیں کرتے تھے
फिर वही लोग तो मानने वाले भी हैं जब उन लोगों पर (क़यामत का) वायदा पूरा होगा तो हम उनके वास्ते ज़मीन से एक चलने वाला निकाल खड़ा करेंगे जो उनसे ये बाते करेंगा कि (फलॉ फला) लोग हमारी आयतो का यक़ीन नहीं रखते थे
Dan apabila sampai masa berlakunya hukuman atas manusia, Kami keluarkan untuk mereka sejenis binatang dari bumi, yang akan menyatakan kepada mereka, bahawa manusia telah tidak meyakini ayat-ayat keterangan dan pengajaran Kami.
وَيَوۡمَ نَحۡشُرُ مِن كُلِّ أُمَّةٖ فَوۡجٗا مِّمَّن يُكَذِّبُ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا فَهُمۡ يُوزَعُونَ
Wa Yawma nahshuru min kulli ummatin fawjan mimmany yukazzibu bi Aayaatinaa fahum yooza’oon
And [warn of] the Day when We will gather from every nation a company of those who deny Our signs, and they will be [driven] in rows
One day We shall gather together from every people a troop of those who reject our Signs, and they shall be kept in ranks,-
Just imagine the Day when We shall muster from every nation a large group of those who gave the lie to Our Signs, and they shall be duly arranged in ranks
And (remember) the Day when We shall gather out of every nation a troop of those who denied Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and (then) they (all) shall be gathered (and driven to the place of reckoning),
And (remind them of) the Day when We shall gather out of every nation a host of those who denied Our revelations, and they will be set in array;
And the Day when We will muster out of every nation a troop of the ones who cried lies to Our signs, so they were duly dispensed.
The Day will come when We gather from every community a crowd of those who disbelieved in Our signs and they will be led in separate groups
اور جس دن ہم ہر امت میں سے ان لوگوں کے گروه کو جو ہماری آیتوں کو جھٹلاتے تھے گھیر گھار کر ﻻئیں گے پھر وه سب کے سب الگ کر دیئے جائیں گے
और (उस दिन को याद करो) जिस दिन हम हर उम्मत से एक ऐसे गिरोह को जो हमारी आयतों को झुठलाया करते थे (ज़िन्दा करके) जमा करेंगे फिर उन की टोलियाँ अलहदा अलहदा करेंगे
Dan (ingatlah) hari Kami himpunkan dari tiap-tiap umat sekumpulan besar orang-orang yang mendustakan ayat-ayat keterangan Kami, lalu mereka dijaga serta diatur keadaan dan perjalanan masing-masing.
حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا جَآءُو قَالَ أَكَذَّبۡتُم بِـَٔايَٰتِي وَلَمۡ تُحِيطُواْ بِهَا عِلۡمًا أَمَّاذَا كُنتُمۡ تَعۡمَلُونَ
Hattaaa izaa jaaa’oo qaala akazzabtum bi Aayaatee wa lam tuheetoo bihaa ‘ilman ammaazaa kuntum ta’maloon
Until, when they arrive [at the place of Judgement], He will say, “Did you deny My signs while you encompassed them not in knowledge, or what [was it that] you were doing?”
Until, when they come (before the Judgment-seat), (Allah) will say: “Did ye reject My Signs, though ye comprehended them not in knowledge, or what was it ye did?”
until, when all of them have arrived, Allah will say: “Did you give the lie to My Signs even without encompassing them with your knowledge? If that is not so, what did you do?”
Till, when they come (before their Lord at the place of reckoning), He will say: “Did you deny My Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) when you comprehended them not in knowledge, or what (else) was it that you used to do?”
Till, when they come (before their Lord), He will say: Did ye deny My revelations when ye could not compass them in knowledge, or what was it that ye did?
Until, when they come, He will say, “Did you cry lies to My signs, and did (you) not encompass them in knowledge, or what were you doing?”
until, when they come before Him, He will say, ‘Did you deny My messages without even taking them in? Or what were you doing?’
جب سب کے سب آپہنچیں گے تو اللہ تعالیٰ فرمائے گا کہ تم نے میری آیتوں کو باوجودیکہ تمہیں ان کا پورا علم نہ تھا کیوں جھٹلایا؟ اور یہ بھی بتلاؤ کہ تم کیا کچھ کرتے رہے؟
यहाँ तक कि जब वह सब (ख़ुदा के सामने) आएँगें और ख़ुदा उनसे कहेगा क्या तुम ने हमारी आयतों को बगैर अच्छी तरह समझे बूझे झुठलाया-भला तुम क्या क्या करते थे और चूँकि ये लोग ज़ुल्म किया करते थे
Sehingga apabila mereka datang (ke tempat pengadilan), Allah Taala berfirman: “Adakah kamu mendustakan ayat-ayat keteranganKu dengan tidak lebih dahulu kamu mengetahuinya secara meliputi? Atau apakah yang kamu telah lakukan?”
وَوَقَعَ ٱلۡقَوۡلُ عَلَيۡهِم بِمَا ظَلَمُواْ فَهُمۡ لَا يَنطِقُونَ
Wa waqa’al qawlu ‘alaihim bimaa zalamoo fahum laa yantiqoon
And the decree will befall them for the wrong they did, and they will not [be able to] speak.
And the Word will be fulfilled against them, because of their wrong-doing, and they will be unable to speak (in plea).
And the Word will come to pass against them because of their wrong-doing: they will then be able to utter nothing.
And the Word (of torment) will be fulfilled against them, because they have done wrong, and they will be unable to speak (in order to defend themselves).
And the Word will be fulfilled concerning them because they have done wrong, and they will not speak.
And the Saying will befall them for that they did injustice, so they will not pronounce (at all).
The verdict will be given against them because of their wrongdoing: they will not speak.
بسبب اس کے کہ انہوں نے ﻇلم کیا تھا ان پر بات جم جائے گی اور وه کچھ بول نہ سکیں گے
इन पर (अज़ाब का) वायदा पूरा हो गया फिर ये लोग कुछ बोल भी तो न सकेंगें
Dan jatuhlah hukuman atas mereka (dengan azab) disebabkan kezaliman mereka (berlaku kufur ingkar), lalu mereka diam membisu.
أَلَمۡ يَرَوۡاْ أَنَّا جَعَلۡنَا ٱلَّيۡلَ لِيَسۡكُنُواْ فِيهِ وَٱلنَّهَارَ مُبۡصِرًاۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَأٓيَٰتٖ لِّقَوۡمٖ يُؤۡمِنُونَ
Alam yaraw annaa ja’alnal laila li yaskunoo feehi wannahaara mubsiraa; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqaw miny-yu’minoon
Do they not see that We made the night that they may rest therein and the day giving sight? Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe.
See they not that We have made the Night for them to rest in and the Day to give them light? Verily in this are Signs for any people that believe!
Did they not perceive that We had made the night so that they may repose in it and made the day clear and shining. Surely there are Signs in this for those who believe.
See they not that We have made the night for them to rest therein, and the day sight-giving? Verily, in this are Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) for the people who believe.
Have they not seen how We have appointed the night that they may rest therein, and the day sight-giving? Lo! therein verily are portents for a people who believe.
Have they not seen that We have made the night for them to rest in it, and the daytime a beholder? (1) Surely in that are indeed signs for a people who believe.
Did they not see that We gave them the night for rest, and the day for light? There truly are signs in this for those who believe.
کیا وه دیکھ نہیں رہے ہیں کہ ہم نے رات کو اس لیے بنایا ہے کہ وه اس میں آرام حاصل کرلیں اور دن کو ہم نے دکھلانے واﻻ بنایا ہے، یقیناً اس میں ان لوگوں کے لیے نشانیاں ہیں جو ایمان ویقین رکھتے ہیں
क्या इन लोगों ने ये भी न देखा कि हमने रात को इसलिए बनाया कि ये लोग इसमे चैन करें और दिन को रौशन (ताकि देखभाल करे) बेशक इसमें ईमान लाने वालों के लिए (कुदरते ख़ुदा की) बहुत सी निशानियाँ हैं
Tidakkah mereka memerhatikan bahawa Kami telah menjadikan malam untuk mereka berehat padanya, dan menjadikan siang terang-benderang? Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mengandungi tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi kaum yang beriman.
وَيَوۡمَ يُنفَخُ فِي ٱلصُّورِ فَفَزِعَ مَن فِي ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَمَن فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ إِلَّا مَن شَآءَ ٱللَّهُۚ وَكُلٌّ أَتَوۡهُ دَٰخِرِينَ
Wa Yawma yunfakhu fis Soori fafazi’a man fis samaawaati wa man fil ardi illaa man shaaa’al laah; wa kullun atawhu daakhireen
And [warn of] the Day the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will be terrified except whom Allah wills. And all will come to Him humbled.
And the Day that the Trumpet will be sounded – then will be smitten with terror those who are in the heavens, and those who are on earth, except such as Allah will please (to exempt): and all shall come to His (Presence) as beings conscious of their lowliness.
The Day when the Trumpet will be blown all those who are in the heavens and on the earth shall be terror stricken – all except those whom Allah wills – and everyone shall come to Him utterly abject.
And (remember) the Day on which the Trumpet will be blown and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth, will be terrified except him whom Allah will (exempt). And all shall come to Him humbled.
And (remind them of) the Day when the Trumpet will be blown, and all who are in the heavens and the earth will start in fear, save him whom Allah willeth. And all come unto Him, humbled.
And on the Day the Trumpet will be blown, then alarmed is whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, excepting whomever Allah decides (to exempt), and every one will come up to Him, all (utterly) abject.
On the Day the Trumpet sounds, everyone in heaven and on earth will be terrified- except such as God wills- and all will come to Him in utter humility.
جس دن صور پھونکا جائے گا تو سب کے سب آسمانوں والے اور زمین والے گھبرا اٹھیں گے مگر جسے اللہ تعالیٰ چاہے، اور سارے کے سارے عاجز وپست ہو کر اس کے سامنے حاضر ہوں گے
और (उस दिन याद करो) जिस दिन सूर फूँका जाएगा तो जितने लोग आसमानों मे हैं और जितने लोग ज़मीन में हैं (ग़रज़ सब के सब) दहल जाएंगें मगर जिस शख्स को ख़ुदा चाहे (वो अलबत्ता मुतमइन रहेगा) और सब लोग उसकी बारगाह में ज़िल्लत व आजिज़ी की हालत में हाज़िर होगें
Dan (ingatkanlah) hari di tiup sangkakala, lalu terkejutlah – gerun gementar – makhluk-makhluk yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi, kecuali mereka yang dikekhendaki Allah; dan kesemuanya akan datang kepadaNya dengan keadaan tunduk patuh.
وَتَرَى ٱلۡجِبَالَ تَحۡسَبُهَا جَامِدَةٗ وَهِيَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ ٱلسَّحَابِۚ صُنۡعَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلَّذِيٓ أَتۡقَنَ كُلَّ شَيۡءٍۚ إِنَّهُۥ خَبِيرُۢ بِمَا تَفۡعَلُونَ
Wa taral jibaala tahsabuhaa jaamidatanw wa hiya tamurru marras sahaab; sun’al laahil lazeee atqana kulla shai’; innahoo khabeerun bimaa taf’aloon
And you see the mountains, thinking them rigid, while they will pass as the passing of clouds. [It is] the work of Allah, who perfected all things. Indeed, He is Acquainted with that which you do.
Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away: (such is) the artistry of Allah, who disposes of all things in perfect order: for he is well acquainted with all that ye do.
You now see the mountains and consider them firmly fixed, but then they shall pass away even as clouds pass away. That will be the handiwork of Allah Who has created everything with perfect wisdom. He is well aware of what you do.
And you will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds. The Work of Allah, Who perfected all things, verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do.
And thou seest the hills thou deemest solid flying with the flight of clouds: the doing of Allah Who perfecteth all things. Lo! He is Informed of what ye do.
And you see the mountains, that you reckon inert, and (really) they pass by like clouds- the handiwork of Allah, Who has consummated everything; surely He is Ever-Cognizant of whatever you perform.
You will see the mountains and think they are firmly fixed, but they will float away like clouds: this is the handiwork of God who has perfected all things. He is fully aware of what you do:
اور آپ پہاڑوں کو دیکھ کر اپنی جگہ جمے ہوئے خیال کرتے ہیں لیکن وه بھی بادل کی طرح اڑتے پھریں گے، یہ ہے صنعت اللہ کی جس نے ہر چیز کو مضبوط بنایا ہے، جو کچھ تم کرتے ہو اس سے وه باخبر ہے
और तुम पहाड़ों को देखकर उन्हें मज़बूर जमे हुए समझतें हो हालाकि ये (क़यामत के दिन) बादल की तरह उड़े उडे फ़िरेगें (ये भी) ख़ुदा की कारीगरी है कि जिसने हर चीज़ को ख़ूब मज़बूत बनाया है बेशक जो कुछ तुम लोग करते हो उससे वह ख़ूब वाक़िफ़ है
Dan engkau melihat gunung-ganang, engkau menyangkanya tetap membeku, padahal ia bergerak cepat seperti bergeraknya awan; (demikianlah) perbuatan Allah yang telah membuat tiap – tiap sesuatu dengan serapi-rapi dan sebaik-baiknya; sesungguhnya Ia Amat mendalam PengetahuanNya akan apa yang kamu lakukan.
مَن جَآءَ بِٱلۡحَسَنَةِ فَلَهُۥ خَيۡرٞ مِّنۡهَا وَهُم مِّن فَزَعٖ يَوۡمَئِذٍ ءَامِنُونَ
Man jaaa’a bil hasanati falahoo khairun minhaa wa hum min faza’iny Yawma’izin aaminoon
Whoever comes [at Judgement] with a good deed will have better than it, and they, from the terror of that Day, will be safe.
If any do good, good will (accrue) to them therefrom; and they will be secure from terror that Day.
Whosoever comes with good will receive a reward better than his deed, and they will be made secure from the terror of that Day.
Whoever brings a good deed (i.e. Belief in the Oneness of Allah along with every deed of righteousness), will have better than its worth, and they will be safe from the terror on that Day.
Whoso bringeth a good deed will have better than its worth; and such are safe from fear that Day.
Whoever comes with a fair (deed), then he will have a more charitable (i.e., better) (reward) than it, and they will be secure from alarm upon that Day.
whoever comes with a good deed will be rewarded with something better, and be secure from the terrors of that Day,
جو لوگ نیک عمل ﻻئیں گے انھیں اس سے بہتر بدلہ ملے گا اور وه اس دن کی گھبراہٹ سے بےخوف ہوں گے
जो शख्स नेक काम करेगा उसके लिए उसकी जज़ा उससे कहीं बेहतर है ओर ये लोग उस दिन ख़ौफ व ख़तरे से महफूज़ रहेंगे
Sesiapa yang datang membawa amal kebajikan (yang telah dikerjakannya) maka ia akan beroleh balasan yang lebih baik daripadanya, dan mereka akan beroleh aman sentosa daripada kejadian-kejadian yang mengerikan pada hari kiamat itu.
وَمَن جَآءَ بِٱلسَّيِّئَةِ فَكُبَّتۡ وُجُوهُهُمۡ فِي ٱلنَّارِ هَلۡ تُجۡزَوۡنَ إِلَّا مَا كُنتُمۡ تَعۡمَلُونَ
Wa man jaaa’a bissai yi’ati fakubbat wujoohuhum fin Naari hal tujzawna illaa maa kuntum ta’maloon
And whoever comes with an evil deed – their faces will be overturned into the Fire, [and it will be said], “Are you recompensed except for what you used to do?”
And if any do evil, their faces will be thrown headlong into the Fire: “Do ye receive a reward other than that which ye have earned by your deeds?”
And whosoever comes with evil, they will be flung upon their faces into the Fire. Will you be recompensed for aught other than what you do?
And whoever brings an evil (deed) (i.e. Shirk polytheism, disbelief in the Oneness of Allah and every evil sinful deed), they will be cast down (prone) on their faces in the Fire. (And it will be said to them) “Are you being recompensed anything except what you used to do?”
And whoso bringeth an ill-deed, such will be flung down on their faces in the Fire. Are ye rewarded aught save what ye did?
And whoever comes with an odious (deed), then their faces will be tossed down in the Fire. Are you recompensed except whatever you were doing?
but whoever comes with evil deeds will be cast face downwards into the Fire. ‘Are you rewarded for anything except what you have done?’
اور جو برائی لے کر آئیں گے وه اوندھے منھ آگ میں جھونک دیئے جائیں گے۔ صرف وہی بدلہ دیئے جاؤ گے جو تم کرتے رہے
और जो लोग बुरा काम करेंगे वह मुँह के बल जहन्नुम में झोक दिए जाएँगे (और उनसे कहा जाएगा कि) जो कुछ तुम (दुनिया में) करते थे बस उसी का जज़ा तुम्हें दी जाएगी
Dan sesiapa yang datang membawa amal jahat (yang telah dikerjakannya) maka sudah tentu mereka akan ditumuskan mukanya ke dalam api neraka, (sambil dikatakan kepada mereka): “Kamu tidak diberi melainkan balasan apa yang kamu telah lakukan”.
إِنَّمَآ أُمِرۡتُ أَنۡ أَعۡبُدَ رَبَّ هَٰذِهِ ٱلۡبَلۡدَةِ ٱلَّذِي حَرَّمَهَا وَلَهُۥ كُلُّ شَيۡءٖۖ وَأُمِرۡتُ أَنۡ أَكُونَ مِنَ ٱلۡمُسۡلِمِينَ
Innamaaa umirtu an a’buda Rabba haazihil baldatil lazee harramahaa wa lahoo kullu shai’inw wa umirtu an akoona minal muslimeen
[Say, O Muhammad], “I have only been commanded to worship the Lord of this city, who made it sacred and to whom [belongs] all things. And I am commanded to be of the Muslims [those who submit to Allah]
For me, I have been commanded to serve the Lord of this city, Him Who has sanctified it and to Whom (belong) all things: and I am commanded to be of those who bow in Islam to Allah’s Will,-
(Tell them, O Muhammad): “I have been commanded only to serve the Lord of this city that He has made inviolable, to serve Him to Whom all things belong. I have been commanded to be of those that submit to Allah,
I (Muhammad SAW) have been commanded only to worship the Lord of this city (Makkah), Him Who has sanctified it and His is everything. And I am commanded to be from among the Muslims (those who submit to Allah in Islam).
(Say): I (Muhammad) am commanded only to serve the Lord of this land which He hath hallowed, and unto Whom all things belong. And I am commanded to be of those who surrender (unto Him),
Surely I have been commanded only to worship The Lord of this township (Makkah), which He has prohibited; (Prohibited it for disbelievers) and to Him belongs everything; and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims (Those who surrender to Allah).
[Say Prophet], ‘What I am commanded to do is to serve the Sustainer of this town, which He has made inviolable. Everything belongs to Him; I am commanded to be one of those devoted to Him;
مجھے تو بس یہی حکم دیا گیا ہے کہ میں اس شہر کے پروردگار کی عبادت کرتا رہوں جس نے اسے حرمت واﻻ بنایا ہے، جس کی ملکیت ہر چیز ہے اور مجھے یہ بھی فرمایا گیا ہے کہ میں فرماں برداروں میں ہو جاؤں
(ऐ रसूल उनसे कह दो कि) मुझे तो बस यही हुक्म दिया गया है कि मै इस शहर (मक्का) के मालिक की इबादत करुँ जिसने उसे इज्ज़त व हुरमत दी है और हर चीज़ उसकी है और मुझे ये हुक्म दिया गया कि मै (उसके) फरमाबरदार बन्दों में से हूँ
(Katakanlah wahai Muhammad):” Aku hanyalah diperintahkan supaya menyembah Allah Tuhan negeri (Makkah) ini yang telah menjadikannya suci lagi dihormati dan yang menguasai segala-galanya; dan aku diperintahkan supaya tetap menjadi dari orang-orang Islam (yang menyerah diri bulat-bulat kepadaNya), –
وَأَنۡ أَتۡلُوَاْ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَۖ فَمَنِ ٱهۡتَدَىٰ فَإِنَّمَا يَهۡتَدِي لِنَفۡسِهِۦۖ وَمَن ضَلَّ فَقُلۡ إِنَّمَآ أَنَا۠ مِنَ ٱلۡمُنذِرِينَ
Wa an atluwal Qur-aana famanih tadaa fa innamaa yahtadee linafsihee wa man dalla faqul innamaaa ana minal munzireen
And to recite the Qur’an.” And whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] himself; and whoever strays – say, “I am only [one] of the warners.”
And to rehearse the Qur’an: and if any accept guidance, they do it for the good of their own souls, and if any stray, say: “I am only a Warner”.
and to recite the Qur’an.” So, whosoever is guided, his guidance will be to his own good. As for those who stray, tell them: “I am none but a warner.”
And to recite the Quran, so whosoever receives guidance, receives it for the good of his ownself, and whosoever goes astray, say (to him): “I am only one of the warners.”
And to recite the Qur’an. And whoso goeth right, goeth right only for (the good of) his own soul; and as for him who goeth astray – (Unto him) say: Lo! I am only a warner.
And to recite the Qur’an. So whoever is guided, then surely he is guided for (the good) of his (own) self; and whoever errs away, then say, “Surely I am only one of the warners.”
I am commanded to recite the Quran.’ Whoever chooses to follow the right path does so for his own good. Say to whoever deviates from it, ‘I am only here to warn.’
اور میں قرآن کی تلاوت کرتا رہوں، جو راه راست پر آجائے وه اپنے نفع کے لیے راه راست پر آئے گا۔ اور جو بہک جائے تو کہہ دیجئے! کہ میں تو صرف ہوشیار کرنے والوں میں سے ہوں
और ये कि मै क़ुरान पढ़ा करुँ फिर जो शख्स राह पर आया तो अपनी ज़ात के नफे क़े वास्ते राह पर आया और जो गुमराह हुआ तो तुम कह दो कि मै भी एक एक डराने वाला हूँ
“Dan supaya aku sentiasa membaca Al-Quran”. Oleh itu, sesiapa yang menurut petunjuk (Al-Quran dan beramal dengannya) maka faedah perbuatannya itu akan terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri, dan sesiapa yang sesat, maka katakanlah kepadanya: “Sesungguhnya aku hanyalah seorang pemberi amaran”.
وَقُلِ ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ سَيُرِيكُمۡ ءَايَٰتِهِۦ فَتَعۡرِفُونَهَاۚ وَمَا رَبُّكَ بِغَٰفِلٍ عَمَّا تَعۡمَلُونَ
Wa qulil hamdu lillaahi sa yureekum Aayaatihee fa ta’rifoonahaa; wa maa Rabbuka bighaafilin ‘ammaa ta’maloon (section 7)
And say, “[All] praise is [due] to Allah. He will show you His signs, and you will recognize them. And your Lord is not unaware of what you do.”
And say: “Praise be to Allah, Who will soon show you His Signs, so that ye shall know them”; and thy Lord is not unmindful of all that ye do.
And say: “All praise be to Allah, Who will soon show you His Signs that you will recognize.” Your Lord is not unaware of what you do.
And say [(O Muhammad SAW) to these polytheists and pagans etc.]: “All the praises and thanks be to Allah. He will show you His Ayat (signs, in yourselves, and in the universe or punishments, etc.), and you shall recognise them. And your Lord is not unaware of what you do.”
And say: Praise be to Allah Who will show you His portents so that ye shall know them. And thy Lord is not unaware of what ye (mortals) do.
And say, “Praise be to Allah! He will soon show you His signs (and) then you will recognize them; and in no way is your Lord ever heedless of whatever you do.”
Say, ‘Praise belongs to God: He will show you His signs so that you will recognize them.’ Your Lord is never unmindful of what you all do.
کہہ دیجئے، کہ تمام تعریفیں اللہ ہی کو سزاوار ہیں وه عنقریب اپنی نشانیاں دکھائے گا جنہیں تم (خود) پہچان لو گے۔ اور جو کچھ تم کرتے ہو اس سے آپ کا رب غافل نہیں
और तुम कह दो कि अल्हमदोलिल्लाह वह अनक़रीब तुम्हें (अपनी क़ुदरत की) निशानियाँ दिखा देगा तो तुम उन्हें पहचान लोगे और जो कुछ तुम करते हो तुम्हारा परवरदिगार उससे ग़ाफिल नहीं है
Dan katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah (yang melimpahkan nikmat-nikmatNya yang tidak terhitung), Ia akan memperlihatkan kepada kamu tanda-tanda kekuasaanNya supaya kamu dapat mengetahuinya (dengan jelas nyata)”; dan Tuhanmu tidaklah lalai akan segala yang kamu lakukan.
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Hadith on seeking advice:
Al-Hasan said, "People never seek advice without being guided to the best possibility available to them." Then he recited, "and manage their affairs by mutual consultation." (42:38)
Surah Al-Qasas
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Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 258